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Posts posted by dunkin2012

  1. Chlorpyrifos 's still not the final conclusion though.

    many questions in my mind.

    Thai authorities got the ball and play it in the way they want it.

    if you demand justice here, it's not possible. ( profits sharing) for these people.... otherwise the hotel can't be in business now.

    75% off looks like a good deal..

    to prevent people from lodging in that hotel and die ( think of it)


  2. Cause please

    usually electrical and if so yes a terrible waste of a young life but probably preventable if there were some safety standards like how about an earth ?

    Music studio, near Big C. what was the child doing in a music studio ?? what time was the fire ?? sorry if I missed some other news on this.

    Sorry for mum... But that poor little kid who needed help so desperately...one exit ??? blocked ?....tragic.

    no one knows - what time? they were sleeping and the fire broke out in the room.

    sad for the mother. that's all i know.

    serious burn.

  3. It was still inexcusable the hotel remained open after continuing deaths. Cheapo owners excuse to control poor house cleaning issues. And of course there will be no prosecution other than possibly the exterminators being taken down as the hotel owner is related to people 'in uniform'.

    Is it still open.....???

    it is and with 75% off.

    Please if ya have 9 lives to count and

    6 feet from the edge.

  4. "I have this project in my mind but I am not going to speak about it now because this government is a copy cat and is equipped with state budget for advertisement. They have even copied my first home project. So I will announce this project during the last corner in the run-up to the election,'' he said.

    He's bang on about that. The Democrats have merely copied his populist policies.

    They continued some of Thaksin's policies, including improving some of them. No government comes to power and cancels all previous government policies.

    I call he will be PM within 5 yrs! or within 6 months with one of his puppets

    Many posters here underestimate just how popular he still is in the North and North East especially. They may get a shock when the election results are announced. Then again, if the military has done its job properly there will be nothing to worry about.

    Being popular in the North and North East will not give the PTP the majority to form government.

    i fear that the outcome will be in the opposite way.

    i don't mean i disagree but i don't understand the Thai politic.

  5. I accept to a limited extent that Thaksins despotic paternalistic policies did not help matters, but I refuse to accept that this is the main cause of the violence. In case anyone has failed to look at the world as a whole it needs spelling out - Islam has bloody borders. This does not mean all Muslims are bad, but it does mean there is a widespread problem of fanatical Islamic supremacists wherever Muslim societies border non-Muslim societies.

    In Asia we have the Thai-Malaysia border, Indonesia caused the East Timor genocide. Kashmiri sepratists murder Hindus in Northern India. In Africa there is murder and even genocide where Muslim and Christian populations mingle. Sudan was one, we just had the Ivory Coast violence and now secatarian killings in Nigeria after a Christian won the election. Europe we have Bosnia, Chechnia and I need not mention the trouble Israel has due to it's neighbours.

    This is not just a Thai problem and hence I don't believe the problem can be addressed by any policy Thailand may adopt.

    most of my indonesian friends are Islam.

    Some are very religious and some are extremely outrageous. Both have been good friends to me.

    The same for other religions. They accommodate both the God and Evil deeds.

    we should look into the history. Thai Gov. indirectly killed them in Takbai during Thaksin's time as the PM.

    they use a completely different language, unlike Khmer and Thai and 90% Islam .

    I used to post one in this forum. They are too different to be together.

    poverty too!!!!! plus insincere to solve this issue from the military, the phony bomb detectors and the zeppelin

    all are subject to corruption. and it'll go on.

  6. 20fw2n8.jpg

    Thaksin: I'll suck Thai people's blood dry... (his last promise) I swear. oh Buddha !!!, I mean it.....

    this's the best shot i've ever seen.

    love it.

    has everyone seen this one? this fugitve at the airport:jap:

    some said the gov. can't bring him stand trial for corruption cos' Red will come out again aggressively and violently. that is uncontrollable.

    old classic thing.!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. "copying" the idea!!!!!........ ......

    is this a good one?

    have Taksin studied thoroughly on "the taxi's credit card"? Nope.....i feel it

    he will cause them more problems.

    they need money management and lots of self-discipline before that.

    say not everyone should have credit card(s)..

    only fuel payment...... is it worth havin'?

    the vat refund is ok... will support

    whatta hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    police and scam other police! Buying Post........

    I know very few people who are cautious when it comes to credit cards. The Thai's are no exception. Taxi drivers, whoa nelly. This would create a major problem. Most taxi drivers I know don't have a 100 baht in their pocket. How would they ever pay for their charges? Looks good, smells bad.

    that's why Taksin's aiming the target to these taxi drivers.

    being exploited.

    lack of many things..

    i feel pitiful for them.:(

  8. more troops need to be stationed.

    more expenses.

    with 0 outcome :(

    in spite of almost everyday killing,

    can't imagine how those people can go on with their daily lives there.

    it's only a matter of time

    4,000 killed + 7,000 injured within (2004-2011) 7 yrs

    the average ≈ 571 /y -----> not acceptable

    even the police couldn't protect themselves.

    what else can we say? i don't see any solutions to that in the near future.

  9. I think nuclear electricity development should go ahead, I suggest the plant is placed near the ocean for cooling purposes, I suggest somewhere between Bangkok and Pattaya is where this safe electricity plant is placed.........close to the main beneficiaries of such low risk advancement..........also providing employment opportunity..........

