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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. The pickup truck payoff for cold, calculated, conspiracy to commit murder. The death sentence for these partially evolved vegetables. It took so long to pin this down and a British newspaper to track it down.

    you cant call the sun a newspaper ,its a filthy rag,only fit to wipe your arse on.

    Have you no respect for your posterior!

  2. Just be honest, you would not enjoy having sex with an older woman, why would a girl be any different. They have desires and likes too, there is a reason why there are so many male idols that woman love. Its true that guys are more visual then woman but that does not mean woman don't like handsome young guys.

    If the money was right, I could have sex with someone I didn't fancy, and didn't like.

    Enjoyment doesn't enter the equation, most many people don't enjoy their job.

    You are under the delusion because you are young (and handsome) it can't happen to you.

    But don't worry fantasies are fun, until reality hits.


    I tried to reply to Robblok,that I know a handsome young man,who has at the age of 34,already lost 2 Bars and a House to 3 different Ladies.and many other cases I could quote, So much for Young and Handsome Guys,not being at risk eh?

    Well this guy is safe enough,he's broke!

    • Like 1
  3. Wow nothing new going on here old guy takes woman half his age complete different education ,hobbies and interests and finds out the hard way it's all about money

    Please tell me something I don't know

    OK! You don't know that the same thing can happen to a Young Guy with money.

    Please show me some news reports of that ? I have only ever seen reports of older guys getting bumped off by their lots younger wives.

    If a girl has a young guy with money it will be double status, because he does not look like her grandfather and has money. No need to bump him off.

    No need to "bump him off" then,just take the younger Guys Bar,House,and Pickup! I suppose that doesn't happen to a Young handsome Guy either?

  4. Villa can be crazy expensive, however whenever i try to shop somewhere else, i always end up going back to villa to pick up something.

    I'm the same. I only go there to buy Robinson's juice as I can't find it anywhere else. Still, it costs about £3 a bottle. Crazy.

    Probably exaggerated those first prices a little, but trust me, not by much.

    You really have to stop comparing prices to the UK, of course imported goods carry heavy taxes hence the high price.....Just think of the Thais in the UK, here you get Pappaya for 10 baht or most times free from the garden, 7 years ago in the UK my Mrs bought one and it cost her a tenner!!!...so the equivalant at the time would be 700 Baht...by the way how much is Robinsons in the UK, probably over 2 quid a bottle now anyway.

    A small (and I mean small) Pappaya now will set you back £3 - £5 pounds in the UK. and I thought that was much too expensive.

  5. Why is that we have to read this type of news from an overseas newspaper but nothing is broadcast here in Thailand?

    Stories like this are always swept under the carpet by Thai media who want to protect tourism. Let's face it life is very cheap in Thailand.

    I understand the guy who killed Steve did it for 5,000 baht.

    Well, tourists don't read Thai newspapers but in fact read overseas papers like The Sun.

    Since when has The Sun ever qualified as a newspaper?!

    Only for those that buy it for Page 3.

  6. Is it not the case that there are certain toilet facilities which are known as paedophile meeting spots? That being the case I would say it was appropriate to have cameras to identify that old men were taking young boys into cubicles. That way there could be no argument about guilt or otherwise.

    So if the question is............would I approve of cameras in toilets to catch paedophiles? You better believe it.

    I'm quite happy to lose a little bit of privacy if it helps catch and convict these sick b*stards.

    I suppose by your comment it would be inappropriate to have cameras to identify young men taking young boys into cubicles right? What is it with you guys with the one paint brush fits all pedos as being "old guys". I know this guys is 65 and is a piece of pond scum and in my opinion should be castrated if guilty.

    Lay off the old guys crap!

    Same as with the guys who paint all young guys as criminals in an other topic in this section

    Maybe as an appropriate step for all retirees coming to live in Thailand is that they provide an upto date police report from their own countries, know this is place for for an O-A visa, but there is a loop hole in the "retirement visa" process and this should be closed...any sniff of criminal conviction, visa declined.

    For the UK Record,To obtain an O-A Visa before Retiring to Thailand,one must have Police Clearance of: No Criminal Record from Scotland Yard.

  7. But then what happened yesterday , there where many articles regarding Jesus , and he was actually married blah blah blah .... Was there riots over it ? No .....

    It's satire, comedy ... A bit of fun.. We can't give into these people ...

    I agree with you,but how about when the French Paparazzi publish personal photos of English Royalty persons on holiday? by nasty means of intrusion of their privacy?

  8. This is probably the most interesting statement in this report.

    "He said the red shirts' true wish is to change the country's ruling system from aristocracy to true democracy."

    The problem isn't Thaksin... The problem is that the real steps toward democracy of the people took directions which the ruling class did not accept, which the military nullified, and the people did not accept it this time around and they still want their democratic voice.

    tlansford, when are you going to get it? The problem is and always has been Thaksin,and the Redshirts do not know or understand the concept of Democracy,come back in 2 or 3 Decades,and just maybe something will have changed.

  9. The PTP and red shirts again attempting to rewrite history.

    Typical Tactics, when things are not going in their favour,just deny the existence of everything,so there is nothing to answer for,didn't we all learned this in the Playground ?

    Seems Chalerm has a memory problem,only a few days ago he was claiming the Men in Black were Policemen.

    • Like 1
  10. But as of 2008, that programme is now closed. So I guess I am increasingly right and you inreasingly wrong as those grandfathered (pun intended) get ILR the category does not remain relevant.

    The only requirement for citizenship in the UK is to be married to a UK citizen and have 64k in the bank.

    I really don't care about what happened in 2008, how is that relevant to anything?

    Can't admit that you were wrong eh ....... I have to admit that is impressively Thai, well done you really fit in.

    Is the 64k Baht or GBP,or where did you learn it was even necessary at all?

  11. Yes! most of us are aware that the Black Shirts were assisted by the Red Shirts,and by the same token the Black Shirts were there to do some dirty work for the Red Shirts! seems as though the Commission is not going to reveal,who paid the Black Shirts?

    I wonder why? must be someone close to the Reds, because even Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm claims he knows,who they were, and if so,he must be protecting someone,.......I wonder who? suffice to say: no Chrystal Ball is needed to work that out.

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