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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Having heard how hard the "Life in Britain Test" is,for Thais seeking a UK Settlement Visa,I decided to find out what kind of Test Papers,they are likely to be given.

    This website has over 50 Test Papers,so which one your wife is given at random, is an unknown quantity.

    My wife tried 5 different Test papers,and failed them all miserably (her best was 16 out of 24) Next, I did 5 Test Papers,and I must confess I failed 2 out of 5 Tests (17 and 16 right),of them.

    I can now see why many Thai ladies can fail as much as 3 times,it seems to me the successful ones would have to do a lot of studying,and learn most of the Questions from memory,to be in with a chance.

    Have a go yourself,

    personally I think many of the Questions are unfair,and too difficult


    • Like 2
  2. I'm not sure what all the fuss is here. £10500 tax free is very generous. Pensioners who are using all of this allowance are living way above the standard of living of pensioners who only have the State Pension to live on.

    Pensioners I talk to in the UK all seem to be of the opinion that they are better off now than they have been at any time in their life.

    The people who are suffering are working families with young children - and as I see it this has been a good budget for them.

    Yes I also believe that is correct,but it must said, that was brought about by the previous Government,even this years Pension increase (5.2%) was created by inflation.

  3. There are some men who like Thin Ladies,some like Fat ladies,and some prefer older/younger ladies, etc, or then there are those that thrive on other mens women. I've known two serial sh*tbags in my lifetime,it seems they enjoy the chase and get a kick from screwing the wives or Girl Friends of others,and also seems it's a big turn on, for them.

    Scum, that will eventually get a deserved knocking about,when they get caught out.preferably.......ending up with permanently useless nuts.


    "When your in love with a beautiful woman,you watch their eyes" Quote: Dr Hook.

    and what happens to the women that agree to cheat on their boyfriends or husbands ? hysterectomy ? seriously if this shit happens it cannot just be the fault of the man ..it takes two to tango ....

    Well of course you are right,my point was: there are some guys around who are only interested in women that are spoken for. Surely they could do the decent thing and start their own Tango,it's not exactly difficult in Thailand.

  4. There are some men who like Thin Ladies,some like Fat ladies,and some prefer older/younger ladies, etc, or then there are those that thrive on other mens women. I've known two serial sh*tbags in my lifetime,it seems they enjoy the chase and get a kick from screwing the wives or Girl Friends of others,and also seems it's a big turn on, for them.

    Scum, that will eventually get a deserved knocking about,when they get caught out.preferably.......ending up with permanently useless nuts.


    "When your in love with a beautiful woman,you watch their eyes" Quote: Dr Hook.

  5. Who is going to pay the pensions if there are no kids???????

    We can just up the pension age. Who ever heard of a busy exec getting Alzheimers?

    That's the whole point of raising the Pension age,if you survive to pick up your Pension you will have a meagre existence to look forward to,assuming you don't have serious illnesses,that will see you off quicker..... A politicians dream.

  6. 'He said in his personal view, Thaksin should be allowed to return - but the timing would hinge on

    prevailing circumstances such as the political situation.'

    As far as I'm aware there is NOTHING stopping Thaksin from returning to Thailand other than himself. He can return at any time.

    Am I wrong????

    No,you are right,the only thing that stops him,is that he can't get it on his own terms,and is unsure of his safety,forgetting about the Jail term,and numerous other charges that also awaits him.

    Don't expect another Ghandi,he is a long way removed from that brave man.

  7. Nothing more than a typical Tory Budget. Hand outs to Rich,and not much for the Poorest amongst us,how long is it to the next Election?

    And 37p on a packet of cigs,same lies "Smoking related illnesses are costing the NHS" The facts are smokers illnesses costs the NHS £500 Million a year, and brings in 7 Billion in taxes,and that was 15 years ago,(from the Central Office of Government Statistics) so there has been many increases on Tobacco products since then. so the smokers in effect are paying for their own treatment........same old crap.

  8. I always wonder why anyone would find any attraction, or much benefit in taking on Thai Nationality,

    Personally I would never give it a minutes thought,I was born English,and will remain a loyal,Englishman until I die.

    Sadly it must be said,you are only wanted in Thailand while you have money,I should hope that those that do take on Thai Nationality,realise that.

    And if they ever need serious help in their lives,and it all goes wrong,then dont expect Thailand to bail you out,as your own Country would do.

    Good Luck.

    Do you have an English passport?

    But of course,I am a British Citizen.

  9. In a follow-up article in the other paper, Kwanchai has stated that his plan was necessary because the Pheu Thai Party has failed to deliver Thaksin back to Thailand.

    He said that even five years after Thaksin has gone into exile, there is no sign of his imminent return because of PTP inaction.

