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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

    If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

    1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

    2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

    3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

    4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

    5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

    6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

    7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

    8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

    which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

    9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

    10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

    There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

    Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time.

    And what about all his corrupt opponents? Can you make another offtopic forum rule-breaking post (type size) highlighting all their crimes and corruptions? Maybe if you and enough other people shout loudly enough, the poeples' eyes will be opened, enough, to drive the lot of them out.......once and for all time.

    I hear what you're saying about his opponents, but they're the lesserr of two evils at this point. The onus is on you. Can't you folks come up with anyone better than someone that sees corruption as "normal" and has stolen Billions already? Come on, who's your next choice?

    The next choice isn't an individual. It's a sea change. The current patronage system is self-perpetuating, with or without Thaksin. What Thailand needs is democracy with <deleted>, democracy that gives elected politicians the power to tear apart the old patronage networks, as has happened in other parts of SE Asia to such hugely beneficial effects for their populations. Of course, it will be a difficult first few years, dominated by Thaksin (isn't it thus, anyway?). But he will run his race, and newer, more forward-thinking politicians will come to the fore eventually, (as always happens in modern democracies), and Thailand will finally join the twentyfirst century. Going into reverse gear to avoid Thaksin is an abject failure. The good old days are gone.

  2. Sometimes I think I will never understand " Thainess "......Why in the bleep would you tell people that are committing wrong doing, that you are going to investigate them ??? Give them time to cover their tracks ??? I think the more normal path is the western world is to quietly start the investigation, start arresting people, and let the chips fall where they may. This reminds me of his last idea, which was to record and track phone calls made by drug dealers in prison. A terrific idea, except he told everybody about it beforehand.. Sometimes I think the goal of Chalerm in this government is comic relief. It clearly is not well thought out government policies..

    Yes,but don't forget he is not interested in anything other than self promotion and free publicity for himself,by letting the people know he's a man of action,and shouldering the burdon of running the Country single handed.

    Dosn't that remind you of someone else,who previously ran the Country?

  3. I know what you mean,before I bought a brand new Toyota, I paid 150,000 baht for an 11 year old one, which is about £3100,in the UK I would have paid no more than £400 - 500.

    The only thing I can think of: it's cheap on spares in Thailand,and Garage labour costs,put a rusty heap in for a respray,and they do a very good makeover job for 15 - 20,000 baht.

    As someone said a few months ago,on another thread "has anyone ever seen a car scrap yard in Thailand" ?

  4. Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

    If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

    1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

    2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

    3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

    4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

    5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

    6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

    7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

    8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

    which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

    9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

    10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

    There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

    Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time.

    Reconciliation is like trying to 'kick a dead horse'

    I see nothing on the horizon regarding coupists acknowledging frustrations with their unelectableness, and submitting to electoral democracy, their ongoing denial of political space to the electables, and I see no acknowledgement by anyone responsible for the murders by coupists of taxpayers who challenged their power-grab.

    Until that happens, just 'fohget' about reconciliation.

    Regarding the points made above, let me offer some alternatives:

    • The last election showed how highly Thaksin is regarded by non-coupist voters. Why should those who are negatively affected by his electoral strengths due to their own electoral weakness, deny him.
    • Each Government ushers in its' own people when elected. Every change of Government brings along with it a broom to sweep out the old, and bring in their own people, not cronies, but those sympathetic to the cause which got them elected. Abhi. and Co. are welcome to do likewise, in the unlikely event he could muster an electoral win next time around.
    • All Political Parties develop and advance their political base. The Democrats do it in the South. The vehicles whereby they do that is no business of the Opposition. I'll take Red Shirt Villages any day, over murderous coupists.
    • The main cause of divisiveness is the inability of the Opposition to be elected. So they seek other ways of gaining governing power to which they feel entitled. That notion has been behind everything, which was amply demonstrated with their supremely divisive power grab in 2006.
    • Having alternative advocates on one's behalf is normal. Whether via Amsterdam, or creating all the phony proxy groups the opposition tries to hide behind.
    • Apply the Nitirat proposals as a way of cleansing recent political history. Events whereby the coupists both tried to criminalize those they 'couped' out of existence, and whereby they characterize those who stood up to their coup as anarchic, anti-social elements.
    • Provide restitution to all those taxpayers who were negatively affected to the extreme, by not only the coupist power grab, but also all the egregious actions they undertook to retain their ill-gotten gains. Murders and constitution tampering.
    • Apply taxation policies evenly to all citizens, and quit using legalities to crucify political enemies. Leave the judiciaL system out of politics.
    • Quit trying to silence political enemies through undemocratic means. Let Democracy and electoral politics take their natural course.

    There are many more initiatives required to advance Democracy in Thailand. The above merely responds to those highlighted by the Poster.

