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Everything posted by ripstanley

  1. The school is a private school. It goes from kindergarten to Grade 6. If you know Phayao it is close to the Gateway Hotel.
  2. Good to see Chiang Rai forum has been very active. Next week back to normal.
  3. Airport closure is extended till Friday 5 Aug. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40018446
  4. It is amazing how many bikes and cars stop at a pedestrian crossing with a swinging closed umbrella
  5. Thai motorcycles riding down one way streets the wrong way, These are small soi but they do not care. Today my girlfriend was driving and stopped at a pedestrian crossing to allow people to cross. She had to wave them to cross before they would move. The system here is bad because lack of enforcement. RTP pick up your game and not the bribes.
  6. Thank you Richmond. From 42 points down and win by 7. Great comeback.
  7. I like Brisbane but I hope they loose tomorrow. Go the Swans. 4th at the moment.
  8. I would like to give you a 555 but I do not have access to the emoji
  9. Do not forget that Thai banks are closed on 28 and 29 of July. There will no transfers on these days Then the weekend so Monday it will arrive
  10. What a great goal by Drapper. In the center ruck retains handballs once then regains and goals
  11. At quarter time I thought that they were gone. Good comeback
  12. I do not know. I was only giving my thoughts of what FN may mean.
  13. FJ you should be very happy with Norths great win over Richmond. I was very delighted with the Swans win over Freo in Perth.
  14. FN is probably fortnightly.
  15. I wish that the Thai motorcycle riders would take off their amulets, open their eyes and obey the road rules.
  16. I transfer from Australia using the same reason. Always same day at 1400 for the past 2 years. The only exceptions are public holidays. I transferred today and no problems.
  17. This story is about a RAPE of a 9 or 10 year old girl being denied an abortion. The rapist should be castrated and the US state of Ohio should hold their heads in shame.
  18. Bangkok Bank holidays are 13th 28th and 29th. https://www.bangkokbank.com/th-TH/About-Us/Bank-Holidays
  19. You are in a tropical country. Why wear a tie?
  20. It is the first part of the wing with plenty of meat
  21. I bought chicken wing sticks at my local Tesco on Friday and it was 77 Baht a kilo
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