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Everything posted by rhodie

  1. Yes, keep mopping those hospital floors. Must be really stimulating.
  2. Other forums have the ability to ignore topics that you are not interested in. That would help and allow the ability to see more topics that you are interested in. A really useful feature. I know AN want me to see every topic but it is annoying seeing topics day in and day out that am just not interested in. I would not need to scroll by as it would not show. You know you can do it.
  3. Not at all defensive. What is fun to me may not be to you. That is what I am trying to imply, not defend.
  4. Why is the bike not comfortable? Everyone is different. It is comfortable for me. Get it, I'm not the same as you. It's not comfortable for you. I get that. I am 69 and 6 foot 2. I found a cushion in Mr. DIY that is great and very comfortable. Bought the same one for the GF for the 650KMS trip. Not a peep from her. Sorry we are not all the same as you. Some of us enjoy scooters. I used to only own manual cars. I bought an automatic 6 years ago. Sure, automatics weren't that great 50 years ago, but I should have got one. They are just so much easier and more relaxing to drive. Same, same scooters.
  5. Must be more comfortable than a KTM as you don't seem to believe riders can have fun on a scooter. Have done many trips on that 135 from Pattaya. Once on a trip from Pattaya along the Mekong and heading to the Golden Triangle. Cut short by Covid in 2021. Decided to head back to Pattaya from Lampang including right through Bangkok. 750kms in a day. Happy as. I now have the Xerox. Very versatile scooter. Great in the city and out on the open road. Not looking to do 160 on a bike. Not sure why you have a problem with scooters, but each to their own.
  6. 2 years ago, rode a Nouvo 135 from Pattaya to Somdet to drop it at the village. She wanted to take the bus with the bike, but relented and we rode 2 up. Took 11 hours. Pretty fun.! Brakes and suspension held up fine. Small fuel tank was a negative.
  7. rhodie

    Trivia Pubs?

    I know some teams that play at Witherspoons and Nicky's on alternate Wednesday nights. Might be worth inquiring at one of them.
  8. I have read that before. Unfortunately nothing is definitive. So it is all up for interpretation. That's why we need this thread with real life experiences. Even that doesn't mean it won't change unfortunately. And, I think they have statements where each case is treated independently.
  9. And just to confirm, yes indeed, he has to do the 2 years. Officer told him if he leaves the country in the 2 years, his pension will be suspended until he returns and the time away will be added to the 2 years. Seems different reports on what happens in the 2 years. I thought you were entitled to reasonable trips abroad, but who knows.
  10. Yes, he expects to do the 2 years. Have another mate that was away for 6 years, but returned a 3 times in those 6 years for less than a month each time and owns a place here. He was good to go without doing the 2 years.
  11. Got a mate who came back earlier. Just got his pension approved. It took 4 months and 1 week. He has been out of Australia for 6 years. Will call soon to see if he has to do the 2 years.
  12. A very rewardable day in many ways. A great ride. Thanks again for sharing.
  13. I have a friend with very little in the way of assets, so should be a simple application, submitted on the 10th November last year and has not heard back.
  14. This used to be a great thread on useful information about the OAP. It has been hijacked by a troll. Stop giving him oxygen guys, please.
  15. Can you please tell us how you managed this. A house on land registered in a foreign name. Maybe that American treaty?
  16. Pics or it didn't happen.
  17. If we all ignore him because his information is never right, he may just go away.
  18. A great adventure. Thanks for taking us along!
  19. The long way home!
  20. Looks like another great ride.
  21. Have a safe trip back!
  22. A baht of gold will do it!
  23. Wow, nice ride!
  24. I just checked, and I did a reentry permit at Jomtien on the 10th August for an annual extension. I had been in and out of the country 3 times since my last TM30. I had no problem. Maybe it is only some IO's that are going rogue.
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