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Posts posted by saengsureeya

  1. Chonburi Hospital is a government hospital and can in no way be compared to any other hospital in the region.

    Staff is often low paid, but are as qualified as any other hospital-staff in the region.

    I used to be a daily visitor for almost 4 weeks and yes, the place looks like an abbatoir, but hey, everything is low-budget; patients as well as care.

    It's very hard to believe that patients are shoved onto the lawn at night..........it happens (a lot) that friends and relatives of patients spend the night in the corridors and just outside the hospital.

  2. Living in BS myself, I have to say that BS is definitely not a farang city.

    Probably there will be a dry-cleaner, but it will be announced in Thai.

    Even the TOPS-supermarket at Laem Thong is Thai style.

    But now I have contact with a fellow-fafang in BS: Do you know where to buy a proper whole-wheat-bread? (not the factory chewing-gum in the green bags at 7/11!)

    Been to the Yamasaki bakery in Central in Chonburi?

    Yes, been there. Unfortunately, I'm only able to go there around 5 p.m. and that's when most of the bread is sold out.

    Now I get my whole wheat from Rick's Bakery in Pattaya, order by phone.

  3. The boy is a sad example of the lo-so attitude that a lot of people have.

    Luckily, the number of those people is de-creasing, but it will take some time.

    Lo-so in this context means: the unawareness of people around them and the un-meant ignorant behavior in residential areas and traffic.

    • Like 1
  4. Maintenance often includes: pool and garden maintenance, security/entrance facilities, garbage collection, street lights, etc.

    I know one example of enforcement and that's Chokchai Garden Home 4.

    There's an entrance facility with badges, if you don't have a badge, the gate won't open and you have to leave your car outside the village + garbage won't be collected.

    2 important ways to enforce the payment of maintenance fees.

  5. Living in BS myself, I have to say that BS is definitely not a farang city.

    Probably there will be a dry-cleaner, but it will be announced in Thai.

    Even the TOPS-supermarket at Laem Thong is Thai style.

    But now I have contact with a fellow-fafang in BS: Do you know where to buy a proper whole-wheat-bread? (not the factory chewing-gum in the green bags at 7/11!)

    • Like 1
  6. Went to Singapore last Friday.

    Did my online check in and printed my boarding passes.

    Was in time at Suvarnabuhmi Airport and went to the check-in (document check) desk. I wasn't carrying check in luggage.

    They saw my boarding-pass at a distance and waived me towards Immigration; no check what so ever.

    In Singapore I was slightly late, but I was assuming that I didn't have to pass the check-in desk and could go straight to Immigration and the gate.

    WRONG.......my self-printed boarding pass needed to be endorsed by the check in counter which was of course closed for my flight. So, although in time for boarding, I couldn't get the stamp and by the time the discussion was finished the gate closed too.

    AirAsia offered to book me on the next flight for a whopping SGD 241 and a refund of the missed flight would be only possible for the airport-taxes.

    Lesson learned: Check-in procedures of one particular airline do not have to be standard. It depends on the airport too. Take care that you always be at the check in desks before it closes for your particular flight.

  7. I use Kasikorn, again as like other posters no problems whatsoever, they too use the OTP and I have SMS alerts.

    How can you enable OTP with KBank?

    I can do all transactions including bill payment, without OTP, just need to be logged in.

    With KBank you either:

    - transfer money or pay a bill with an OTP

    - transfer money or pay a bill with a 2nd password

    - pay a bill without using an OTP or 2nd password.

    In the menu on the leftside of your screen (after logging in) you will find an option to change the security. Maybe you have to take care of this at your KBank branche (that was a few years ago).

  8. Great, I'm not the only one.

    For me it started 2 years ago and since then I keep my air-ways clear by using Otrivin.

    Sometimes 2 times per day, but at least once a day (before bed-time).

    All posts are valuable; a lot of solutions, but also a lot of different problems as well as causes.

    I suppose that a visit to the doctor won't do no harm.

  9. Some unexpected problems:

    - more and more commuters are using the Airport Link

    - break-parts, carbon brushes are parts that should be in stock, but they aren't

    The German supplier suggested a proper training and a certain minimum stock of parts for maintenance, but of course.......the Thai don't need any training "looh laew" and parts? "Mai mee" is a magical word.

  10. Out of respect for the dead future living passengers we must demand that a thorough investigation is carried out.

    Out of respect for the dead future living passengers we must demand that vehicle maintenance in Thailand is vastly improved.

    Out of respect for the dead future living passengers we must demand that public service vehicle drivers are highly trained.

    Out of respect for the dead future living passengers we must demand that the Thai authorities crack down on anti-social driving.

    If we don't do that, then there will be far more dead, far more people maimed, far more widows and orphans.

    So for all those people on the other thread that said let's not turn this into Thai bashing........if this happened in our own countries our press, our people, and our authorities would be all over it in minute detail.

    It's not Thai bashing, it's unacceptable practice bashing, and even if this accident was a simple unforseeable tyre burst, it's better for everybody that the Thai authorities investigate it and learn the lessons from it the same way our authorities would.

    RIP to the victims, the best tribute would be to work hard to prevent it from happening again, not by becoming Thai apologists.

    That helps no one........least of all Thailand.

    Whatever you demand, it won't bring back the passengers who didn't survive.

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