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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. You cannot. You need to keep the 800k in the bank until three month after your extension of stay has been granted, and you furthermore need to upgrade the deposit again to 800k bah two month before you next time apply for an extension of stay. By that time you can apply for extension based on marriage and withdraw 400k baht. The reason is, that the present extension of stay has been granted on basis of retirement with a deposit in a Thai bank. If you default on that, you default your extension of stay and shall in principle leave the country. You cannot extend you stay, if the previous extension is breached. However, go and talk to your local immigration office, if they will permit you to change method before your present extension of stay ends.
  2. It's depending on the local immigration office, how the 90-days are counted. Some places continously counts from last entry date, others – like where I live – resets the count by each extension of stay.
  3. It's possible with a bit of training, a lion is excellent to jump and can easily jump into the back seat of a convertible Maserati. The trick is to learn the lion that the back seat is the lion's safe place. You need to buy the convertible Maserati before the lion, otherwise the lion cannot learn that it's the back seat of the Maserati, which is the safe place. If you wish you learn more about lion-training, I'll recommend you to George Keller's book...
  4. khunPer

    the wai

    I wai often – following the local tradition and wai people I know, or wai back when they wai me first. There is a kind of status, who shall wai first, which might be little complicated for a foreigner. But good friends, I gladly wai as first, and people I know of higher status, including elder people. Otherwise I return wai, when someone I know wai to me – I'm considered of high enough local status to be a person, who some shall wai first – but of course I don't wai back to shop attendants and like, where you are not supposed to wai back, but I can thank for their politeness with a little nod. Polite respectful wai to elders in the community has over time given me lots of benefits.
  5. How do you know... Many thanks for the kind offer, but I don't wish your life-style, and especially not after 10 pints; I hate beer and therefore never drinks it... PS: I already have a marvelous life...
  6. Interesting subject, very interesting. Yes, I switched from curious atheist to FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster), after I found out that I'm more into facts than beliefs. Especially after I realized that Buddhism has no specific god, so there is place for everyone to pick and follow a good way of behave and live. FSM better describes my interest in facts, but still with an open curious seeking mind, and with a reasonable amount of goof humor for longevity; even that I look forward to the afterlife up in that kind of party-heaven His Noodliness has created. Before I had en feeling of reincarnation and rebirth – perhaps I've been down here before, if I trust my dreams – but I'm becoming more and more suspicious, if there is anything at all beyond this life; even that the history is full of reincarnation events. I've actually read quite a bit about this extremely interesting subject, but have over time become more skeptic. Resurrected or return? If I'm resurrected my soul – or whatever it might be – will end somewhere up there in heavenly spheres; hopefully in the "party-heaven". If I'm reborn – or rather some om my thoughts or whatever spirit or soul is – I might end up with dreams and curious questions about the possibility of reincarnation. If I end up as something in between this life and resurrection or rebirth, I'll probably become a ghost, or rather an irritating poltergeist, who likes to teaser other; i.e. the living ones. So far I've decided and wrote in my will, that my physical remains just shall be burned and nothing else done. I have moved on, one or other way. Funeral and ceremonies are for those still here – not me, I'm already gone – so if any left has a need, they are welcome, if it can help, but don't do anything, believing that it's for me or my wish. If you have any good things you wish to say to me, then say it now, and not at a funeral ceremony, when I'm already gone.
  7. For three month you might rather look at a travel insurance with repatriation to your home country.
  8. Yes, and but not the date that his pasport expires, and he wish to get a new one before his extension of stay. Please read OP again, the questions is about valid visa in the old passport, when he get his new one, before next application for extension of stay: I have an extension stay till next year around june / july . however my passport will be expiring soon . I am travelling out of thailand and then coming back a month later with my new passport . in this case ,what happens to my extension of stay ? what should i do in this scenario ? I appreciate any advice / helpful info .
  9. To my knowledge, NOT if it's a partnership limited; the four Thai employees are for a company limited.
  10. You cannot get an extension of stay for longer duration than your passport. Get a new one before you extend your stay. If travel abroad you might also have problems with a passport with less than 6 month duration.
  11. By my experience the max allowed decibel level in Thailand equals max volume on your amplifier...
  12. If you read again, OP asks about how to to do with existing extension extension of stay. He don't mention when his passport expires, but he says that he already has an extension of stay until June/July next year and is changing his passport before the extension of stay expires. In that way, he will have a new passport for his next application for extension of stay.
  13. Not if you read, what so far has been said by the government – saving might be taxed as interest.
  14. Of course he exists – I've even met him... – and my CCTV also snapped him, when delivering gifts for Xmas to my house here in Thailand...
  15. If I was you, I would do it before 1st January, as we still don't know any details about how transfers eventual will be taxed from next year; I actually transferred savings for my next car this month of same reason. You can deposit the funds in a fixed account for best interest – for example 3 month or longer – if you are not going to use the money right away. Note that the banks guarantee is 1 million baht, so if you feel unsafe, you can split the savings over a number of banks. So-called Fund Books with low risk are also a possibility, I use that, as there is no binding period to obtain gain/interest.
