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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. Gravity up to its usual tricks then or does it normally go the other way?
  2. Perhaps I missed it but isn't the allegation that one of the lawyers was trying to extort millions from Joe new? Family size box of popcorn please!!
  3. I'm not paranoid about covid cases but I won't be holidaying because a) I can't get into some of the countries I want to go to, b) I don't want to spend nearly 4 weeks in various quarantine hotels and c) an unwillingness to waste £4000+ on these hotel prisons.
  4. Perhaps her parents should give her the £2300, after all, she has said she is likely to lose her graduate position. Surely, if her parents cared enough, this would be no problem at all. Her comment that £2300 would bankrupt her is disingenuous at the best, unless her parents didn't give a stuff and refused to lend/give it to her. Parents are supposed to look after their children, aren't they?
  5. I guess the suing lawyer is upset as he was still waiting to hear how much money the news agencies would pay for the story.
  6. He must be innocent - they haven't even bothered to pixelate his face..
  7. Note to headline writers This applies not only to England but to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  8. Here's quite a good source. The horses mouth in fact... https://www.gov.uk/inheritance-tax
  9. So they want to upgrade the Promenade so that, instead of being hit by mere branches, you will be able to be hit by entire trees falling over. Well done!
  10. And you are using the Tourist Authority of Thailand as a source. That well known paragon of accurate reporting and estimation. Or, as some might say, a party more interested in creating illusions than the truth.
  11. Indeed, they should be able to and they should have been doing at least as many as Malaysia for months but the fact remains that they haven't and expecting them to suddenly improve is tilting at windmills. Perhaps they will achieve it, but I wouldn't bet the house on it.
  12. 71.8m to go in 129 days. That is 556589 per day. A figure achieved a massive 3 times since February (Aug 11/13/19), according to covidvax. https://covidvax.live/en/location/tha
  13. Can't think why you didn't compare against its immediate neighbours, Norway and Finland. One tenth of the death rate of Sweden. - 148 per million in the case of Norway, 182 per million in the case of Finland. Not good for the rhetoric though.
  14. Its only precious to them now because they want to flog it off and make a quick buck.
  15. Surely, if it is 13.8% effective then it is inaccurate to state it is 'not effective'. That would be 0%. Less effective than other vaccines perhaps, but still slightly effective.
  16. Also you can get infected more than once even when fully vaccinated. Vaccines make it more manageable by preventing the health system collapsing and reducing the deaths. Initially it was thought to be like measles - catch it once and you're safe. Once that got debunked, the herd immunity idea was toast.
  17. Another pronouncement from Monty Python's Tourist Authority...
  18. I look at the weekly trends on Worldometers as it gives a better representation of what the current state is. Currently Thailand is 10th in the world for both infections and deaths in the last 7 days.
  19. This idea that herd immunity will make everything fine is nonsense. First, herd immunity works well if catching the disease provides total immunity, which in the case of covid it doesn't. Many people have caught it twice, some after being fully vaccinated. Secondly, the assumption seems to be that vaccination is the magic bullet, but like any vaccine, it is not 100% effective in all cases. Thirdly, even if 100% of adults are vaccinated, it doesn't stop children spreading the disease. About the best you can hope for is to make the disease manageable so that its effects do not require hospitalisation in virtually all cases. At present vaccines are doing this to a great extent but they are not perfect. There again, we are only 20 months into this mess and more knowledge is amassing daily. Maybe in the future a tablet will be produced to counter the worst effects, but it is highly unlikely to just go away. Right now, bickering about whether vaccine X is better than vaccine Y is not helping. All the vaccines provide some protection - certainly more than just shouting at the virus. At the start of this, countries like the US and UK did very little, assuming that, like Sars1, it would only affect one part of the world and could be ignored. A year and a half on, hard lessons have been learnt and both countries are managing the virus much better and the combined daily deaths of both are about the same as Thailands now, even though their population is about 6 times greater. Thailand still seems to be at the stage that they believe the virus will just go away in a few weeks and that the fiction of herd immunity is within touching distance. It isn't and will probably never be. Covid isn't going to get blown away, washed away or even jabbed away. It will be around for years and will continue to take no notice of what politicians say, no matter how important they think they are.
  20. And according to TAT the 120 million will be spending 49 billion baht .....
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