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Everything posted by rhodie

  1. Those HTML "developers" have to justify their salary somehow. Next year the new guy will move it all back to the right.
  2. I think there are 5 now but the one down the line on Soi 89 is great. https://buddybarbangkok.com/locations/soi89/
  3. Jomtien require an in person visit after you enter the country for a 90 day report. After that you can do it online. You used to be able to do the report online after returning from abroad, but that has changed in the last year. Extract from email below:
  4. I'm not sure of the rules he was under, but he didn't seem to be under pressure to do much. Transition to the pension was very easy as already on benefits. Left within a week of receiving the pension. Heavy smoker but strangely gave up when he returned to the Philippines where smokes are so cheap. Used to return to Sydney every 6 months as he only had 22 of the 35 working life years required so he could receive the full pension. Sadly, passed from emphysema last month.
  5. Go back to mopping those floors. Hopefully it'll help you develop a brain.
  6. It's 10 years ago now, but I have a friend who was in the Philippines for 15 years and returned at age 63. Was on Newstart for 2 years until he got the pension at 65 and left to return to the Philippines with portability.
  7. I'm not sure where you are getting your information from, but you may need to read @LosLobo's reply above. You can get the full pension if you have been a permanent resident for 10 years before you reach pensionable age .https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/residence-rules-for-age-pension?context=22526 "To get Age Pension you generally need to have been an Australian resident for at least 10 years in total. For at least 5 of these years, there must be no break in your residence." The link above will help you understand the rules.
  8. They can return anytime. If they return at age 67 or later, they will receive the full pension as soon as their application is finalised. They will get the full pension, if eligible, while in Australia. If they leave after 2 years on a portable pension, the 35 year rule kicks in after being out of the country for 6 months, but, if they have 35 years of working life in Australia, they continue to receive the full pension.
  9. "If you are absent from Australia long-term or permanently, your DVA payments may be made every four weeks into your bank account in your country of residence." https://www.dva.gov.au/get-support/financial-support/income-support/what-changes-your-payments/your-property-or-accommodation/travelling-or-living-overseas#:~:text=If you are absent from Australia long-term or permanently,in your country of residence.
  10. You continue getting the supplements for 6 weeks after you leave. (3 fortnightly payments)
  11. It would seem that Centrelink get notified whenever you leave or enter the country, so even though you are supposed to notify them, it doesn't matter. I have friends receiving the pension that have never notified their movements, but their pensions are adjusted automatically when they come and go from Australia.
  12. Amazing. I didn't mention any name and yet!
  13. Can you show an example of someone who only gets the pension, which is clearly above the tax threshold, being taxed? I have never heard of it. Are you implying that if someone on the full pension received additional income of $100 in interest they would be taxed on the combined earnings of the pension plus the interest? So, about $3000 in tax? Anybody out there that has had this happen?
  14. Guys, please stop feeding the troll. Just ignore his posts. It's the only way he might be starved of the oxygen he so desperately needs.
  15. Are you sure there wasn't any text before your quote? Gift tax rates in Thailand are structured to favor transfers to direct relatives. For gifts to ascendants, descendants, or spouses, the tax-free threshold is 20 million baht per year to a single recipient, with a tax rate of 5% applied to amounts exceeding this threshold. For gifts to individuals who are not the taxpayer’s parent, descendant, or spouse, the exemption is up to 10 million baht per year per recipient, with a 5% tax rate on the excess. These thresholds and rates are essential for planning significant gift transfers to ensure they are executed in a tax-efficient manner. The first 10 million is tax free.
  16. Just send the money to your wife's account as a gift. No tax on gifts.
  17. I'll narrow it down for you. Vasu is between 7/1 and Soi 9.
  18. I have 2 friends currently in Australia who are under the 2 year rule. 1 has done 9 months and his interaction with Centrelink is contrary to a lot that I have heard. He says they told him he can't leave at all in the 2 years or he will have to start the process again. The other friend has said he can leave after 6 months. I am not sure how he achieved this, but will know in 2 to 3 months if this is true. He does have a daughter in Thailand and this may have helped. Who knows. I returned for a part pension after living here for 7 years, but, I have returned at least twice every year, have my own unit there, have my driving license, valid medicare card, have done a tax return every year, etc. so I did not have to do the 2 years.
  19. You are a very sad individual. I hope by Byebye, you have left AN for good.
  20. Always great to view. Thanks for sharing Bob.
  21. Yes, I think they mixed up Australian and Austrian again.
  22. I'm no expert, but just research as I think you will find that when your money is in pension phase your charges increase thereby making the tax gain negligible. I did confirm that I could move my super back into a accumulation phase if I wanted to or split. Of course this could have only applied to the company I'm with. Good luck.
  23. Mate, go back to mopping those hospital floors. You're an embarrassing yourself again.
  24. Just to add, I was waiting for the pension as well. My estimated completion was 12 to 13 weeks. In the 13th week I called and got a very helpful officer. I was at around 90 days of waiting. When she saw How long I had been waiting, she completed the application while I was online. It took less than an hour all up. I didn't realise, but when I asked my mate it was the same for him. She told me that they try to assess the application within 49 days. So if you are waiting for over 7 weeks it's probably worth calling. I am now back in Thailand. I notified Centrelink I was leaving. I have received a payment to my account in Australia since leaving so that's the first hurdle. I have been living here for over 7 years, but, I have been back at least twice every year for a month or so. I own a home there, I do a tax return every year, even did jury duty just before covid. Hopefully I still count as a resident. But who knows. After 6 weeks out of the country I should lose the 2 supplements. I'll breath easier then.
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