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Everything posted by TigerandDog

  1. you need to go and watch the videos where they did testing of the effect of the impact from an AR15 on the ear. Even a small nic would have taken his whole ear off and done damage to Chumps skull. The whole thing was staged so Chump could play the victim yet again.
  2. Off to Vietnam, for the first time, next weekend for 10 days with 7 days on the golf course playing in an amateur tournament.
  3. just finished season 2 of Troppo, only 2 eps to go in S2 of House of the Dragon, S1 & 2 of D I Ray, for Star Wars enthusiasts The Acolyte was a good series, also The Jetty another good British crime series. If the poms do anything well it's their tv crime series. Movies check out The Boneyard.
  4. It's taken a long time Bob but you finally managed to post a comment that actually makes sense instead of your usual drivel.
  5. then speak to your GP if you're that narrow minded. A person offers you a viable alternative that works and you don't even have the common sense to research it before posting dumb replies.
  6. Just need to reduce the dose and administer it on an empty stomach, then there is very little or no nausea
  7. plenty of Youtube videos by Urologists on the topic of PT-141 peptide. You should check them out first before replying like a jerk would.
  8. forget that drastic measure, get yourself some PT-141 peptide (injectable or nasal spray). With the right dose it works a charm for men and women. Plenty of Youtube videos giving info about it and minimum & maximum doses. Do your research first though, and yes it is available in Thailand but only as an injectable to your belly fat, like an insulin shot.
  9. the only thing you got right in your comment was that it was staged. The rest is just absolute gibberish.
  10. how could he indicate that he planned the attack well in advance? Are the Secret Service able to communicate with the dead now? Stop believing the BS in the papers. This is Chump planning & setting up playing the victim at it's best.
  11. Chump was in on it, and there was a wound otherwise how do you explain the blood from his right ear, because that's the kind of desperate low stunt he needed to pull to get his support base riled up. Otherwise, being the coward that he is he would have cowered and run away as quickly as possible instead of saying wait, wait, wait and then posturing to his cult members the way he did.. Nobody has mentioned yet that the shooter was a registered Republican, instead t\he Trumpists are blaming Biden and the Democrats. He's going to milk this for every dollar he can scam out his brainwashed cult members.
  12. My post was based entirely on information I received from a tax accountant in Melbourne. After watching the video in another post it appears that the information I was given by that accounting firm was not entirely correct. Nevertheless it still means that the aussie age pension is assessable income here and a tax return must be submitted. The other point I will reiterate is that if an aussie expat is permanently residing in Thailand, full time, and they have no assets in Oz they should notify the ATO that they have permanently left Oz which means no more aussie tax returns are required and as such no aussie non-resident taxation on the age pension. With all the deductions we are entitled to claim ( see posts by Mike Lister itemising them all) spme tax would be payable here, BUT if you have been receiving interest on your bank account and that interest has exceeded 20kTHB then teh tax that is automatically deducted could be enough to reduce your tax payable to zero or get you a partial refund of teh tax you've already paid on your bank interest.
  13. Regardless of whether you have a Thai tax file number or not, under the Australia/Thai DTA Oz CANNOT legally tax you, even at non resident rates as long as you are a resident for Thai taxation purposes (viz 180 days or more per calendar year). The DTA stipulates that ONLY the country where a person is a resident for tax purposes can tax that person, viz. Thailand. All you need to be able to do is prove to the ATO, preferably using a tax accountant who has full knowledge of the DTA, that you have been a Thai resident for tax purposes for those 4 or 5 years and submit a claim for a FULL refund of all taxes paid to the ATO during that period. Earlier this year I telephoned a tax accountant in Melbourne who specialises in DTA's, with regards to my Oz Age pension to be told that even though it was tax free in Oz it was assessable income here in Thailand, and during that conversation he told me about one of his clients who had been living fulltime in Thailand for the previous 15 years and being taxed by the ATO at the Oz non-resident tax rate of 32,5% on his age pension. The accountant lodged a claim with the ATO making them aware that under the relevant section of the DTA that the ATO could not legally tax their client on any income as he was aThai resident for taxation purposes. The client received a FULL refund of the tax paid over those 15 years. The thing to keep in mind is that as per several posts by Mike Lister, there is a full range of deductions that we can claim to reduce the actual assessable amount thus reducing the amount of tax payable if any. In my case those deductions will reduce the annual amount of my assessable income (age pension only) to below the 120,000 baht level thus resulting in my still having to lodge a tax return BUT not having to pay any tax whatsoever. The other step yhou should take, via a tax accountant, is to have the ATO notified that your last tax return was your final one as you would not be returning to Australia.
  14. did you read the OP's entire post? He was told that he must provide a 12 month statement when the next extension is to be done. They'll easily be able to see that his father made the withdrawal before the 3 months were up.
  15. all you Chump groupies have very short memories, especially if you were around when Chump ran for office the first time. Up until the time the convicted orange turd ran for office the first time he ALWAYS voted and financially supported the Democrats. During an interview he was asked why he was running as a republican, his reply "because they are easier to manipulate". The only truthful words to ever come out of his mouth. Just look at how the Republican party & it's supporters have been manipulated by him.
  16. Not necessarily a correct answer but man boobs could be an early indicator of insulin resistance. Get your blood sugar level & blood pressure checked. In my case it was a thyroid issue I went from toxic overactive to toxic underactive after my thyroid was nuked with iodine. Before being put on thyroid medication I put on weight, grew the man boobs, was always tired and lethargic. So that's another possibility. Sheryl is probably the best one in this forum to take notice of when it comes to comments about possible medical issues, not individuals like myself who can only comment on what they've experienced.
  17. The last TM30 I submitted was in 2016 when I moved to CM. I never use my passport when checking into hotels in Thailand. Always use my pink ID card or driver's license. Will be travelling to Vietnam in August and today when doing my 90 report I asked about TM30 on my return. Was advised I would need to do a new one. So to avoid possible difficulties when doing my next extension will get the missus to submit a new TM30 on our return.
  18. Do you have a debit card with Kasikorn bank? This amount looks like it could be an annual direct debit for a debit card.
  19. no he should NEVER post or comment again. Unless he can come up with something sensible instead of the never ending drivel that he does.
  20. The OP shouldn't have any issue at CM. I've been doing extensions there for the past 8 years and the funds have ALWAYS been based on when extension application is processed NOT the permitted to stay to date. CM is NOT the rogue office some people make it out to be. If you have your paperwork correct you will not encounter any issues. The complainers usually don't have the correct copies or are missing copies. I've found CM to be very consistent in the way they process things.
  21. Firstly the IO was WRONG with her interpretation of the rule. Secondly see Dr Jack's post with a copy of the actual rules hereunder: Please note it clearly says FILING date NOT extension date Thirdly you can post an admission to all in this forum for posting incorrect/misleading information based on an IO's wrong interpretation of the rules and stating they are correct.
  22. not correct Tod. Dr Jack gave the correct information.
  23. CM are now requiring 12 months bank statements in addition to the usual passbook copies.
  24. Hogan is just as big a pathological liar as the orange turd, and also a convicted felon. I guess he'll run with the MAGA Republicans
  25. Bob, finally a comment from you that makes sense.
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