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Everything posted by ripstanley

  1. ripstanley

    BKK Hotel

    I live up north. When we used to travel to Bangkok we would stay at the Evergreen Place. https://www.evergreenplacesiam.com/. The last time I was there was 2018. Close to BTS and 10 minute walk to MBK
  2. Well done Grant. The 9 tips plus the margin. I think that is the first time in our comp.
  3. The 4 WORST posters are Bignok Social Media Black Ops Bignok
  4. It IS a holiday for government offices including Immigration and banks It also a holiday on the 4th and 5th. https://www.officeholidays.com/countries/thailand/2023 Hospitals will be open. Hospitals do not close on public holidays.
  5. Do not forget that the PM is voted for by the elected members and the members of the senate. The senate are appointed by the military and number 250. In 2019 the military appointed senators all voter for the present PM. It is a great advantage to start with 250 votes in your corner..
  6. My last online 90 day report was pending. On the 6th day I had a reminder to do my 90 day report. The next day I went to my local office and asked why the reminder when it was pending. The officer told me 2 different offices. She then went to a different computer terminal and approved it.
  7. Thanks for posting the link. I checked on Tuesday at Phayao who come under Chiang Mai and there policy is the same as the link you posted.
  8. Great one Alex. Sport and off beat news all in one. Lottery number ends in 653.
  9. Thanks for the laugh. I cannot give you a ha ha emojo
  10. Big coffee cups will be in a lot of restaurants.
  11. I watch in Thailand on the ABC. I left the word from off. Sorry.
  12. Watched it live on the ABC Australia. Exmouth a WA town of 3000 people swelled to over 20,00 people for the event.
  13. I was hoping we were going to get storms. Then I opened the link.
  14. They need more information then just the passport number and name.
  15. When I travel in Thailand I check in by showing my Thai drivers licence.
  16. Read the rest of the story before commenting On April 18, 2023, Lt. Col. Chatchai Khuean Kaew, Deputy Police Station (investigation), Thoeng Police Station received a report of an accident that a pickup truck lost control and crashed into a van.
  17. Go to your local DLT office and ask them. They are like immigration and have local rules. Usually 3 months but check.
  18. Its a small office up north. They are pretty good and consistent.
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