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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. "So I'm left wondering, what chance of ever understanding Thais."

    The different Cultures are very far apart,and the thinking is equally far apart,

    So IMO there is very little chance of a genuine common meeting ground.

    e.g only today,we have 2 guests arriving,and 30 minutes later,my wife informs me without discussion there are 3 other guests added to the list, so much for understanding.

    And by the way: I don't believe GH is Trolling,he doesn't need to resort to that.

  2. yeah...good thing I have plenty of money but I am done giving it away. The 10 baht gold was 250000 baht 500000 baht in cash and of course I forgot to mention the 13k usd ring. I never in my life saw people like this. Worship money. Its sad.

    It's more sad when the greedy ones demand it,and actually get it!................go now,while you still have something left,you owe her and the family nothing!

  3. BANGKOK, 24 August 2012 (NNT) - The National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) has suggested that more soap operas be translated into ASEAN languages to promote Thai culture to neighboring countries and generate more income to Thailand.

    Is this the best Thailand can do to promote it's culture,that can be shown to Asean audiences? IMO it can only have an adverse effect,and really shows the major difference between the Rich and the poor, cultured people have better things to do.

  4. Listening to the advice of a Thai Lawyer who stated catergoricaly that I could buy a house in my own name!

    I thought you could buy the house but not the land.

    Yes! on a 30 year lease,which is not the same as ownership,Or in your Company name,which is still not the same as your ownership.And you are correct you can't buy the land.

    Not correct but they have you thinking that

    Go to BOI several programs where you can buy. Some developers only build for expat buyers

    1 way is transfer over 30m baht. can buy up to 2 rai land and home

    Well that's a new one on me,is that a recent devopment? and is the land definately in a Expats name with no strings attached?

  5. Listening to the advice of a Thai Lawyer who stated catergoricaly that I could buy a house in my own name!

    I thought you could buy the house but not the land.

    Yes! on a 30 year lease,which is not the same as ownership,Or in your Company name,which is still not the same as your ownership.And you are correct you can't buy the land.

  6. Listening to the advice of a Thai Lawyer who stated catergoricaly that I could buy a house in my own name!

    I'm one of the few lucky ones though, who much later came out of it OK ,and only lost 50,000 bahts,so i'm not too upset. So be careful Newbies to Thailand,you make your biggest mistakes in the first 6 months in Thailand.

    I don't think Thai Visa was in existance at that particular time.

    • Like 1
  7. Just to make sure you get answer to your question, No Thailand is not a democratic country.

    The latest government is democratically elected with about 75% of the electorate having cast their vote on Sunday, 3 July 2011.

    If you ask whether Thailand is a place where the rule of law is important that's a different issue.

    Worldwide it is commonly accepted that no inducement is allowed in Democratic Elections.

  8. Welcome to Thailand. You are learning.

    No sense in getting worked up about it as that's the way it is with many Thai ladies. It's all about their inability to take responsibility for anything they do.

    Now before the "my girl is different" crowd chimes in, my opinion does not extend to all Thai ladies, but a number do demonstrate this trait.

    Immaturity, cop out, as children often do!

  9. What has this got to do with racism? or racialism even?

    The same as it's Brothers Discrimination and Prejudice.

    Please can you explain what you are talking about?

    Have a look in a good Dictionary,and all will become clear!

    I will take that as a "no" then.

    Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

    A "No" understanding from you,would be more to the point.

  10. Scottythai

    So the question is where did you meet your wife? What bar in Pattaya or Soi 4 Bangkok? Did she work in the bar or was she drinking there? What did you talk about first?? Weather/sports/The first thing that popped up? Did you have to pay her family to marry her ? How much did you pay in sin sod? What is the weight of a swallow?

    If you need to hit out at me like that ? All good to you but what did you get out of that?

    What do you get out of Trolling?

    • Like 1
  11. I can't remember who coined the word "frotherer" on the forum, but would humbly and respectfully add the word "splutterer" to describe those who immediately resort to insults and denigration of others who do not quite hold their world view, or assessment of what happened during this very bad period of Thai history.

    I believe in calling a spade a spade and when some tools try to suggest that men in the military who are murdered while on duty, protecting the safety and freedom of their fellow citizens, were the victims of a jealous rage perpetrated by their fellow comrades, I am deeply offended.

    It like rubbing salt into the wound when these poster belittle their sarcrafice by covering up the actions of their convicted criminal hero, who orchestrated the situation that led to their murders and the subsequent deaths of many more. If thats what it means to be a frother then I wear that label with pride.

