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Posts posted by dunkin2012

  1. Try compiling a complete sentence so people can understand your illiterate speech pattern. You were given the research data but was beyong your comprehension. Or should I use much smaller words - "Me work KFC, KFC mean no pay good, me want big money less work" Is that better?

    Still I need the answer in a good informative style for my question above(1-6% margins).

    no arguing......

    Just say Y/N? Or I will forget it then.

    Actually, the average profit margin for the S 7 P 500 is 8.5 %. This is slightly lower than what it was when I was teaching business 10 years ago.


    thank you

    yep, even higher for O&G section with 9.7%. KFC workers should shift to digging oil crude then. haha...

  2. Try compiling a complete sentence so people can understand your illiterate speech pattern. You were given the research data but was beyong your comprehension. Or should I use much smaller words - "Me work KFC, KFC mean no pay good, me want big money less work" Is that better?

    Still I need the answer in a good informative style for my question above(1-6% margins).

    no arguing......

    Just say Y/N? Or I will forget it then.

  3. Revenue does not equate to profit. Business 101 deduct the cost of doing business " labor, locations, supplies, franchise fees, advertising etc..." Most fortune 500 companies operate between 1-6% profit margins only" Which is better - a low paying consistant job or a high paying short lived career due to bankrupting the company?

    how did you arrive with that of 1-6% margins ? - cos i know nothing ... please. i'm curious then

    KFC is the subject and in this case there is no way of goin' "bankruptcy".

    It is called Dividend Stock Analysis NYSE they are a public company you know ;) Buy some stock and you can vote on wages too.

    School moment - Company A. sets salary budget, whining employees drive up labor cost, profit margin declines, slump in sales, doors start to close, just ask blockbuster ;) BTW I usually charge for tutoring

    i ain't gotten the evidence that these mega firms have their cakes at the rate of 1-6% after the deduction of all expenses.

    but from yours words there ain't much to gain any knowledge.

    if you would learn somethings more constructive than that I 'm willing to.

    Is that all from yous ,tiny little ? need to get back to school promptly.

  4. Revenue does not equate to profit. Business 101 deduct the cost of doing business " labor, locations, supplies, franchise fees, advertising etc..." Most fortune 500 companies operate between 1-6% profit margins only" Which is better - a low paying consistant job or a high paying short lived career due to bankrupting the company?

    how did you arrive with that of 1-6% margins ? - cos i know nothing ... please. i'm curious then

    KFC is the subject and in this case there is no way of goin' "bankruptcy".

  5. Yeah, to hell with those people who rock the boat... 5,200 baht per month is plenty of money. How dare they ask the company to pay them a liveable wage? I am sure most of KFC's supporters on the forums here live on even less.

    So , in a manner of speaking you are in agreance with the KFC policy of minimum wages , this will ensure their employees will remain slim(skinney) because they are not able to purchase that which will induce a propensity to fat accumulation .

    One point , sloth is a good aid to obesity , something many Americans can testify to .


    haha............. Amused !!!!


  6. 1.Yes "regional managers" require the ability to read and write, how dare those big corps require such skill sets, shame on them.

    Where did you work as a teen? Fast food is a job before the job. 5200 baht per month - how much is salary at 2.the local rice paddy? What is the going rate for non skilled labor? Lawn care, gardening? Plastic bottle collection? 6000 baht per month? how much are soups bought on the street daily? with drink 40 baht? 3. 40 baht per day saving employees per day 5200 baht plus monthly free food would place their salary at about 6300 baht per month. If I was KFC I would up the wages to 6,000 baht and take away all food eating privilages.

    Don't expect them to have enough for living? they are teens still living at home... As I said fast food 4.is not a job to take to support a family of 5

    1.this is an international firm with $ Millions of investment. so what do ya expect? here is a part of the job descriptions have excellent communication skills, both written and verbal

    2.on the street wheel shops? ain't have any idea dude..

    3.will they have food once a day? my calculation - 40x3 = 120 then 120 x 30 = 3600/M

    4.nothing to say for a job before another job then

    next time give me just the summary that will be OK dude.

  7. Fast food jobs are typically for teenagers, after school workers, The 1st job of a young adult. It is not the type of job you take to support a family of 5. Fast food workers do not have to think, all of that has been done for you. "Forced to eat noodles? wasn't that your primary diet from birth to date?"