    He went to say that there will be a Red Shirt rally in Udon Thani on April 7th and that if they can amass 30,000 Red Shirts they will proceed at that time with his plan and bring Thaksin back through the Friendship Bridge border crossing.

    He said that by publicly stating the date, it will also be a signal to Thaksin that if he is truly interested in returning to Thailand, that that is the time for him to come.

    He stated that his people had sacrificed everything and fought for the PTP, but that the PTP has not done enough to ensure his return.

    Further criticisms of the PTP are also reported on.


    Perhaps if the plan doesn't work out, then Thaksin can do a runner back over the Bridge into Laos rolleyes.gif

  10. your much to sensitive,

    farang go home is only meant for ,

    cheap charlies ,

    budget billys ,

    cautious colins ,

    economic erics,

    destitute dans,

    frugal freddies,

    pisshead pensioners.

    lol giggle.giflicklips.gif

    And not forgetting: Spent out Spencer.

    if i may add a ride her,

    lend me, len,

    money mie mee, ken

    And you must have met the Twins:

    Desperate Desmond


    Last Baht Bert

  11. The path to Citizenship (apart from Thai Lawyers fees,etc in most cases) may be similar,but the end results certainly,are not

    I have two Thai friends who arrived in the UK 20 years ago as a waiter and cook respectively. Today they both own their own restaurants employing quite a few people. They've spent the past 20 years paying the same taxes as any other citizen. One of them had a £40,000 VAT bill last quarter. I suspect they've more than paid for whatever benefits they'd had from the State.

    Ah! now that's another subject,but certainly good luck to them both,i'm sure they have earned their success.

  12. Very different,with UK Citizenship,you get all the financial Benefits that a indigenous Brit gets,exactly the same.

    Thailand you get nothing much, practically in comparison...........Zilch.

    You get the same as the Thais get.

    Well if that impresses you,then so be it.there is no comparison.

    I have no opinion on the relative merits of Thai or UK citizenship. I was pointing that the qualifications needed for obtaining citizenship in Thailand and the UK are similar.

    The path to Citizenship (apart from Thai Lawyers fees,etc in most cases) may be similar,but the end results certainly,are not

  13. But I do not believe this is a bad thing, because giving out citizenships like candy, as does the United States and Britain would be a disaster for Thailand, for reasons that I have mentioned above and could spell the end of Thai culture, as we know it.

    To gain citizenship in the UK you've got to have lived and worked here for 5 years and you've got to pass an exam which includes the English Language. How is that different to becoming a Thai citizen?

    Very different,with UK Citizenship,you get all the financial Benefits that a indigenous Brit gets,exactly the same.

    Thailand you get nothing much, practically in comparison...........Zilch.

    You get the same as the Thais get.

    Well if that impresses you,then so be it.there is no comparison.

  14. But I do not believe this is a bad thing, because giving out citizenships like candy, as does the United States and Britain would be a disaster for Thailand, for reasons that I have mentioned above and could spell the end of Thai culture, as we know it.

    To gain citizenship in the UK you've got to have lived and worked here for 5 years and you've got to pass an exam which includes the English Language. How is that different to becoming a Thai citizen?

    Very different,with UK Citizenship,you get all the financial Benefits that a indigenous Brit gets,exactly the same.

    Thailand you get nothing much, practically in comparison...........Zilch.

  15. your much to sensitive,

    farang go home is only meant for ,

    cheap charlies ,

    budget billys ,

    cautious colins ,

    economic erics,

    destitute dans,

    frugal freddies,

    pisshead pensioners.

    lol giggle.giflicklips.gif

    And not forgetting: Spent out Spencer.

  16. I have often read that many expats feel that the Thais do not want them here in Thailand. Has anyone every been told by a Thai to leave Thailand and to go back to where you come from ? I am sure at times you can feel unwanted here however I would like to know if you have been told as much...

    Only by Farangs on Thai Visa.

    And it shows they have been in Thailand too long themselves..........Boring!

  17. I always wonder why anyone would find any attraction, or much benefit in taking on Thai Nationality,

    Personally I would never give it a minutes thought,I was born English,and will remain a loyal,Englishman until I die.

    Sadly it must be said,you are only wanted in Thailand while you have money,I should hope that those that do take on Thai Nationality,realise that.

    And if they ever need serious help in their lives,and it all goes wrong,then dont expect Thailand to bail you out,as your own Country would do.

    Good Luck.

    • Like 1
  18. Yes.

    I have a Thai and U.S. Passport. Both U.S. and Thailand allow citizenship of another country.

    I believe there are people on this forum who already have a Thai and U.K. passport.

    I am fairly certain you can do it, BUT I do not know if the U.K. has the same policy of allowing citizenship of another country, as I do not have U.K. citizenship and never looked into it.

    Yes,dual citizenship and dual passports is allowed in the UK.

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