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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. Indeed, they have liberated many nations. One handed because Soichiro Honda's original specification was that the rider should be able to carry boxes of soba noodles while riding. Perhaps when Cub's and the like first arrived in Thailand in the early 60s, they were regarded as bicycles rather than motorbikes. Decades later this is now regarded as 'tradition' and therefore cannot be changed. This theory would explain some of the odd regulations like being banned from fly-overs etc.
  2. Disappointed to find that the 'Red Mirage' is not some Marvelesque evil villain but just a potty little red car.
  3. No mention of whether they were tested for drink/drugs. No, it must be microsleep and thank you for the generous donation.
  4. What about after the 1950s? This abuse was going on until 1996
  5. Getting in early with the 'it's somebody else's fault' plan.....
  6. Current price of gold per gram is $55.45 (2033Bt) so 80g is worth 162668Bt in scrap value alone. Even if it was just 9ct gold, it works out at 61000Bt. Maybe it just looked a bit like gold....
  7. And that is why there are never any queues at Swampy when you arrive......
  8. You can't use a non-Lenovo kbd as you almost certainly won't find one that fits in the hole and then all the connections would have to be identical. Copies are usually available on ebay and other auction type sites. If you want to try something not involving a new keyboard, you could try repair installing Windows (I assume it is windows..) which would either fix it or at least prove the operating system is innocent. Another option is to create a free live USB of a Linux distro and try that. If the keyboard works properly using Linux, the finger can be firmly pointed at the Windows install. The fact that the USB keyboard is working rather suggests that the windows install is ok and the old keyboard has a terminal fault and needs replacing.
  9. Almost certain that your keyboard is knackered. Has it had any liquids spilt on it? (usually the case). To replace a keyboard takes about 15 mins max and replacements are easily sourced online. Cost wise, a replacement keyboard should be around 1000Bt. An alternative if you trust no shop, is to buy a USB (or wireless) keyboard.
  10. When I did it, it came out as Tuesday 31 December 2013 £1 GBP = ฿54.2315
  11. 44.9739 was its low point - the average was more like 48-49. After mid-August 2013 it remained at over 50 until year end. Chart and table of daily rates if you wish to bicker https://www.exchangerates.org.uk/GBP-THB-spot-exchange-rates-history-2013.html
  12. Yes, it was obviously Labour who were lending in the sub-prime market and it was labour that ran Lehmans Bank. Yes, the 2008 world financial crash was obviously caused by Labour. And yet, after 12 years of perfect Tory financial management we are worse off (excluding the banks who managed to wangle £800bn through QE and the super rich who increased their wealth exponentially).
  13. Including all those UKIP MEPs like farage and widdecombe who will complain bitterly but still have time to work out how to spend their EU pensions.
  14. I'd guess that the base material is, ironically, cotton....
  15. I can see a problem. 7000 nuclear missiles on standby and a commander daft enough to use a few.
  16. And some airlines have told Heathrow to stuff it... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62163254
  17. Awwww. Isn't it lovely to see good old TAT keeping spirits up with their comedy figures - and back to the top flight in <deleted> du taureau estimations. They have hedged their bets a bit though as the article states " He also expects 11-30 million tourists to visit the kingdom in 2023" although the headline only mentions the top figure.
  18. Sounds about as British as 'Farage' although I suspect the bigot hadn't noticed that.....
  19. Again, there are existing laws covering driving while under the influence of drugs. I totally agree that without proper enforcement that it becomes ridiculous but you can't blame the lack of laws for that, because there is no lack of laws. Its been 6 weeks since legalisation and there doesn't seem to have been a collapse of society and just introducing new laws to duplicate existing laws seems to be an enormous waste of time.
  20. Possibly more times than you think... If you have a particularly bad day and get breath tested positive 5 times in a single day, you could have 20 points deducted. It does happen as well. In the UK there are 46 motorists (as at june 2021) still allowed to drive with over 30 points on their licence, one having 68 points. https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cars/article-9685045/There-46-motorists-UK-roads-30-POINTS.html
  21. a) Its not Hindi, it is Gujarat word used by Hindus. b) It means village headman, not farmer or peasant
  22. If they can't/won't enforce the current law, what makes you think that a raft of new laws will suddenly be properly enforced?
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