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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Note to the OP.

    I see you still have that childish "one liner" at the bottom of each post you make and i note you are also fully aware that there are other members that don't appreciate it

    Kindly remove it as i find it offensive and racist then i will sit down and read your racism post.

    You sound like a hypocrite so heres an oppotunity to prove you are not.

    That brings the freedom of speech vs. political correctness nicely on the point.

    Everyone is for freedom of opinion and freedom of speech as long as it is the one opinion....but at different opinion it must be banned immediately.

    So Submaniac is strongly against bashing Thais and think it is racist.

    But bashing British is complete normal and a sign of freedom of speech.

    I havenot read any British bashing in TV it seems to me we just give them free wheeling opportunity to do themselves in. Unless I misunderstand bashing.

    I guess we have been on different Forums?

  2. I am saying you tend to ignore a guy that could let loose at any time with a bloody machine gun, provided he is happy to ignore you.....and given the Thai penchant for avoiding confrontation.....this action does mean you agree with the violence perpetrated by such men

    Yes, you are right, it does.

    If all the red shirts had gone home in disgust at the way their peaceful protest was being sabotaged by these men in black, at the way their lives, and the lives of the wives and children were being put in danger by their presence, well it is hard to imagine the men in black, in the numbers they had, would have had any other choice but to disappear back down the rat holes from which they had come.

    As for the Thai penchant for avoiding confrontation.... seems a funny thing to be saying in light of what we are discussing.

    Sorry not getting into a who was first argument........the peaceful protestors had a right to remain without becoming targets for live amnunition in a compound where there were only limited actions (have only seen the one video incident) by the men in black

    You disagree, you are of course welcome to your opinion

    "The Peaceful Protesters had a right to remain" what holding the Country to Ransom for 3 months? you must be having a laugh !

  3. At least now there is an 'admission' men-in-black 'did' exist. So with the 515 pages (of politically correct - no blame document) can we now let this just go away? If the siege and burning of Bangkok had happened in any western city - it would not have lasted a week - police would have done their jobs - possibly with a few broken bones, and none of the barricades would have been built and there would have been no need to call in the army. But try explaining logic to Thai's...

    I have the nagging suspicion that, for the most part, the police did their job. Not their duty, though.

    Well if they did their job,and cleared the Reds off the streets in the first place,there would have been no need to call in the Army,no nagging suspicion necessary.

  4. Old timer Thais report that Thai food in general has gotten MUCH more sweet (sugar) over the decades. That is definitely a bad thing in every way, for taste and for health.

    As far as tolerance for spices and heat, I am a total chile-head but over the years I have become more tolerant of chile phobes. There is something to the idea that massive chiles change your palate so that it is harder to appreciate subtle foods.

    You may be right there! and it would account for massive doses of Salt,which almost give a heart attack in one meal,but their answer is disguise the Salt,with more Sugar,health wise a double whammy.

  5. Very little done except to line their own pockets.

    After 1 year, and the amount of money 'spent' I would have expected most of the immediate works could already have been completed.

    Just goes to prove once again that the 'higher ups' don't give a crap about the 'lower downs'.

    Any links, pictures, documents to back up these presumptions?

    Just wait for more rain to come,and that should be proof enough!

  6. Let's all use the current flood as an excuse to put down the current government , shall we?

    Rising sea levels and a low lying City equals much more flooding in the future no matter which side governs.For some on here its all so convenient to bad mouth the pm and her government .

    Tut tut tut

    Loyalty to the Government is very Noble, but let's face facts: they don't exactly deserve anyones praise for a job not done.

    • Like 1
  7. When I read TVF, I sometimes wonder about the others and picture them naked. Would they like me, want to bear my children, bare their bountiful breasts, be bashful or be prone to boxing my ears when I stared longingly into their seductive eyes? Oh how I wonder if a gentle caress of the arm would create a cialis moment, or if we would walk through a sweet smelling meadow of wild flowers. I read, I yearn and hope.

    And then the witch dismounts from her broomstick to start nagging me again, why after almost 4+ years together I have not bought a house, nor a vehicle for her and why am I so cheap, why I dress like "beggar"and why do I still maintain my own residence blah blah blah. And then I go bacjk to TVF looking for the answers to my dilemma, and perhaps to meet the one. To date I have ruled out several TVFers, but I hope to find the one, a wealthy kind hearted soul that hopefully has no one, not long to live and that will gladly leave her estate to me, and of course does not have false teeth. I don't think I could handle someone that took out the dentures and put them in a glass on the bed table.

    I fear the Witch may be all too plentiful!

  8. I used to rate Eva Air pretty highly,but since a return direct flight in June and July,london Bangkok I was disappointed.

