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Posts posted by MAJIC


    'I think the soaps are trying to influence society for the good, but is fighting a losing battle. Thai society is starting to break down quicker and quicker with the western influence that is invading Thai society through the media and especially the internet. I think the breakdown in Thai society will become worse over the next few years'.

    What a load of crap. Thai soapies are insulting to the intelligence of anybody who watches them. They stereotype ethnic prejudices.... the white skinned Hi SO and the dark skinned maid, grovelling at her feet. The weak heroine who falls over and is rescued by the handsome guy. The bitch mother from hell etc etc

    Jeez, my secret is out, I have been watching too many whistling.gif

    Maybe they are actually taking the piss out of HI SO by showing behaviour you would never see in normal Thai society. But for God's sake don't go blaming the demise of Thai culture on the evil west... quick, where's my bucket I'm about to puke.

    Dopey me ..you are a Troll aren't you giggle.gif

    As you say "don't go blaming the demise of Thai culture on the evil west" the western world has realised the effects of Television on the young for many many decades, and have what is known as the "Watershed" viewing,which have programmes with adult content,shown only after 9 pm,when young children should be in bed.But that is not to say,that all children will not be subjected to unsuitable material,Parents also have a duty to protect their children, and ensure they do not have access to unsuitable material.

  2. It is a public forum,and any member is entitled to join in a debate.

    It is a public forum,and any member is entitled to join in a debate.

    Joining in is not mandatory.

    If I personally have nothing to offer, I politely abstain and keep my mouth shut.

    Pleased to hear it,when does it start?

    When he regenerates! wink.png

    Last time I heard that word it was something to do with spent batteries? whistling.gif

  3. I think the predisposition of you question is wrong. You state men come to manila or thailand to get " female" company to feel better about themselves. The nuance about these men being losers you state in your post is totally preconditioned.

    I think you want to talk about a small number of men who actually behave like the way you suggest. My question back to you is: Why do you raise this topic?

    Why do you raise this topic?

    Why do you answer it?

    Why not??

    My question wasn't aimed at you.

    It is a public forum,and any member is entitled to join in a debate.

  4. I think the predisposition of you question is wrong. You state men come to manila or thailand to get " female" company to feel better about themselves. The nuance about these men being losers you state in your post is totally preconditioned.

    I think you want to talk about a small number of men who actually behave like the way you suggest. My question back to you is: Why do you raise this topic?

    Why do you raise this topic?

    Why do you answer it?

    Why not??

  5. Ever wondered why there are so many gun crimes in Thailand?

    Just watch Thai TV.

    It's CopyCat crimes,and anyone that thinks that Soaps are harmless needs to study some Phsycology. Thai Soaps in particular are scripted with more than enough Aggression and Violent Confrontation. Who would let their children watch them,and not feel extreme concern?

    Pure and simple Brainwashing,and at the risk of being flamed,IMHO that's where the Screaming Tantrums,and Unreasonable Behaviour originates from! and portrayed as being normal reactions.

    It has been shown that the effect of media is indirect not direct as you assert.

    Children all over the world have tantrums. It's part of normal behaviour learning. Do you blame an American child having a tantrum and pushing boundaries on Thai soaps too?

    Whether direct or indirect the end product is the same.

    And presumably American Children would not have access to Thai Soaps,so a silly comparison,considering we are talking about Thailand.

  6. Ever wondered why there are so many gun crimes in Thailand?

    Just watch Thai TV.

    It's CopyCat crimes,and anyone that thinks that Soaps are harmless needs to study some Phsycology. Thai Soaps in particular are scripted with more than enough Aggression and Violent Confrontation. Who would let their children watch them,and not feel extreme concern?

    Pure and simple Brainwashing,and at the risk of being flamed,IMHO that's where the Screaming Tantrums,and Unreasonable Behaviour originates from! and portrayed as being normal reactions.

  7. No, there's none of that in British soaps is there? No man-on-man rape in a soap aimed at teens, no people being murdered in pubs, or buried under the patio, no hitman stabbings, violent murders, cover-ups, beating of women. No affairs, quickies in alleys or anything, all before the watershed......

    Comparing other Countries with Thailand is a weak argument,and certainly doesn't excuse the issue in any way.

    • Like 2
  8. I admit that I initially did test everyone because I thought that if I told you all I was from Bulgaria, you would only further degrade my heritage. Now everyone knows the truth and maybe I am a troll living underground but I'd rather be a troll than be a walking, talking landfill. Me I not speak english so well but good enough to get over 3000 reads in one night on my 13th post. I should have more respect for my senior citizens, i feel like I'm trapped inside the worlds biggest retirement home whenever i visit an expat village in thailand....

    You better hope life is good to you,and you make it to Retirement.

    Surviving that long is one of lifes greatest achievements.

  9. That's a lot of "Thasksin says", "Thaksin defends", Thaksin announces".....etc... for a wanted fugitive.

    He's making it pretty obvious,that he is still in charge, controlling Thailand,and making sure the Constitution will be changed in his favour.He's never going to give up his personal business.........which is Thailand!

    Lord help the people!

  10. Maybe John Terry deserves some of the comments made on this thread,but a Witch Hunt by the FA was not the way to get rid of him. He was cleared by the Courts,for the Alledged Racialist Remark,so why does the FA not accept the verdict? seems like they think they are above the law of England. A poor day for Justice! and disgraceful behaviour by the FA.

  11. The British sense of humour and American sense of humour are miles a part, I have seem this first hand when I worked in the states for a while

    Well since we are on the subject, could someone please explain to me Monty Python. I still don't get it.

    Neither do I,but if you need to ask the question,you never will get it!

  12. Every time things seam to settle down a tinny bit, this troll comes out of the woods, sorry, desert and makes noise.

    Why can't he just go away, dissapear and be quite. Sitt in a hammock, look at the camels and enjoy his "pension"

    He's less Thai then most farang I know living here. I feel, better a farang living in the LOS, moaning about injustice and stupidity in this country than a Thai "Is he even Thai? Definately not at hearth" living abroad, promoting violence and destruction. Even threaten the people with increased violence and civil war if he's not allowed back?

    Thaksin - go away, go fishing, plant some lettuce, spend the money you took from the people and SHUT UP!

    The answer is very simple JoeLing,Thaksin is no doubt well aware that No Publicity,signals the end for his power struggle,and the death blow to his Meglomaniac ambitions to once again Rule and Pillage Thailand.

    Footnote: He is Chinese/Thai.

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