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Posts posted by saengsureeya

  1. OK, I'll ask the question another way as we have many bikers here.

    If I feel you are about to kill me with your bike, do I have the right to assault you with my groceries?

    I think that would depend on whether or not you had time to move out of the way rather than just lash out with something in you hand, as this would just be an act of revenge rather than an act of making sure you are safe.

    And that's it........if you have the time to think about any action, other then escaping from the danger, it will be seen as revenge and jail-time will follow. Try to prove that the biker wants to kill you!!

  2. Cheap buffet makes it's money on drinks shocker ! shock1.gifshock1.gifshock1.gif

    Not necessarily, APEX in Pattaya offers a diner-buffet for (I think) THB 225.

    Drinks: water THB 25, soft drinks THB 40, beers THB 60-75

    OK, the quality of the food can be doubted, but the link between buffet and high prices is herewith undermined.

    The drinks prices you quoted have a good mark up on wholesale prices : water 400% of wholesale price, soft drinks 500% and beer 200-300%.

    Compare the drink prices with the prices mentioned in the OP.

  3. Cheap buffet makes it's money on drinks shocker ! shock1.gifshock1.gifshock1.gif

    Not necessarily, APEX in Pattaya offers a diner-buffet for (I think) THB 225.

    Drinks: water THB 25, soft drinks THB 40, beers THB 60-75

    OK, the quality of the food can be doubted, but the link between buffet and high prices is herewith undermined.

  4. Typical.........it's totally illegal!!

    There is no office "selling" ED-visas and any other visa can't be converted into an ED-visa.

    The only 'legal' ED-visas on offer are from Thai consulates and Embassies abroad and only registered educational institutes (like Walen, ECC, Siam, TLSC, etc) are able to help you in obtaining and extending it.

    As soon as someone is selling an ED-visa.......turn around and walk away.

  5. ste, IMHO most 'members' of TVF are nutcases who have nothing better to do then to react on every post.

    Whether their post is relevant or not is not important; the fact that their nick name and/or their ridiculous avatar is at show gives such a kick..............smile.png

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  6. On application and renewals of my extension of stay based on a WP, the immigration always asks for the PorDor 91 and other forms, stating that the company has paid income tax + social security for their employees incl. me.

    Immigration checks it as if it is their own salary.

    The minimum salary requirement is basically for all WP's of Westerners except teachers. Roughly said.

  7. not to mention half the cities youth are on drugs - carrying guns and shooting the place up every night, thugs on the beach every day extorting money from innocent tourists, it's a fcking disgrace

    Too me this TV footy thing is directed at falangs - thais can watch for free but falangs must pay, is this the only place this restricted viewing is being enforced ?

    it really is one of the most rediculous things I've ever heard

    No no, farangs can watch for "free" too......at home or on their iPhone, just as Thais can do.

    This has nothing to do with any farang-phobia.

  8. If I ask the same THAI people what they would do in the Netherlands, the answer is always: "Go coffeeshop and red-light district"

    Talking about stereotypes.

    Anyway, Lady Gaga offers the opportunity to make a lot of fuzz about nothing. Every possible mishap over the coming days will put on her neck now, that's what the Thais good at apart from selling fake watches and cooking crappy food.

  9. Finally the city comes to "rest".

    The pre-high-season started last year with the "exodus" of the flood victims end of September and the real high season took over from beginning of December.

    With a longer lasting high-season it's about time for some 'rest'.

  10. Not sure about other places, but we always refund deposits if customers change their mind.

    So, if a customer pays a deposit on an item which has to be ordered and the customer changes his mind he will get his deposit back?

    That's basically what the deposit is for: A kind of guarantee that the customer will be back to obtain the ordered item.

  11. Been to Central now, XL shop there wasn't much better BUT found what I was after ta..........

    Anyone know where to get a decent leather shoe with leather soles that arn't in that gay winklepicker style

    One store in central had some decent brogues but they were over 5000B

    Mr. Plumbs, very recently I bought a pair of Dr. Martens.

    After wearing Bata and "Italian" brands for the last 7 years, I finally found a pair of Dr. Martens


    All leather (except soles) and with re-inforced foot bed. Finally some shoes on my feet instead of plastic bags.

    Price: THB 3200 instead THB 5800

    you forgot to mention where? I have tried Outlet Mall, That was what started this thread.. DMs are fine but I want leather soles

    Dr. Martens is situated at the outlet mall; lowest floor.

    From the entrance closest to Tesco South-Pattaya it is almost at the end. Around it there are numerous shoe, belt, bag and leather shops.

    There must be something for you there.

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