  16. To OP: How do foreigners begin as self employed in your country? The probably need a work permit. There is a new visa for distance workers available, which has already been mentioned in an above reply (I repeat link HERE), but the financial claims are quite high. You didn't mention your home country. Some countries allows a citizen living abroad to still have a domestic registered business, provided there is an address in the country, which could be registered in a friend's or a family member's address. Some countries also allow bank account actions or transfers without domestic taxation, when you stay less than 180 days in your home country and are tax resident abroad. As suggested above, do a bit of homework, so you know your options. You cannot legally as foreigner be self employed in Thailand. You can establish a partnership with your wife – when you get married to your girlfriend – and extend you stay based on marriage. You will be allowed to get a work permit, which can be in the partnership limited. There need to be two Thai employees for a foreign work permit, your wife could be one of them. When providing only customers abroad, there will be not v.a.t. and claim for v.a.t.-registration. Salary will be personal income taxed – it's low, compared to many foreign countries – a profit left in the partnership limited will be company taxed. You will need an external auditor for annual statement and tax report; there are several threads in the forum where you can find lots of additional information. Another possibility is to continue like a number of digital nomads do, keep your distance work under the radar, and officially live from savings from abroad. You need a foreign bank account for your business, and only transfer your need for personal spending into Thailand. It's not really legal, but nobody seems to care much at the moment about individual digital nomads and remote workers. Note, that you might be income taxed from 2024 of savings transferred from abroad.
  17. OP however writes that his passport expires before his extension of stay: I have an extension stay till next year around june / july . however my passport will be expiring soon . I am travelling out of thailand and then coming back a month later with my new passport .
  18. No, when you enters on a non-OA you'll need a 3 million baht health insurance for extension of stay. Choose a normal non-O for retirement instead, and extend your stay for 1 year, if you alreadu know that you are going to stay for a longer period in Thailand. The only benefit with a non-OA is that you can keep your funds abroad, instead of in a Thai bank deposit; but when applying for extension of stay you still need the funds in a Thai bank deposit, so your benefit from OA-visa has gone. Otherwise, as other posters recommend, leave Thailand and re-enter visa exempt and apply for a non-O domesticalley, or simple re-enter with a non-O visa; the latter you might still be able to get issued in a neighboring country like Malaysia.
  19. You can show both passports upon entering the Kingdom, all valid visas are still valid in an otherwise expired and cancelled passport. When back in Thailand you shall go to your local immigration office where you extension of stay is approved, and ask for your original visa and extension of stay being transferred to you new passport. Keep the letter that comes together with your new passport, the immigration office might wish a copy. Your new passport will be rubber stamped with confirmation of your original entry visa and latest extension of stay, and from that time you only need to show your new passport. Example of visa-transfer... Example of extension of stay transfer...
  20. It might well depend on the local immigration office, they have different regulations when it comes to proof of rental agreement. Furthermore, regulations can change during a 30-year period. Best thing would be to have permission from the owner to be registered in a Yellow House Book for aliens, then you have proof of address for the immigration office; furthermore you can apply for a pink ID-card for foreigners.
  21. Yes. If owner registered in house book there will be a 50% deduction of appraised property value (land+house), the value will be divided with 10 – or split over 10 years – and income tax calculated for each year without any personal deductions; i.e. starting at 5% for each year. The is an excellent property sales tax calculator HERE.
  22. I've done online 6-7 days late and was (luckily) accepted.
  23. I've used it, but can't remember exactly how much; I think it was around 200 baht.
  24. You can extend your stay domestically for 1,900 baht. If leaving the country and re-entering, you'll get another 30 days visa exempt entry. Your ticket return date is your problem, you will need a ticket out of Thailand within your 30 days visa exempt stay. As mentioned above, it might be the airline checking you at the departure destination. The flight reservation method, also mentioned above, is often recommended and might work, I have no experience, and I either haven't hear about any problems using that method. Otherwise a cheap budget airline ticket our of Thailand can be the solution, especially if you already wish to visit a neighboring – or other – country. If you apply for 60-days tourist visa from home it needs to be multiple entry, to re-enter on the same visa. However, with a 60-days visa you return ticket is no problem and you will still get 30 days visa-exempt when re-entering.
  25. Best heat insulation comes for Q-con blocks – aerated concrete – but they are not cheap; it's about 3 times the cost of the cheap blocks. It's a rater old Swedish invention, and for years many Scandinavian houses used that as only insulation, up to some time in the mid 1970's, when building regulations for insulation became stricter due to the first oil-crises. The product became available in Thailand about 15 years ago – the product were new when I built my house in 2009. A benefit with aerated concrete is – Q-con is a Thai brand name – that you can save a lot of aircon-power. Furthermore, they are easy to drill in – without being a thin layer with nothing behind – if you wish to hang something on the wall.
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