    You obviously just write about the first thing that comes into your head,..,,,,for you alone, the COUP was completely Bloodless,and the people were quite happy to use the opportunity for a photo shoot with the Army and the Tanks in Bangkok.

    It's hard to take your posts seriously,when you keep using that silly word "Coupist" (that is not even in my two English dictionaries )that appear in 90% of your Posts.

  5. Fugitive Ex-PM Thaksin Longs For National Reconciliation This Year

    If Thaksin is really concerned about Reconciliation of the Thai People,then the answer is most certainly in his hands,to give the peace process a chance of succeeding.

    1.For a start: he should stay away from Thailand for the rest of his life.

    2.Stop controlling Thailand with his cronies and hand picked Government.

    3.Disband his own personal Red Army,and progressively Red Villages.

    4.Understand that he is the main cause of the divisions in Thailand and can never be part of the reconciliation.

    5.Sack his Public Relations Propaganda companies.starting with the Propagandist in Chief, R.Amsterdam.

    6.Return back the ill gotten gains, he has syphoned off from Thailand,through illegal business deals,of which he has been convicted,and obsconded before the sentence could be passed,on most of his criminal activities.

    7. Pay for the damage his Red Shirts did in 3 months of organised Red Shirt Insurrection/Thuggery in Bangkok,and in the Provinces,alledgedly financed by him.

    8. Pay compensation to the Victims Families, during the 2003 slaughter of 2500 - 3000 War on Drugs campaign.

    which Amnesty International has stated: that most of the victims were non users of Drugs,or had any connection with Drugs,which have seen little or no convictions,for extra judicial killings.

    9. Pay his 40% Tax,which he owes theThailand Treasury for the Shin Corp/ AIS deal with Singapore,in which he and his Government altered the tax rules in favour of himself,three weeks before the deal was signed,so that no tax was payable.

    10. Go into Silent Exile i.e no more high profile Video Phone ins,or media control interviews.

    There are many other reasons why he should be voluntarily or even forcibly exiled from Thailand,his permanent disappearence would be a wonderful chance for Thailand to start a fresh new era.

    Sadly I don't believe this man will ever just go away,until the peoples eyes are opened, enough, to drive him out,......once and for all time

    And what about all his corrupt opponents? Can you make another offtopic forum rule-breaking post (type size) highlighting all their crimes and corruptions? Maybe if you and enough other people shout loudly enough, the poeples' eyes will be opened, enough, to drive the lot of them out.......once and for all time.

    Yes I shouldn't have used a large font size,by the time I went back to alter,it was timed out for editing,hands up, my error.

    I have now complied,with type size and highlighting,at least in this reply!

    I don't think I was off Topic,for the most part,it was about Thaksins longing for reconciliation,which IMO was not true,for reasons I stated,and what also IMO what could be done to help bring about reconciliation. And the Topic wasn't about his "corrupt opponents".

  6. Wasting time. They want to take action on Thaksin but they don't want to open up any channel to let him in the country. This news is getting too old and is never resolved. If Thaksin comes back, the law will definitely fail to punish him, but the assassins will not.

    Why they so afraid Thaksin comes back?Wonder what they afraid of

    If you need to ask the question,I doubt you would understand the answer.

    • Like 2
  7. A Thai has just as many problems or even more trying to get permission to stay in the UK or Australia. Many would find it impossible. . I am not allowed to emmigrate to Australia. You have to be under 59. Thailand is still one of the easiest places in the world to get permission to stay and cheap too. Too many foreigners seem to think they have a right to stay here and complain about the rules and regulations. Worse still most of them don't pay any tax and contribute nothing to the country.

    I have to disagree with you on permission to stay in the UK for Thais,

    many members on TV will know,that once a spouse has a Settlement Visa,they do not have to answer to anyone,there is no reporting in to the Home Office,Immigation,Police,or any other organisition,for the whole of their 2 years and 3 months visa.After which they can apply for ILR,present the documents by Post,and obtain Indefinate Leave to Remain,having seen no one,or not even having spoke to any official by phone,or postal contact! of any form.They can also buy anything in their own name.

    Hardly Thailands immigration rules,is it?

    • Like 1
  8. Just curious: what does it indicate about somebody when they speak of themselves in the third person? Jingthing is asking ...

    Alter Ego Syndrome?

    theblether is led to understand that MAJIC was so ugly when he was born that the midwife slapped his mother.

    theblether can understand why MAJIC is so bitter about life. whistling.gif

    Flattery will get you nowhere,I turned into Hansum man in Thailand rolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  9. Govt. raps WSJ criticism of PM's Thai-language speech, #1^

    A little Opposition mischief making again?

    I suspect so.

    In a backhanded way trying to diminish Ms. Y., knowing full well British born Abhi's language proficiency.

