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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Without interfering with any political debate in Thailand where I consider myself merely as a guest, I just wanted to make a short observation. The new Senate Speaker expressed so to say his worries that by jailing Thaksin, they just would turn him into a states man. Somehow the Thai nation, reds and yellows alike, still likes the man seen the amount of free publicity he gets in the news. If their concern really is to bring down his popularity and influence, why do they not just deny the man, keep silence about what he does and says and work behind the scene to reach their goal. Of course his running mates will do whatever necessary to keep him interesting.

    Just have a look the way Belgium takes care of such politicians.

    Let me make clear that in no way I'm against or pro Thaksin. I just wonder the way politics works here.

    The old Media saying "Any publicity is good publicity" is true,in Thaksins case no publicity must be a nightmare for him,if that ever became a reality,then he will know he is finished. Our views are not considered,so we would not need to stop our discussions.

  2. I am proberly going to get a ripping for posting this, but somebody has to stand up for asbestos!!


    riding a bicycle can give you testical cancer

    smoking gives you cancer

    drinking can give you cirrhosis

    silica dust can give you sillicosis

    breathing bangkok air must be a killer!!

    driving a car can kill you

    crossing the street can kill you

    there is more danger in dealing with petrol than asbestos

    electricity can kill you

    water can kill you

    sun can kill you

    sun can give you cancer

    eating to much food can kill you

    More people die from war every year than asbestos do we ban war???? no we go and make it!!!!

    in scotland there is a death every 6 hours as a result of alcohol, that is just wee little scotland should we ban alcohol? how many people come into contact with asbestos and die, as opposed to alcohol. I dont drink as a rule but I know that I can still die because of a drunk driver, I have more fear of drunk drivers than asbestos!!!!

    leaves the question of what cant kill you ????

    I know that asbestos can be a killer but only if dealt with wrong, hey so can a chainsaw and a push bike!!!

    the list goes on, and as for break pads so now we use kevlar products well what a supprise that is now a topic for cancer.

    what is safe???????

    Germany has banned all mineral oils as they cause cancer but not vasiline... petrolium jelly, then we take vasiline and use it on our babies!! Diesel has been linked to cancer.

    I sit under a asbestos roof every day and I dont stress, as there is more danger from walking down the road than from the roof!!!

    now dont get me wrong I know there can be death as a side effect I am not saying it is a safe product, but most weed killers are not safe but you dont have a problem with your mother using them!!

    I look at the amount of asbestos used in this world and wonder how bad it really is, how long has it been used???

    it is even safe enough to eat!!! if you handle it properly then you wont have a problem, you proberly have more chance of dieing in your sleep than dieing of asbestos but we dont ban sleep!!!

    personaly I think it is a great product, and I bet it has saved many more lives that it has cost. there are not many products like it and there is not much that can replace it.

    one has to ask how much of the media hype has killed this product? how bad is it really?

    how many people have died because of asbestos and how many people have died whilst having intercourse?? are we going to ban that to?????

    now in saying that I will proberly die as a result of asbestos exposure, ok

    people tell me that smoking will kill me, so I ask the simple question, so if I dont smoke does that mean I wont die???

    the interesting thing is that with the advance of medical science we no longer attribute death to natural causes we give it a reason, and because of all those reasons we look at things different, we look at everything as a killer.

    well the cold hard facts of life are that even the purest of people WILL DIE!! its just a case of what we die of!

    you can try and life a clean life and stay away from asbestos and all the other things in life that may kill you but to do that you have to live in a bubble, not leave the house and pray that the house doesnt burn down or a drunk driver come through your wall!

    people be nice asbestos isnt bad, its how people use it that is bad !!!


    well this posting should get a few people worked up and know doubt I will be told how bad I am and how missinformed I am. but I I am a realist!!!! go and have a moan about nucular fuel, we put that in a container that is safe to drop it from 50 ft, then we load it in a plane and fly it at 30,000 feet !!!!

    welcome to the real world people products have been killing people for years, some of the biggest killers are the everyday things, Beer, Cars, Smokes but the biggest killer of all is living !!!!