    The food was extremely poor,cabin service was slow,and the cans of Beer were hiding in the middle of the trolly,and you had to ask twice before they admitted they were serving alchohol,as for a small bottle of wine,there was no chance of any,nothing great about the in flight entertainment either.

    Oh! and when I asked for a second can of beer,i'm sure the stewardess heaved a audible sigh in my direction.

    All told a stingy, lack lustre, performance,and it showed.

  9. I was busting to get this result out on Thai Visa and share the joy it has given me.

    I don,t want to sound like a sentimental old fool but Andy for me represents all the lovely Scottish friends I,ve had the good fortune to meet during my life.

    I,ve spent all day thinking of how they and the whole of Scotland and the U.K. must be feeling, how proud they must be of his deserved achievement and they way in which he won it, just like myself.

    There is one particular friend in Nong Khai who being a dedicated Rangers supporter from birth ( and as footie fans will appreciate ), will have had a traumatic time over the last few months, so this will, I feel sure have lifted his spirits and given him something as a proud Scotsman, to be happy about for a change.

    In conclusion I dedicate all the joy this has given me to you all, my dear Scottish friends, not least of all my special pal Colin in Nong Khai who I haven,t seen for some time, due to relocating near Chonburi and the people of Dunblane who have suffered so much heartache since the terrible happenings of a several years ago

    Thank you for your understanding in allowing me to do this.

    marshbags thumbsup.gif

    What with his Olympic Gold Medal,it's been a perfect year for Andy,and a well deserving place in Tennis History.Let us hope he stays at the top for many years to come.

  10. Let's look on the bright side for a change. Those that have to go back home for whatever reason (usually they are broke,and can't sustain their lifestyle in Thailand) can at least say that they had a few years in the Sun,and had a memorable extended holiday,something their counterparts,who do not have the courage to at least try out another Country,will probably never have such a long term, good time.

    And then there are those that should not be in Thailand,through old age and ill health,a lot of returnees are doing themselves a favour,by getting out at the right time. Back in their own Countries they will not need to worry about: ill health,and who will look after them in old age,becoming destitute,and having a reduced lifestyle,they will be with their own kind,and understand the system,which is far different system than Thailand has to offer.

    So not altogether a failure,rather a good,sensible move,and the alternatives are pretty grim,judging by the number of Farang Suicides.

    Life is,and always has been a mixture of winners and losers,lucky or unlucky,or a mixture of both.

    There but for the grace of................................

  11. A Good Analogy!

    Going back even further the whole Concept of a Federal Europe was a disaster waiting to happen.

    It doesn't take a Genius to understand that allowing Bankrupt Nations to join the Gravy Train,and put responsibility to support the them onto the paying Members of the EEC,was doomed from the very beginning.

    Nobody would be able to join a Rich mans club without paying membership fees,the whole idea was ridiculous in the extreme.Now the same lame Duck Countries ,that have been supported for decades,once again need massive handouts to ensure their survival.

    This is only the start,of the decay,there will be more paying Nations dragged down to the level of Bankrupcy,by paying some other Nations cost of living, a bit like having too many non paying guests.

    As far as I can see,the only good point of having a Federal Europe,is that there has been peace in Europe,since WW2. How long that will be,rests with the possible,complete break up of the Union, built on sandy foundations,and rocky promises, very good for the poor nations,but a millstone for the robust richer nations.

  12. Jayson's just a freak, if you had read any of his previous posts you would know that.

    Anyway the title of the story is all wrong and shows a complete lack of understanding of foreigners in general.

    Most of my pals don't hate anyone, and most of them are successful enough to come and live in Thailand and never worry about working again. It's not about hate or even dislike, it's about we have nothing they want, and they have nothing we want.

    As for the 'tier' rant

    'Top tier' guys, they can get young women in other countries, Thailand is for the 'Middle tier' guys.

    This of course excludes TEFL teachers working for 25-30k a month, who are 'No tier' guys.

    What was your occupation again HS, and what tier do you place yourself in?

    Interesting opinion Tommy but I'd have to disagree. I've met many male teachers here, both teflers and ones at more prestigious international schools and universities, and the majority of them have had beautiful, educated girlfriends/wives. OK, so most have been in their 20-30's with their own hair/teeth and no sign of a beer-belly which may have helped the girls forget about their measly income but I'd say they are still middle tier.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Wishful thinking i'm afraid Skyblustu. The problem is the Girls, most definately don't forget their measly income,that's why they go for the more mature well healed types,some of them with the body attributes you describe,but let's not turn this thread into the usual Age/Handsome discrimination slanging match!