    When I was teen I had worked for as little as $1 - $2 PER DAY you are crying about $1 per hour. Who is forcing you to work there?

    and you would like to work in a job paying 27B/hr now? and you say this is alright......

    take a good look at the annual profit the company has ..heap then

    can't ya still see it?

    they treated their employees badly ....... IMHO

    Why should a rock retain an engineers salary? Why should a kid off the street expect profit share of something they had no hand in building or up keeping? If you expect large salary contribute something to world worth while instead of waiting for a hand out. Bust your ass and work into a higher postition such as 1.regional director. 2."Would you like fries with that?" is not a life or death decision maker. Cleaning the freaking tables and carring out the trash is 3.not rocket science, these are low level and entry level positions, work for what you get and make a difference and the large salaries will come, until then 4.shut up and eat your noodles.

    1.How many of them can get promoted as a "regional manager" unless they are from those countries in the west with Masters or Doctorates + fluent in English both spoken and written. (the reality)

    these kids are in the kitchen all the time there is not time to master their management and English skill. the chance is "0".

    2.Honestly, I don't eat fries especially form KFC.

    3.cleaning is simple and for non-skilled , correct. And then you don't expect them to have enough for the living, improve the quality of life? Do you like them entering the sex industry, mafias,pimps, jetski scam idio****ts, crooked taxi drivers and so on? please sense it then.

    4. I guess they remain silent only 3 of them are suing KFC for unfair treatments.

    or you mean they are lucky enough to have free fried chickens from the unsold....... which most of the Thais can't afford to buy.

    BTW,yours is being rejected...........

  8. Fast food jobs are typically for teenagers, after school workers, The 1st job of a young adult. It is not the type of job you take to support a family of 5. Fast food workers do not have to think, all of that has been done for you. "Forced to eat noodles? wasn't that your primary diet from birth to date?"

    When I was teen I had worked for as little as $1 - $2 PER DAY you are crying about $1 per hour. Who is forcing you to work there?

    and you would like to work in a job paying 27B/hr now? and you say this is alright......

    take a good look at the annual profit the company has ..heap then

    can't ya still see it?

    they treated their employees badly ....... IMHO

  9. Dear friends,

    And with that money they have to pay for their accommodation, food, clothes, shoes, educate their children and have some fun once a week.

    Good idea but I can't make the right calculation.

    On the other side, no one will give them a rise if they do not fight.

    If they don't fight they will live worse and worse.

    If they lift the boycott on KFC food I am gonna support them.

    Try imagine being on BHT 27 a week.

    A bottle of Leo beer is 48 baht.

    So sad :(

    If they will fight, they will loose their jobs and will end up sleeping on the streets.

    This is conditions in the country, they are NOT any worse off the any other person working in Thailand.

    Now the managers who created the problem(providing this is all out in Thai media) may find themselves little unemployable for a while.

    First, they will end up on streets. They are already there with that money.

    What kind of accommodation can you pay for 1000 B?

    Someone may let you sleep in his yard with rats, snakes etc.

    Second, the managers created a problem.

    In the 21st century we call it fighting for human rights.

    People in New Zealand earn $13 per hour because they fought for their rights or as you say they were causing problems.

    Third, try to imagine yourself working for 27 B per hour. (read: first, really imagine yourself being there and then answer this post)

    I support boycott on KFC food.


    i second this........ back off KFC

  10. also hit the telegraph - http://www.telegraph...-bug-spray.html

    and the end to the story line

    Officials in Chiang Mai claim the tourists' deaths were nothing but coincidence, and have described them as "bad luck for that hotel".

    well done the governer of Chaing Mai, you really shot yourself in the foot over this one !

    yep.... we have seen that from 60 mins online special report, KIwi version.

    the governor said "just bad luck" and gave the sh*****t to luck. wish it will happen to one of his family members or himself.

    and what he would say to the media. "bad luck" too?

    they are not as serious as we are to trace the evidence(s) for the case's closure.

    or they know what it, the cause of death, is. and can't be open to public for some reasons. .... TiT sad

    statistically, if we work with the possibility , the results can't be explainable by themselves. Cos' there are too many deaths in one single hotel.

    why not others, why Farangs were being targeted?

    btw, thanks for your research.

  11. Thailand has few laws on the books to protect labor. Those it does have are ignored. It is common practice for large companies to give blood tests before hiring employees as they don't want to be on the hook for health care costs, that is IF they provide health benefits. Some companies require yearly blood tests and I know of one instance of someone being terminated because HIV showed up on a blood test. This was for a person employed by the company for years, despite the fact that there are some laws on the books preventing such tests. Another acquaintance with a Masters Degree (has HIV also)is trying to find work and finding it very difficult because of the required blood tests the companies give in volation of the law. Students getting out of college get decent jobs only if they have connections or even pay bribes. One has to feel sorry for workers at all levels as the companies are free to do what they want. There seems to be little in the way of fair labor laws in a country where corruption is the norm. While the specifics of the KFC issue are not clear, every time I go into a fast food establishment in Thailand I know they are being paid very little and obviously 5,000 or 6,000 baht a month won't allow anyone to live independently. Whatever the minimum wage is, if there is one, you can bet it is not enough to live on independently, particularly in the cities.

    obviously 5,000 or 6,000 baht a month won't allow anyone to live independently.

    that's why. we see Jetski scams, Bar girls, prostitution, crooked taxis, officers corruption, political sh****it and so on.