    To highlight this little tidbit - a seven-minute speech for heaven's sake - says it all.

    ".............during her visit to Japan, after an article in The Wall Street Journal criticised Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's decision not to address the audience in English.

    Complaining about not speaking English in a Japanese forumn....a bit of a reach.

    For this 'diminishment' to have traction, it needed English language as the put-down.

    "Thani also questioned the reporter's motive in writing the article. "I sincerely hope this is not the direction to be taken by a respected newspaper such as yours," he concluded"

    This gets at a question of who's "motive"?

    It is well known by many, that the foreign media socializes and lives in the world of the Amart, when in Thailand.

    They have little understanding of the mostly unilingual world of the PTP/UDD/Red Shirts.

    As a result, for example, when speaking to Europeans politically astute contacts, who nevertheless follow their domestic media reports on Thailand, it is often like talking to PADites.

    So this instance of a foreign reporter dumping on Ms. Y, indicated to me he/she is following the impulses of her buddies.

    "The report also noted that US-educated Yingluck could have chosen to speak in English. "It could be, though, that Ms Yingluck wasn't entirely confident in English. A video of her greeting visiting US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Thailand last year by saying 'overcome' instead of 'welcome' got heavy play on YouTube," wrote the reporter.

    And by inference, the unspoken agenda is to drive home the point that our buddy Abhi, wouldn't make this mistake.

    Forgetting the little fact he couldn't win a Thai election, if his life depended on it.

    You can go on rambling all you like,and projecting blame in all and sundry directions, the fact is the the Japanese came away from this very important meeting,without any clue what it was all about,and what Thailands plans are to contain future floods.

    So don't expect the Japanese to start rebuilding their businesses,any time soon on the strength of this incompetent, third rate charade.

  10. What the hell is he doing at a leadership conference, he is a convicted crim on the run?

    Has he been given some sort of Govt post along with his passport that we havent been told about?

    Animatic has got it right; complete control or nothing.

    This is what I was thinking, what's he doing at a Asian leadership conference? He's a fugitive. If he was from any other country, there would be policemen waiting for him every time he stepped out of Dubai.

    Thaksin will do anything to maintain his high profile,he knows that once he is no longer creating news headlines,he's finished.

  11. My wife has applied few shengen visas. There is no guarantee or financial requirements needed for spouse of EU citizen.

    When we applied tourist visa before we were married i needed to provide letter stating that i will cover all the costs for accommodation and living etc. However this has nothing to do with temporary residence permits etc.

    Your wife or her family can still sponsor or guarantee or whatever your 12 month extension by depositing 400k in the bank under your name. If your thinking just getting letter saying they will give you accommodation and feed you for a year forget it. Not going to happen.

    All times my wife went to Europe, she has to be guaranteed by me or a family member with enough income.

    Just a letter which say she guarantee me. No feeding and providing accomodation. Official letter.

    Different rules apply in Thailand,than Europe. and no comparison!

  12. How many sex workers in Thailand pay taxes on their income, which in many cases is much higher than their highly educated "straight job" counterparts...Answer: ZILCH, nada, none, zero.

    If you feel that strongly about the tax issue just deduct it at source and post it to the Government otherwise mind your own business.

    Also you can't pay taxes on a job that doesn't officially exist!

  13. Briefly:

    Assuming your wife can speak some reasonable English,a good option is to find a local College that does ESOL Courses with Citizenship Attachment Materials (which is all important)

    Ask them to assess your wifes English,....assuming they estimate: Entry Level 1 (the lowest) they can then arrange to accept her for a ESOL Course and test her for Entry level 1,which will generate a City & Guild Certificate,or a similar formal qualification.

    She can then attend the Course to take ESOL Entry Level 2,which is the required progression necessary for applying for ILR. (a step up from her original asessment)

    To reiterate: your chosen college must be a College that is Approved for Teaching Citizenship Materials,and able to supply a College Document to that effect,at the end of the course.

    Two twelve week terms of 2 hours a week is normally sufficient,but if a further term is necessary,then you still have plenty of time,to 01/04/2014.

    As you already know the "The life in the UK Test" is difficult. And is considered to be generally a much more difficult route to ILR,which seems to be what you are intending.

    How long this route to ILR remains is anyones guess,the rules seem to be changing quite regular,so there is no time to lose!

    You can read about any new immigration laws on the UKBA Website.

    Costs of ESOL Courses vary around the Country, £120 a term seems to be average,but may be higher in some areas of the Country.

  14. My suggestion would be to wait, wait, wait. If you love it here after 5 years or something, then go for permanent residency or whatever it is and then buy your land and house in your name.

    Permanent residency - in itself quite hard to get - does not enable the holder to own land.

    There is only one way a foreigner may directly own land in Thailand, and it's extremely rare.

