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Everything posted by TigerandDog

  1. have already started the process. Current bank will not be happy when they see how much I'm going to transfer to the new account. I expect them to come begging me not to do so 55555
  2. you made a general comment, not one specific to your bank account type. That being said, my account is also a fixed term deposit and I'm still able to print my own statements.
  3. I don't need to go through that BS procedure as I print my own 12 month statements the morning I go to the bank for the guarantee letter. Been doing so for the past 10 years. Bank stamps my printouts, no questions asked.
  4. Commenting incorrectly again Dr Jack. Did you read the entire post? I doubt it based on your reply. You're developing a habit of only partially reading posts and then posting comments that are either wrong or irrelevant. I don't need you to refer me to things others have outlined or for you to WRONGLY state "I do not understand the bank letter and other requirements". I've been doing this annually at CM for the past 10 years completely trouble free until my bank started to screw me around due to their lack of knowledge and incompetence. IT IS THE BANK. They have changed their policy and REFUSE to issue bank guarantee letters stating that the 800k has been in the account for the seasoning period prior to the application despite being shown a copy of the Police Order, in Thai and English, CLEARLY stating what is required. I spoke with senior officers at CM Immigration yesterday and again this morning and the bank guarantee letter is required by CM certifying that the 800k has been in the bank for the seasoning period even though I have copies of my passbook for the past year PLUS 12 months of detailed bank statements. For those of you claiming a bank guarantee letter is not required for the seasoning period, please read bullet point 4 in the Police Order hereunder: CM has ALWAYS required this. Imm bank documents.pdf
  5. Has anyone encountered this kind of stupidity from their bank? I'm due for my extension of stay next week. Was at my local bank branch yesterday and enquired, seeing as I had so much trouble with them last year, whether they now understood what was required in the bank guarantee letter, and showed them what was required from a copy of a previous bank guarantee letter, as I didn't want to be spending 2 1/2 hours in the branch again this year, like I did last year because the staff, including the branch manager, had absolutely no idea what a bank guarantee letter was and they had to continually telephone their Head Office for instructions on what to do PLUS I had to sign so many different forms, which had never been previously required, all under the guise of new bank policy. The first thing the staff told me yesterday was that the bank's new policy does not allow them to issue a bank guarantee letter certifying that the funds have been in the bank for the required seasoning period prior to the application, and if they did they would be fired. They gave me a template of what they are supposedly allowed to issue. It was actually a letter certifying funds for a new visa application. I took the template to my local Immigration Office (they only do 90 day reports & TM30's) and they stated that the format was not acceptable as it did not comply with the Police Order requirements. The Senior Officer photographed the template and sent it to CM Immigration via LINE and then telephoned CM. CM confirmed with me that the template letter was not acceptable. The local Imm Office then gave me a printout of the documents required (in Thai & English) which I took back to the bank branch. Even after seeing this they still said they could not issue the required bank guarantee letter, but they would send a copy to their Head Office and call me back. Received the phone call this morning, and despite seeing the content of the required documents as set out in the Police Order, the bank's Head Office advised the branch staff they could NOT issue a bank guarantee letter as required by Immigration. I then telephoned CM Immigration to enquire as to what I could do if the bank continues to refuse to issue the bank guarantee letter with the required mandatory information. The chap I spoke to was quite helpful actually. Although he did state that I must have the bank guarantee letter he was understanding as to the situation and said he would have his supervisor contact BKK Immigration Head Office so they could contact my bank's Head Office and tell them they are required by law to issue the bank guarantee letter and that failure to do so could result in the bank and the employees involved being prosecuted. Although I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen. I also lodged a lengthy formal written complaint with the bank's Head Office this morning. So will be interesting to see the outcome. They've got until Friday next week to get it sorted.
  6. Don't know about the accuracy of this reporting as Big Joke has been in my District in CM, in an official capacity, for the past couple of days.
  7. don't agree. I've checked into several 5 star hotels throughout Thailand over the years using my pink ID card. Never had an issue. Plus I always have my Thai driver's license with me as backup in case they won't accept the pink ID card.
  8. consulates won't be doing that. The Revenue Dept will obtain the information directly from the banks and we will have to provide bank statements for the calendar year showing the incoming deposits when submitting a tax return.
  9. TigerandDog


    because like so many others in this forum do, you need to have your stupidity repeatedly pointed out to you until you come to your senses, and STOP signing your name on your comments. We know who you are from your profile. You must be a very insecure individual.
  10. TigerandDog


    you've NEVER posted a sensible comment. Your comments are ALWAYS stupid or nonsense.
  11. TigerandDog