  12. Don´t forget to use the TIP-BOX next time you visit KFC:-)

    I've often wondered about the tip boxes in such places. I'd like to know if the employees really get to keep the tips or does the tip money also flow into the restaurants' tills and into the owners pockets?

    i rather not visit these restaurants if i have to feel this way. It's not my responsibility. the owner(s) should support them.

  13. If you have a problem with KFC or any other company then remmeber your voice is your voice. Be heard.....don't eat there. Couldn't be simpler. This is probably more powerful than your democratic voice. How many people who are complaining on here will visit KFC in the next month for some "finger licking good" chicken?

    I have made a promise to myself to NEVER eat in McDonald's again. Not because they are successful, but because their food is fairly tasteless, overpriced and often not hot....not to mention the calorie content. This is my choice, you are welcome to eat there if it makes you happy. This is your choice. Certainly fairer than your "democratic" vote.

    talking 'bout the fact.... I don't mean to be rude..

    i am sure Mc Donalds make their foods with much better quality than KFC.

    as far as I know they have a contact with internationalservicecheck , mystery shoppers to observe their restaurant worldwide. If i'm not wrong, there will be monthly and conducting includes the taste, the staffs, the hygiene , the length of serving time and so on......

    comparing with KFC . it's very huge different. but i don't go both of them as i am a vegetarian.....

    the (Mc Donalds)wage i don't know.

  14. Wow, 1 free meal a day and transportation allowance. wonder if they are hiring farangs? Forced to eat noodles, how many Thai's you know that DON'T eat noodles 2 or 3 times a day. They will go way out of their way to find a noodle stall. Any job that brings in more than 5,000 baht a month is a durn good job.

    transportation allowance is not provided for the OP.

    i'm so sick of this sort of scrupulous. too correct and exact

    30/meal x 3 times/day(BF,L,S) = 90x 30 days = 2,700B

    still 5,000-2,700=2,300B left for saving but wait a sec.

    accommodation and transport expenses have not been considered yet.

    It's hard... very hard, too hard .....

  15. how much do the other companies pay for minimum wage?

    in Thailand, some don't pay you that much. From my point of view, KFC gives them the average payments for food/drink industry (without bias). All others don't provide transport after work and even no free meals. however, we should look at the heap annually profits from the firm.

    How much will the company be poorer if they give their own staffs good working environment and conditions? - Nope , don't pay attention.

    Do they want royalty from their staffs? - Nope , don't care

    They can follow the labor market trend in Thailand but is it the good way of treating people in such?.

    if all other restaurants pay their staffs as low as that why does KFC have to follow?. Can't it be different?

    I can sense what the feeling of these people of being exploited. Cum 'on treat them good and in return they will work for you with quality. for me, I've never been to KFC for several yrs and I don't wanna eat their chickens, very young + full of chemicals. i'm really against this unfair business.....

  16. Chlorpyrifos 's still not the final conclusion though.

    many questions in my mind.

    Thai authorities got the ball and play it in the way they want it.

    if you demand justice here, it's not possible. ( profits sharing) for these people.... otherwise the hotel can't be in business now.

    75% off looks like a good deal..

    to prevent people from lodging in that hotel and die ( think of it)


    Is it true this 75% off ??? if so to my mind it's their way of saying SORRYsorry.gifsorry.gif disgusting.

    ginjag : it's 70% off now. I thought I have seen 75% off.

    so, Do you want a good deal?


  17. As a recent visitor noted on TripAdvisor:

    After climbing in and starting to fall asleep, I kept thinking mosquitoes were biting me... and then I thought I felt something tiny run across my shoulder, then my leg. I thought I was imagining it and eventually fell asleep. In the morning my husband's ankles and legs were covered in little red dots that were itching him like crazy. He'd gotten it worse than me. He identified them as "definitely bed bugs". Since we were checking out super early, we didn't bother making a big fuss about it... but I definitely wouldn't stay there again.

    so are ya interested ?

    Stay at Downtown Inn Chiang Mai

    Up to 70% off, No Booking Fees!

    please ... but don't let us know how bad the bedbugs are if you will go there........... haha :guitar:haha.......

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