    Considering the average life expectancy for African Asbestos Miners was 30 years of age,you obviously know nothing of the Health Risks.

    Why do you think most of the World has banned it?

    cause its BAD! are you an idiot? must be.

    For the record,I think your reply was mean't for the Poster,two posts before mine?

  3. David48

    I understand your sentiments,but really why should we leave a legacy to a Country that looks on farangs as: non People/Aliens,who have no say or vote,or input in the Country whatsoever.

    Are you not worrying about something the Thais would not give a second thought to????

    Enjoy your life in Thailand,but don't think you owe them anything,you pay for what you get / take.

    • Like 2
  4. The truth is, Thailand prefer to be the 'undeveloped' third world country in the 'eyes' of the world. They could not care what the rest of the world view them as. As long as the Richs & Elite Thais could continue to take advantage of this so called 'labelling' to advance their own personal business's interests. They prefer it to stay this way. So that the poor remains poor, while they get richer & richer while portraying a low key profile to the world..

    Dun be fooled guys.. The Thais are not stupid. In fact they are way lot smarter than what we think we are compared to them..

    Countless smart, savvy, intelligent, experienced businessman have been fooled & cheated by the Thais all the time..

    Smarter where there is a buck to made for sure!

  5. Yes Autan!

    I agree with you the facade is brilliant,and if you haven't lived here too long you could easily go away with the false impression that the image lives up to the reality,which is far from the truth,such as hospital treatment,and.....................

  6. I've seen some really fat kids here,

    i think as a result of computer gaming, soda, and what else western culture brought

    Why do people always blame western culture for what is a problem of Thailand? Have you not seen all the rice and deep fried meat, pig skin and sausage stalls outside schools? Have you ever tasted Thai sweets - almost 100% sugar and starch that they gobble down? Have you not been to internet cafes and gaming halls? Have you not seen all the cars lined up outside schools that the kids are picked up in? Mcdonalds is a small problem compared to these treats. Why is western culture always to blame, or are you becoming like Thais and putting all the blame on foreigners?

    Well western culture didn't teach them to eat tons of salt in their diet,and when its too salty to eat,then liberally stir in some sugar.

  7. "Ms Yingluck said the government has requested cooperation from communities and the private sector to help take care of the canals"

    This Government will go down in History, and be remembered for: when there is a problem at home, make yourself too busy and scarce,and now it's pass the buck time,so if there is another flood like last year? then blame the Companies for not keeping an eye on their allotted canal,and disown all responsibility on the Government.

  8. Are the yellow shirts now causing problems in the U.S? What next a blockade of the Los Angeles Airport? I bet that if 2,000 Americans conducted themselves the same way in Thailand they would quickly be rounded up, thrown into jail and deported.

    Sorry, but they know when to say enough is enough to a terribly corrupt and selfish criminal waltzing around arrogantly...evidently the Thais around LA have more education than...you?! Why, they can move mountains with..what??!! a PEACEFUL protest! Now that is something to behold! And something Thailand should take note of. In addition, what a coward to run away from some peaceful opposition, knowing his terrible wrongdoing on the backs of the Thai working class.

    It's a protest, now take note and do your homework my friend: they're NOT burning down a shopping mall nor building bamboo stakes...they're merely reminding the square faced little man what he did..(and they didn't even mention the 13 charges awaiting the despot when he returns, if he returns alive).

    It just occurred to me that they didn't have to hire buses and trucks to bring the protesters in from the hinterlands. Truly a lesson for the red shirts. But probably to complicated for them to understand.

    Very true,and they didn't need any bribes either,to show up and make their feelings known to Thaksin,and his Mob of henchmen! and Restaurant Booking Skivvies,that they were there to (symbolicly) Bury Caesar not praise him.

    And of course they need to be released from the Payroll,before they understand anything about freedom and Democracy.

  9. Getting a "Relationship in Thailand"is very easy, getting a genuine good relationship in Thailand is very difficult,and a Major Difference!

    Considering that a very good,honest, straightforward relationship is virtually priceless,then do not raise your expectencies too high,until you have experienced hitting the deck a few times.Then you will know the difference!

