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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Can someone tell Daffy D that you are allowed to move house in Thailand.........anyway.......

    The Doors..............Light My Fire

    Can someone tell Daffy that it doesn't matter what the heck HE wants, the Thais will play what THEY want.

    The funeral is not about HIM !!!! smile.png

    Only in the role of financier deceased.drunk.gif

  2. Don't know about that marmite crud but good old Vegemite never goes off.

    I have jars that are a good 3 or 4 years old. After a nuclear war there will be cockroaches and Vegemite, thats it.

    What would off marmite taste like? How could you tell?

    Don't worry about the expiry date on Vegemite, it has another use: greasing wheel bearings, and rusty machinery.

  3. I concur on writing the address in Thai. I had many parcels sent to me while I lived in Phuket. 80% never arrived, no trace in the local post offices. Never seen again. Completely useless help when I went to find my stuff. Things sent with Thai writing seems to go untouched. It's as if they target the rich farang pickings. What's the farang going to do anyways... You go there you get fobbed off and they often play the 'i don't understand' or 'I don't know, sorry.' lines.

    How is the US post office even going to accept your package if everything is written in Thai? You need to at least write english with thai so it gets on the correct plane out of the country.

    I have never had anything sent from overseas addressed in Thai and never had any issues either. (knock on wood)

    The answer to the addres problem is to write one half of the label in Thai,and the other half in English.

    So both Countries understand the same address.

  4. It sounds like any respect she had for you in the past,has now gone,probabably never to return.

    You don't need to take this abuse,there's plenty of nice Thai women out there, willing to treat you decently.

    Your flogging a dead horse, Hit the Road,and don't look back,

    • Like 2
  5. Everyone who builds or buys a house in Thailand,should understand: that circumventing legalities,and setting up Companies,to buy a house,buying property on leases,and in a spouses name, and other legal means to further,"so called ownership", is a risky business,and skating on thin ice,at best.

    Laws can be changed at any time,depending on the current Government in Power,right now the present Government dosn't seem particularly pro Farang,and once they start talking about Farangs owning more land than Thais,should give out some serious signals,that their is animosity and unrest in the Country,towards Foreigners,as i'm sure many of us have noticed a distinct attitude,and change towards us in recent years.

    Maybe I'm wrong,but this is just the kind of Nationalistic Wildcard,Unstable, Government that needs to constantly pander to the whims of the have nots,and just because there has been talk about crackdowns on land owned by Farangs several times before,doesn't mean it won't happen one day.

    As many Posters have said: Gird your loins,Renting, really is the one, and only way,and the bonus is if things go wrong,you can walk away,from other problems as well.

  6. The pigs wrote that quote when they HAD taken over.

    I always loved this:

    Margaret Thatcher

    "We have become a grandmother"

    Do you have a link to that Chalerm quote?

    Or another from Margaret Thatcher: "There is no such thing as Society"

    I dont think even Chalerm would have put his name to that one.

    Talk about a quote taken out of context. What she actually said, in context, was...

    "I think we've been through a period where too many people have been given to understand that if they have a problem, it's the government's job to cope with it. 'I have a problem, I'll get a grant.' 'I'm homeless, the government must house me.' They're casting their problem on society. And, you know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It's our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbour. People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations. There's no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation."

    ..of which I have always fully agreed with.

    Myth: There's no such thing as society… only individuals and families.

    Fact: Two or more people in a cooperative relationship form a society by definition.

    Heres a link for you,I dont wish to go off Topic,by discussing it with you!


  7. Personally I wouldn't deal with someone who can't transfer money,from his own Bank Account to a Bank in Thailand,the alarm bells would ring for me,before I started a business like the OPs.

    The Fraudster couldn't cheat a Bank in this manner,and having to go through Paypal to try and retrieve his money,must be a nightmare.

    There are many Internet scammers out their,so one must always be vigilant.

  8. Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

    If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

    1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

    2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

    3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

    4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

    5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

    6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

    7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

    8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

    which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

    9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

    10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

    There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

    Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time.

    And what about all his corrupt opponents? Can you make another offtopic forum rule-breaking post (type size) highlighting all their crimes and corruptions? Maybe if you and enough other people shout loudly enough, the poeples' eyes will be opened, enough, to drive the lot of them out.......once and for all time.

    I hear what you're saying about his opponents, but they're the lesserr of two evils at this point. The onus is on you. Can't you folks come up with anyone better than someone that sees corruption as "normal" and has stolen Billions already? Come on, who's your next choice?

    The next choice isn't an individual. It's a sea change. The current patronage system is self-perpetuating, with or without Thaksin. What Thailand needs is democracy with <deleted>, democracy that gives elected politicians the power to tear apart the old patronage networks, as has happened in other parts of SE Asia to such hugely beneficial effects for their populations. Of course, it will be a difficult first few years, dominated by Thaksin (isn't it thus, anyway?). But he will run his race, and newer, more forward-thinking politicians will come to the fore eventually, (as always happens in modern democracies), and Thailand will finally join the twentyfirst century. Going into reverse gear to avoid Thaksin is an abject failure. The good old days are gone.

    Are you saying that Thailand is already a Democracy?

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