    I think it would only be fair to have a poll of the Bangkok and Pattaya residents as to the locality within their region they would prefer?

    Where ever they choose to put nuclear power plants (or anything for that matter), there are always the NIMBYs. (Not In My Back Yard)

    There's already a whacking great power plant at Bang Pa Kong just north-east of Chonburi city, complete with its own big river, good transport links (you can see it from either motorway) and few immediate residents.

    whoever thinks of nuclear plants is from the stone-age.....

    believe me not?

  10. I was wondering that too.... How exactly would the poster above be in a position to have supposed knowledge of the guy's manufacturing practices?

    Is there a story to tell there??? Perhaps a pre-sale product tester???

    And on the other thing, ya.... what exactly is a foreign immigration police volunteer??? (rhetorical question there....)

    Volunteer """" Just a creep who wants to be on the winning side, ego trip---a sicko wanting to have a bit of power-a grass-return favours for lifelong visa, a hater of foreigners, auto work permit, anymore volunteers ???????laugh.gif

    a Farang betrayed other Farangs.......

    those many idiots are around... I am sure .. ginjag

  11. "copying" the idea!!!!!........ ......

    is this a good one?

    have Taksin studied thoroughly on "the taxi's credit card"? Nope.....i feel it

    he will cause them more problems.

    they need money management and lots of self-discipline before that.

    say not everyone should have credit card(s)..

    only fuel payment...... is it worth havin'?

    the vat refund is ok... will support

    whatta hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    police and scam other police! Buying Post........

  12. An earlier notice...


    9 yrs to catch him.... very efficient , the process

    a couple of things I didn't get from these articles.

    Where about in Thailand he was?

    why did it take that long to capture him?

    how the guy with to kids was killed?..............i read the 1st article that the police, Western Australia didn't want to reveal it.

    The Australian Police are just a little different to the Thai Police. In Australia if there is a murder scene or any crime for that fact the media, nieghbours and every passerby is not allowed into the area to trample all over evidence. It is not beamed live or pics of the body with investigators posing splashed in all the papers. I think I can say that all good investigators will only release certain details of a crime that will possibably assist the investigation. As we know this is not the Thai way as it is more about personal glorification and thier pictures on T.V or in the papers.

    Dinkum I think you have been in Thailand to long and become acustomed to the Thai way of Policing.

    As to why did it take so long to capture him. Ask yourself how many wanted people from around the world are hiding out not only in Thailand but S.E Asia and how easy is it to do so if you keep your nose clean. Then ask yourself how effective and motivated are the BIB at tracking down farang criminals when there is no finacial reward.

    I think Thai is the only country that expose the dead bodies to the papers...

    Been to Aust a few times. I have a rough idea of how it is. but not the investigation of course.

    comparing him with OBL..

    OBL, a pricetage = $25M 'd been on the run for 10yrs. The guy was close to that.

    OBL case 's implies that Pakistani Gov. was aware of the existing. this poor Farang maybe without a proper job entered Thailand 9 years ago. didn't They have any clue of his presence?

    I can recall that at the immi. they took a foto of every dude ....before entering the country...

    i don't blame the Aussie police for that the local BiB maybe..... no tea money then no work progress....

    do you remember the guy named Luke Michelle it didn't take too long to catch those 2 Thai devils?

    there is a little difference between Melbourne and Perth though.

  13. Nowhere in the articles is it stated he has been in Thailand for 9 years....

    "after spending nine months on remand in Bangkok's notorious Klong Prem prison following his arrest on minor immigration breaches"

    Interesting. As most minor immigration breaches and kin offences are not usually not subjected to Klong Prem.

    yep... i got your point....

    klong prem isn't the place to be for breaking minor immigration rules

  14. I am married to an educated thai, educated because her degrees are way ahead than what an average thai would have the ambition to acheieve. However, i am extremely concerned on how to provide a good moral environment for my children as they grow up. The neighbourhood where i live, has about 8-9 houses (of about 40) dedicated to be known as "mia-noi" houses. The kids in the locality are a bunch of robotic humanoids... and any kid in the age range of 15-19 is a complete nuisance to man-kind.

    Plus - the thai soap opera's ! Frankly - i cant seem to find one thai show which is worth the time for kids. I often tutor my sis-in-laws kids (eng+maths)... and often treat them to animal planet / discovery / CN.. and they seem to have developed a somewhat dis-taste for thai TV !

    Long story cut short - thai's are a mother load of creative skills... and its time the folks running the parliament did something about their education system. At the end of the day - Education improves society.

    Well if you are tutoring them in English I hope you lean how to distinguish between the plural form (Thais) and the possessive form (Thai's), and that the word is a proper noun that requires capitalisation (Thais not thai's). :unsure:


    So you finally found something to make a point about.....

    it's a typo...

    i do too

  15. Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

    Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

    Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

    Where can I report my wife for for subjecting me to crappy Thai soap opera's? I am subject to this abuse everyday pls help me.

    Have you Meer Noi? report her about your wife.... being such a way.

    most of Thai soaps has "Meer Noi". ......................... True.

    I just realize that


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