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Everything posted by ripstanley

  1. Alex are you going for a draw with Swans and Port.
  2. I just logged onto Wise and was not sent an SMS. Give it a try they may have change their login procedure.
  3. Go and sit on the toilet incase more than noise comes out.
  4. Well done FJ. 2 out of 3 aint bad. Keep up the great picking.
  5. The present government is suspended or in caretaker mode due to elections in May. Can they overturn the reverting to 30 days?
  6. Very off topic Will but a great post. Well done WA.
  7. Thanks FJ. Will wait until the fantasy team ring the bell for all clear. Usually tomorrow. I thought you were going to get me in the last game.
  8. I have a card and only get a till slip. The huge printout are for ones that register as a business.
  9. Wrong about cash. They have lines that say cash only and 10 or less items but these lines accept apps for payment and a lot more than 10 items.
  10. FJ the Fantasy has caught up. You can see your oppositions team and only 2 trades. We play each other this week. Good luck.
  11. Well played FJ. Great 1st round win. With the the fantasy I hope score for others will be there tomorrow . They were allowing unlimited changes through the round that may have something to do with it. If you click on your opponents name you can see their score but not their team. I hope this helps. I just checked my team and saw I still have unlimited change. May not change till after Round 2.
  12. I love the colour under the Op post. Every available emoji used. I have not seen that before. I am a real person (I hope) and only one account.
  13. Holidays/weekends etc do mater if you require your money to be coded as a foreign transfer. I can only state for Bangkok Bank. To gain this code it has to be coded manually by staff who only work weekdays.
  14. Great post. I do not have access to the HA HA emoji or you would have got one
  15. Nothing has been passed. It is a cabinet proposal at this stage. It will be introduced in the Budget in May and then if passed it will come into effect on 1/07/2025 This date will be after the next election so anything can happen
  16. I have used wise since 2018. I do not use the app. I have had a couple of hiccups but nothing since 2019 when I tagged my account. My extension is base on income. I transfer fortnightly. The money is transferred in the morning before 0900 and arrives in my Bangkok Bank at 1400 marked FTT.
  17. Will this is a great post. I have heard of people who love to hear their own voice but here we someone who loves to read their own writings.
  18. The smoke haze has disappeared after rain last week. I hope it stays like that for your visit.
  19. There were a couple of good storms on Wednesday evening and night. I live near Phayao and it rained all night. Sometimes heavy. I have heard the most of the north had good rain. This could be the reason for less fires.
  20. In Phayao they stopped the smoke haze over night. We had a big storm last night and then steady rain all night. The mountains looked great today.
  21. The document that you signed and did not understand was to say that you did not give any money towards the purchase of the land.
  22. You are wrong. AUSTRAC is notified of all electronic transfers of money being transferred from Australia. The $10,000 limit is only for passengers and crew embarking from Australia.
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