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  1. I got Tinnitus in 2020. I also went to ENTs in the beginning. They are useless, don't waste your money. Manage your exposure to loud environments, work places, concerts etc....Protect your ears with ear plugs if exposed to loud noises. You will be fine, it takes adjusting to in the beginning. They will do endless tests, try to prescribe you ototoxic drugs like klonopin or its cousin, for you to be able to deal with it....don't go down that road! Lead a healthy life and spend your time and money on more worthwhile things. It sucks at first but your body will adjust and your brain will learn to live with it and not be aware of it at times.
  2. You pay and then you can renew your tax. You pay the amount on the ticket not double.
  3. It can be a total nightmare, especially if you are flying in and have to run around town to get the pictures redone several times. Yes, they have the requirements you must download(size, no filters, no retouching, type of file, face position, background color, no more than 400 dpi etc....). However in my experience, some Photo shops like to retouch or get it all wrong and you must go retake them. The little stand out front, 10 yrs ago, was great! I imagine some Photo shops in the area know all the specs and are used to the business and requirements needed from the embassy. Hence, my original question.
  4. It doesn't have the "information you need" and it is obviously always the first line of action to search online. Thank you for your condescending comment. After twenty years on this forum, I wasn't aware of Google! Thank you!
  5. It's that time again for a passport renewal. Everything has changed as expected! Where does one go to get the appropriate passport photos which meet the meticulous criteria needed in Bangkok? There used to be a stand in front of the embassy but that seems to be long gone. Thanks.
  6. As Buddhist doctrines say, all is impermanent and suffering.
  7. https://www.tatnews.org/2022/04/letape-thailand-by-tour-de-france-phang-nga-2022-cycling-event-set-for-mid-may/ https://www.businesseventsthailand.com/en/event-calendar/detail/93-letape-thailand-by-tour-de-france
  8. Maybe it is just a ploy, that will not pass as a law. Scaremongering, to make you thankful for just having to pay the new remittance tax on income brought into Thailand, regardless of when it was earned. Either way, one should consider an exit plan or stay only 179 days. Government funds are depleted, economy is not performing, tourism mainly attracts war refugees, quality of services are abysmal(atleast in the Southern region), inflation is at an all time high, etc....Yet, all we hear is tax this, tax that, tax now. Laws are amended without warning, there is another amendment to tax on worlwide income. Could be a tactic to make everyone grateful for just a remittance tax or it could be real. The fact is Thailand has lost its shine a long time ago. They should incentivise foreign investment not penalise it. Instead of following the Western model, which has become a total failure.
  9. Don't get frustrated! Just dump all your items on the counter and walk out! They will catch the drift.
  10. Animal cruelty is a punishable offence. Discussing your intentions to break the law(premeditation) and cause harm to animals in a country in which you are a guest is not a very intelligent move! Tough guy, maybe you should do everyone a favor and take the poison yourself!
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