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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. Is that source one of the many fake twitter accounts?
  2. I expect he'll start a GoFundMe page to pay off the huge fine.....
  3. I just checked Skyscanner for a London-BKK flight in January. EvaAir direct flight - £697.41. Qatar (1.5hr transfer) - £704
  4. So there is definitely a secret deal to form an alternative government.....
  5. Slip of the pen for sure. They meant to say 25 BILLION.....
  6. That's not what the article said. In the linked article you didn't read.
  7. Unlikely to be alphabetical according to Americans.
  8. Quite a lot of payback for the offender though. There is plenty of ancient graffiti at the Colosseum but recent addition have proved costly. £15800 costly in one case. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-30182678
  9. Is the answer 'because they are considered so much more important than the 500 poor lives lost in the boat off Greece' ? It does show that the de-sensitising programme is working fine.
  10. The fact they were able to be extorted for 140m demonstrates just how much money is lost through online gambling.
  11. Did it cause many outbreaks of racism and bigotry?
  12. Not since the early 70s. Nowadays the Ace Cafe is a very fancy mecca for expensive car/bike meets and not really for the teenage bikers and the North Circular has been very sanitised.
  13. But you just said it was miles ahead of the west. Marriage or civil partnerships are fairly common in the west.
  14. Headline says "Phuket Taxi Drivers Asked to be More Polite to Tourists" Presumably a compromise has been reached whereby taxi drivers are consistently rude to everybody
  15. Ah! The floods of 2011/2 where the water wouldn't go into the sea so the great ideas men in Bangkok came up with the idea of pointing a raft of long-tailed boats upstream and have their engines running full bore to hurry the water to the sea. Comedy gold...
  16. This is on a different level at 3.75% per DAY.
  17. What date was it he said he'd return?
  18. “Cecil Graham: What is a cynic? Lord Darlington: A man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing. Cecil Graham: And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything and doesn’t know the market price of any single thing.” ― Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere's Fan
  19. Makes a change from bagging a snatch
  20. Only 380000 years before the Empire State building disappears
  21. File under old chestnut... https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-presidents-raised-debt-ceiling-110017986.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMDaepNeSaP4XMrzZ7IEIAi7IfL1UW7FgRBcDdq3EM5PBmvNQ-wjLFIAbDMamgUtOmxwM886FWQVCquhfogPReYhrOesFx21O35VcTeGzrFe7Snc8DdSrAkwMP45nENmWLquEXQ3nUhCP8kOCOgvCjE2JqCx-tY04m10y2C2ZF4i
  22. Googling "james wattana net worth" gives results suggesting he is worth somewhere between $2.7 and $5m. He was only the eighth snooker player to earn £1m, although that was ages ago.
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