    And what if the deceased officers were killed by their comrades in a carefully calculated and deliberate move, rather than a "jealous rage "??

    It's not impossible now, is it ??

    The army is known to have divisions, as it were.

    The longer this goes on the more deluded some posters get. Next thing they will be claiming Muslim extremists. Any thing except admit they were wrong.

    The delusion is so bad in some of them that they will not even admit they invaded a hospital.

    Agreed ! some people will believe anything,except the real root of the problem,.......ergo...............Red Shirts,Black Shirts and the Paymaster General.

  12. He can cross the UK off the list,everyone pays the same entrance fee, whether Tourists or English,it's against the Discrimination laws to do otherwise.

    Unfortunately, this is true. There are hundreds of thousands of people with a long heritage in Britain, whose family will never be able to take their children to places like the Tower of London because of the high cost, while utra rich tourists from Asia and the rest of the world who have no connection or real interest in these places can easily afford it.

    I agree ! there are many English people who can't afford a day out at these very expensive venues.but sadly there is a price to pay for stamping out Racialism and Discrimination,and there does not appear to be an easy answer to the problem.

    What has this got to do with racism? or racialism even?

    The same as it's Brothers Discrimination and Prejudice.

  13. He can cross the UK off the list,everyone pays the same entrance fee, whether Tourists or English,it's against the Discrimination laws to do otherwise.

    Unfortunately, this is true. There are hundreds of thousands of people with a long heritage in Britain, whose family will never be able to take their children to places like the Tower of London because of the high cost, while utra rich tourists from Asia and the rest of the world who have no connection or real interest in these places can easily afford it.

    I agree ! there are many English people who can't afford a day out at these very expensive venues.but sadly there is a price to pay for stamping out Racialism and Discrimination,and there does not appear to be an easy answer to the problem.

  14. Well that's an interesting new (to me at least) theory, it wasn't the armed black-shirts, mingling amongst the red-shirt protesters, who did it but another army-faction.

    But at least its agreed ("not all the killings") that some of the troops were shot by the black-shirts.

    Perhaps they can also tell us who hired the Blackshirts,or will that not be on the Agenda??

    I look forward to hearing what the Big Boss tells the various investigations, even if i don't necessarily think it will happen, and didn't DPM Super-Chalerm claim to know who they were, when will he share his information with the rest of the world unambiguously ?

    Meanwhile one can only observe that the black-shirted ronin appeared to mingle freely, and without hinderance, amongst the crowds of Red-Shirt more-peaceful protesters whom Seh Daeng claimed they were there to defend, and draw one's own conclusions. wink.png

    One could be forgiven for assuming they were all bought and paid for from the same source,and it doesnt look like Chalerm is in any hurry to set the record straight either.

    • Like 1
  15. I actually don't understand why people complain about the higher price for foreign nationals and State Parks. Most countries have a different system for those that pay taxes and those that don't.

    My only objection is when people actually live, work, have a family here and still are charged the tourist rate.

    Huh? You don't understand why people are complaining? Ok, let's put it this way... if you are black, you can't eat in this restaurant, but if you are white, you can. Would you be able to understand why a black person might be offended and complain? Geez.

    Please list "most countries" that do this. Oh, and be specific, what countries have different scales for tax payers and non tax payers. This should be an interesting list. If there even is one.

    This is a racist policy. Period. Your own quote proves it. "My only objection is....blah blah blah... charged the tourist rate." It's because Thais don't see you as a tourist or someone working here, they see you as white. You are called a farang (ฝรั่ง). A farang is both a westerner and white person by definition. Chinese are not called farang. No one in Asia is called a farang. People from the middle east are not called farang, they are called แขก, which means visitor or Indian. What are you not understanding that it's not about being a tourist, it's about being white. Racism. Object to that please.

    He can cross the UK off the list,everyone pays the same entrance fee, whether Tourists or English,it's against the Discrimination laws to do otherwise.

  16. You're right. I'm tired of hearing that Thailand is poor or undeveloped. I think income levels here are almost as high as in the west for most people despite what the numbers say. I see nice cars driving everywhere and nobody seems to be "broke".

    Even a country like Cambodia has lots of monied people around. I'm not sure there is or ever was such a thing as "poor" country.

    And this is the false illusion that spending too much time in Bangkok gives one.Try seeing the Poor villages,and villagers especially in Isaan,and many other Provinces a completely new perspective emerges.

    Bangkok is where the money is,because it's had a lot poured into the infrastructure,(the villages don't have broken pavements,because there are none),over many decades

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