    Ah ok . . . My bad.

    So what's this extremely rare way then?

    Actually, there are two ways.

    A foreigner may own up to 1 rai of land for residential purposes only if:

    1) no less than 40 million is transferred into your bank account in Thailand, and that money is invested in a range of approved investments inlcuding Thai Govt bonds, SOE bonds etc etc (there is a list of approved investments, drawn up by the BOI)

    2) the Minister of the Ministry of Interior grants permission

    3) the property is not resold for five years

    There are certain areas restricted as not being able to be owned by Thais.

    If a foreigner who acquires land this way and doesnt comply with the regulations, he has a fixed period of time to get rid of hte land. If he can't do it in that time, the Director General has the power to dispose of that land as they he sees fit.

    If the foreigner acquires the land but hasn't used it for residence within two years of the acquisiton, again the DG can dispose of it.

    A foreigner can also acquire land by inheriting it as a staturory heir, subject to certain restrictive rules about how they then use it or dispose of it.

    It may be considered an answer to the problem,but it is still control of your finances by Thailand,and IMO tying yourself up in legal knots, is not recommended!

  15. After his tour of duty they moved to the States where I was born.

    I have never been to Thailand before but I still have my mothers (now deceased) Thai passport, her Thai birth certificate, and my Thai birth certificate somewhere.

    This is amusing. So you were born in the US? So how on Earth can you have a Thai birth certificate?

    You don't have to be born in Thailand, but one of your parents must be Thai, then you can have a Thai passport.

    Posted from my Galaxy Nexus.

    Yes, you can apply for a Thai passport, BUT if you want to have dual citizenship, you must apply for this BEFORE your 18th birthday, otherwise you forfeight your Thai citizenship as the OP obviously did (as he is an American). Therefore good luck with all the paperwork to be produced, specially validating / approving 60 year old documents...

    look here... http://www.multiplec...s_THAILAND.html

    I find this Nationality thing all rather confusing,my Daughter,who is English /Thai,has in her Thai Passport: Nationality: Thai,and on her Thai Birth Certificate: Thai Citizen. And on her British Birth Certificate: British Citizen,and in her British Passport: British Citizen.

    In spite of years of rumours, reputedly to having to decide which Nationality they wish to choose,when they are Adults,as I understand it the UK has never made anyone choose which Nationality they want to be,(or revoked a Passport)

    And up to date I don't know of any instance when Thailand has forced anyone to choose either,so is this rule like many others in Thailand not enforced? even though in your link it appears to be statutory?

    Perhaps America has different rules? or someone knows something that I don't???

  16. Apart from money,which they could not hope to earn in any other work,they are mostly good natured and fun loving women,

    especially at one Bar in Pattya I visited,which had a large notice board on show, with about fifty Photos of customers pinned, the Old,Young,Fat and Greasy, Ugly and sweaty, of various nationalities,under the heading of:....."Pig of the week"

    It's a way of life,most don't give it up until they lose their looks,become too old,or are forced to,in some way. Not having met Prince Charming to whisk them away to the intended, Dream, life of luxury.

  17. I wonder how many people would find themselves in difficulty if the Thai authorities increased the financial level for those expats who wanted to extend their permission to stay based on retirement?

    I think that old Square Face, who you recall was humiliated by the UK refusing him entry, reverting to his customary spiteful vendetta mode is more of a worry.

    Actually it's even worse,the UK allowed him entry,and let him buy Manchester City Football Club, later they revoked his UK Visa,he then had to leave the Country.

  18. I'm still not sure what you expect the government in the UK to do about the problems you perceive.

    The ordinary UK guy in the street, worked, paid his dues, doesn't give a shit about Iraq or Afghanistan or folk trying to get into the UK for the freebee's, they just want to be looked after on retirement as is written in legislation. NOT want to listen about, OH the UK must now take care of poor EU countries or Africa, and some that retire on a state pension many years before UK folk, all <deleted>.

    UK work force has worked, strike-d and fought for what it has BUT sadly taking care of the non natives with a problem is more important.

    100% correct, transam

    Understand exactly what you say but not sure about the legistation bit we seem to been shafted from boys and girls from elsewhere and am not sure when the law changed to allow this happen, anyone know when we got shafted in favour of new voting arrivees?

    Can't put a date on it,it was a slow progression, of giving in, to all and sundry, but bear in mind we were too busy working + overtime hours to pay our dues and keep the family afloat. some had all the time in the World to Pressure, Lobby,and Fill in the Claim forms,and all in the interests of the Cuckoos, Aided by the PC, Bleeding heart Liberal Brigades,with lots of help from Europe and the Human Rights Bills......we didn't have time to see it coming,it just kind of bit us on the a**,and woke us up,....by then it was too late, and on went the Gags.

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