  10. I'm sure Thailand could handle the Olympics if it was purely Showmanship & Ceremony,Costumes and purpose built buildings and stadiums,unfortunately there is a world of organisation,and choreography behind it all,and suitable venues,for different sports,and if the time to build Swampy is anything to go by,it is unlikely they could make the deadlines for all the building work necessary.

    However the main problem would be:that Thailand would expect to make a huge amount from the surplus money poring into the Country,and if we are to believe past hosts of the Olympics,making a profit is unlikely either,and for that reason alone,would probably be a non starter.

    • Like 1
  11. Did any of our forummers attend any of the events? Was the cock-up with the Korean flags at Hampden the low point of the tournament?

    How was the traffic management? What was the merchandising, the off-site entertainment like?

    I was told by people who were there earlier in the year that London was looking particularly clean and well-spruced-up.


    The Organisation and Coordination of such a Collossal event was fantastic,and flowed seemlessly. One must expect some minor errors,and not dwell on them,as if it was some sort of catastrophe,there are not many Countries in the World that could have organised the Olympics so well. And the people of Great Britain should be, are very proud of the the first class presentation and performance. and the unbiased media coverage given to all participating Countries,of this marvellous once in a lifetime spectacle.

  12. I intend to grow a pair of "wiggies" to celebrate team GBR's successes.

    The massive populations and funding by China and USA compared to the 60 million pop of the UK.

    Most of the Team Gb competitors are or have been self funding, yet we still manage to wipe the floor with the rest of the world.

    That's what make GREAT Britain.

    On another note

    To members on here who have children of dual nationalities, which must be several thousand! How about we all push them more to take up Olympian sports( I'm not saying you do or don't push them enough allready). Then maybe in 8 or 12 years time we can see the benefits of a vastly improved and varied Thai Olympic team.

    For the record i have 3 who are interested in cycling, Javelin and tennis,What are your serious thoughts on this matter please.....

    Your idea is a good one,but trying to convince Thai Governments to take the Olympics seriously and put some money into Sport is going to be hard work. Witness their effort at this Olympics,at the opening ceremony it looked like the Thai Contingency was about fifteen athletes,no need to ask why they only have 1 Silver and 1 Bronze up to now,with 3 or 4 days left,and a few million larger population than the UK.

    The Thai goverment won't put investment into future Olympians. This has to start at grass roots level.Then investment will follow if resuls can be shown.

    How many Luk Krueng and Thai children live in Thailand with sports orientated parents that will push, inspire and encourage their children to be the best at a particular chosen sport?

    For the record there was 37 Thai atheletes.

    Hmmm, how can you show results without investment,or to put it another way,which comes first the Chicken or the Egg??

    and for the record it should be the Thai Government who take the initiative,and not the Farang Aliens! it's the Thai Peoples Country,and if they are not so interested,why should anyone else be??

  13. As another Poster has pointed out,it may need thinners added to bring it up to the right consistency,after which it would be advisable to sieve it through a muslin cloth or a pair of old nylon tights or stockings,into a clean can,to sieve out the bits of skin and dried paint debri.

  14. Lets be a little bit more sympthetic to Thailand! They do not have the financial support of sport and have a poor infasructure throughout the whole school system. They also have a very weak elite athletic support system and athletes who can compete, at a world level. Have a look at the GB Olympic squad and most are middle to upple class sportspeople. Most Middle to Upper Class people here can't walk more than 10 metres without a rest. Those that are Olympic hopefulls here just chase the money any manyThai Olympic medalist in the news here, talk about how many million Baht they have made. They lose the importance of being an olympic athlete and the sporting competion and competivtness. It si all about money, sadly.With this mentality they will always be inferior to many nations, along with the poor support of professional and local sporting competitions and coaching development. Thai Ahletes like other athletes around the world, should represent their country and be proud to do so, not looking for financial gain

    There are some good athletes around in Thailand, they just need support and if Thailand is ever to be a nation of contention, then a whole new ideolgy need to take place.



    And that unfortunately is the bottom line,there is no money in the Olympics,only huge outlays.

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