    there was no need for your stupid comment in the first place
  12. TigerandDog


    why is this subject coming up again? There's too many sanctimonious fuddy duddies in this forum who still expect the standards (with regards to tats) that we grew up with to still be applicable today. Those with tats usually get them for legitimate reasons. They no longer have the stigma that was generally applied back in the 50's & 60's, viz a gang member, a criminal etc. In many countries it is cultural to get tattoos. Even Egyptian mummies have been found with tattoos on them. So this bias by some people towards tats is just another example of discrimination. If you want to have tats good on you, if not good on you BUT keep your anti tat biased opinions to yourselves. This OP and ALL future OP's that are anti tattoo should be blocked from comments.
  13. Bob, why do you always sign your name at the end of your posts? That's what people with low self esteem do. We know who you are from your profile
  14. I have 3 that I watch regularly. #1. Scammer Payback #2. Anfield Agenda #3. Jim Venetos Golf.
  15. For the Aussie expats that are Thai tax residents please read the following: Tax Alert: Thailand to tax foreign income - Expat Taxes Australia
  16. I booked my April appointment for CM in January, and was lucky to get that as all the dates and times bar one had already been booked.
  17. When you were a teenager loud speakers like that didn't exist and neither did cars or motor bikes. Khaosan road has been like that for yonks. I was actually watching a video on YouTube last night about Khaosan road that was posted 5 years ago. My first visit to Khaosan road was back in 2006 and it was exactly like that. Your reaction to all the noise just shows that you've become a sad old fart.
  18. the fridge test is to put some EVOO in a small glass (like a shot glass) and leave it in the fridge (NOT the freezer) overnight. Real EVOO will 100% solidify. If there's any liquid still on the surface then it's fake. In other words it has other oils such as canola oil palm oil etc mixed in. If you get 2 layers in the bottle as per your comment, then it is most likely fake.
  19. 3 brands that are definitely NOT fake are Bertolli, Carbonell & Minori. I've done the fridge test on the first 2, so I know they are not fake and I mainly use Carbonell a Spanish EVOO. If Carbonell is not available I use Bertolli. Most of the fake olive oils appear to be Italian.
  20. just put in the fridge, not a chest freezer or freezer of any kind.
  21. The first thing with EVOO is to make sure it's not fake. Fake EVOO has things like canola oil and other types of oil mixed in, which means it's actually detrimental to your health. If you want to test the EVOO put a shot glass of EVOO in the fridge overnight. Genuine EVOO will 100% solidify. Should there be any liquid residue on the surface it's fake EVOO. Secondly, ONLY ever buy EVOO that is in a dark (preferably green) coloured bottle. That is what keeps the light out and therefore prevents the oil from going rancid. Thirdly check the labels, front and back to ensure that the oil is cold pressed and that there is a produced date AND a best before date on the rear label. The maximum period between the produced date and best before date MUST be 18 months. Bertolli is genuine BUT their rear label only has a best before date, so there is no way of knowing when it was produced and it could have been anywhere up to 2 years or more prior to the best before date. Carbonell is also a genuine EVOO and it has both dates on it's rear label. This is the one I currently use. Monini is another genuine oil but my local supermarket only sells it with an unhealthy oil as a freebie stuck to it, so I haven't been able to see any dates on the rear label. Never buy EVOO in plastic or clear bottles, it will go rancid very quickly. I buy my oil at Lotus's. My local Makro has Bertolli but only in 1 litre bottles. Based on information I've seen in videos by olive oil experts and reading data, it is recommended by those experts that for home use you should only purchase 250 or 500 ml bottles. 1 litre bottles and larger quantities, especially in tins/cans are meant for restaurants that have a heavy turnover in EVOO use. Should you, or anyone else, have any genuine questions please feel free to message me rather than post an enquiry as a comment.
  22. Forget the calorie count. EVOO is loaded with healthy monounsaturated fat and polyphenols. Even my GP was surprised at the results I've achieved since starting to drink it daily. He said he knew it had health benefits but my results blew his mind. Admittedly I've drinking double the suggested amount, but not exceeding that because too much EVOO will have you sitting on the loo far more than you would like to. Did you actually watch the video I posted? If you don't trust Dr Mandell (??) then go to YouTube and watch any of the numerous videos there on the health benefits of EVOO.
  23. nope. I was already eating healthy, doing DDPYoga 4 times a week and cycling an average of 150kms per week. I was even on blood pressure meds, but none of this was having any impact on my blood pressure, blood sugar or LDL cholesterol. The only impact the healthy eating and exercise was having was keeping my weight constant at 80kg (176lbs). All the improvements have occurred since starting to drink the EVOO. As previously stated, 2 tablespoons (30 mls) every morning on an empty stomach and the same dose 1 hour before bed every night.
  24. That may well be true if you can believe the YouTube video claiming he's only a chiropractor, BUT that doesn't change the fact that what he and many other REAL drs say about the health benefits of EVOO isn't true. I've been drinking EVOO now for around 6 months and my high blood pressure (165/85) is now well within a healthy range (114/70), my blood sugar level has dropped from 145 to 92 and my LDL cholesterol is now also within the healthy range. So it does work.
  25. start drinking extra virgin olive oil. 30 mls (2 tablespoons) every morning on an empty stomach and the same dose again 1 hour before bed at night.
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