  13. Seems like this Guys Ego has taken a beating. Perhaps he has been called Hansome man too many times,and

    really believes it. Even so he needs to learn the hard way,that not all Thai women are available,and deserve some

    respect,in some western Countries he would be prosecuted for harrassment!

    As someone has already pointed out,the Boyfriend could easily sort this out Thai style.

  14. One sometimes has to switch off reality (as we know it) in Thailand, if the name of the game: is that Corruption is

    normal,and everyone is playing the same game, then as obscure and lacking in Morals, Ethics, and Integrity,

    as it most certainly is,then let the Game be played according to the local Rules,free for all,grab as much as you can ideology, and Sod the losers!

    Do I agree with this,different way of thinking? Of course not...................but then

  15. Correct me if i'm wrong,but isn't it the Police duty to be politically unbiased and hold the peoples interest and Law and Order,first and Foremost?

    Well judging by the their failure to uphold the law, and clear the streets of the Red Brigade of Anarchist Arsonists in 2010 we know the answer to that question.

    Khamronwit is obviously a novice,he should have done what all the the other Thaksinites do: deny all knowledge of the hidden agenda,to bring Thaksin back unhindered,at any cost,which runs through the Cabinet and upwards.

  16. I joined Thai Visa in 2004,for just that, Visa advice,and then I discovered there was much more information about Thailand available.

    Then of course there are the interesting Topics that take over after the initial Visa queries have been answered by the many knowledgable experts on Tv.

    Later on my curiosity expanded into a real interest in the many people on Tv and their stories,and the many Great Characters onTv Forum.

    Love them or hate them,for the most part,you can't ignore them.

    And to uproot from their own Countries and choose to live in Thailand deserves a Medal/Badge,which states "I am not boring".

    The boring ones are still talking about breaking away from the norm,and going away from the ritual Local Pub/Bar in their own,countries,with faithful Jack Russell Terrier by their side,same old bar stool,which they have occupied f

    or years,same old,call "pint of best Landlord" live alone,and work cutting metal or working a fly press,for the last

    30 years in their local Engineering works,these are the guys who will never get to Thailand,sorry about the

    Stereotype,it can also take many other Stereotypes,which I don't particulary like,labeling people.

    So my Cyber Friends,have a chat with the Guys that have had the guts to breakaway from the mold and left a c

    omfortable life behind them,you may be surprised,the stories they have to tell, guaranteed it will not be boring!

    The boring ones stay home,in their safe little environment!

    So that's one thing I like about Thailand,I have met so many fascinating characters,from many other Countries in

    Thailand,I could stay up all night typing,about them,so I will just say,thanks to all of you,for telling me your story.

  17. The uk ( non capitals intended ) is totally cr@p. I have rented my house out for 3 years and now can't get rid of the bloody tenant even though I have a buyer waiting to move in right now. The tenant was supposed to leave 2 weeks ago ( an unmarried mother with a ten year old brat, says it all really ) and the council have told her NOT to move until I get an eviction order. Can you believe the council is in effect telling her to break the law? So now I am having to go through the courts to get MY house back. I phoned the council and some uneducated moron couldn't answer my questions like, I want to move back to MY house otherwise I will be homeless, the ignorant pratt replies " oh I have to end this conversation now". So I may lose the buyer while the unemployed sits in my lovely little house and leeches off me and the state with the council's blessing.

    What an '<deleted> sh!thole.

    It would seem you have not employed the right estate Agent to handle your house lease,nowadays it's common practice for the the lessee to sign a lease agreeing that if the Landlord decides to evict the Tenant,then they have to vacate the premises in a total of 8 weeks,so there is no hanging it out indefinately.

    This was designed,so that the Landlord does not incur costly Court fees!

    Also your house should have been leased on a 6 month renewable (or not) lease,the days of the sitting Tenant are long gone.

  18. Posting addicts are to internet forums what PIT TRADERS are to financial markets.

    They keep threads moving ... alive and humming. Well, at least for awhile.


    Imagine starting a new forum and having no posting addicts. You'd have to do all the posts yourself!

    Yes! and without the prolific posters,creating the "hits" how many Forums would die,in what is a very competitive market.

    I reckon they should all be paid bonuses,on results,but don't quote me.smile.png

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  19. Aside from the flippent and useless comments of prevention is better than the cure which no doubt will come, from a personal level for yourself, use the story as a message to get your own shit sorted out. What can you do? Well, you struggle on, pick yourself up, do what ever you can to survive. It's a major concern when there are kids involved though. no simple answers except to prevent it happening in the first place. Oh, and sell everything you own.

    I think the main thing is to keep a ultra careful eye on your finances,and try and estimate how long you can last,before putting an emergency plan into play,even if that plan means going back home. I can't think of a worse place to be destitute than Thailand.

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