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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Gosh, guys, have you ever actually thought of asking the little lady what's on her mind and then listening -- really listening? You know, a real live conversation?

    For example, the OP could have gotten a conversation going by saying something like "yeah, it was a real bummer that I couldn't play Songkran last year. That dengue fever really hit me hard. I'm feeling great now and really looking foward to Songkran this year. What would you like to do for Songkran?"

    All this heat, smoke and dusty air (at least up here in the north) probably got the lady thinking about how much she's looking forward to Songkran. Then she remembered how she didn't enjoy it last year, then she thought about why and then....... (clearly she forgot her thii rak was ill during the holiday)

    Think you know nothing about Thai women. coffee1.gif

    Well obviously I'm not a Thai woman, but I am friends with some. They aren't all that much different than western women of similar age, education and socio-economic class when it comes to interaction with men.

    I know better than to try to converse once the wife is in "The Mood." I just keep it light, talk to her like normal, and wait for her to snap out of it. Anyway, I have a very good friend of mine from the US who is coming over with her husband for Songkran. She'll just put an arm around my wife and talk her into having fun, and that will be that. What I thought was interesting was after having a really nice day together, she went to the bathroom to shower and worked herself into "The Mood" about something that happened almost a year ago. An angel went into the shower and a mɛ̂ɛmót came out -- na-glua maak maak. It really confused that heck out of me, but I just kept a smile on and I'll let her work through whatever she needs to work through. I really am a pretty understanding guy.

    One of womans favourite ways of making sure you will not be in the mood for Sex tonight,is to start a Row before getting into bed.

  2. Someone who drew 50,000 baht for two months,from your account,and claims she doesn't remember what she used it for,doesn't need a polygraph,you are desperately clutching at straws,and you already know she is lying.

    Face up to it! instead of dreaming up more excuses for her deviousness,and save the expense of the Polygraph,use the saving for a one way ticket as far away from her as possible!

  3. I think it's fair to assume you are more likely to encounter very early action on the bar sois. So in a way those places don't count as much. So far, there seems to still be a consensus that about the 12th is the start time, yes?

    Well one thing is certain,there is no chance of the Children (all of them) starting late.

    Thankfully I will be thousands of miles away,from this dangerous,infantile, stupid, Pantomine.

  4. However, a source at the Government House disclosed that the government demanded the station remove Somjit.

    Navakruasunthorn, a political reporter who was intimidated by the red shirt group for posing tough questions to the premier, from the list of correspondents who are to travel to Phnom Penh to cover the summit.

    This litle lady has a lot of baggage. She wrote two books worshipping and idolizing Mr. Abhisit, and then attacked Ms. Y to the point of raising the ire of Ms. Y. supporters......... Trying to characterize an attack as 'tough questions' has been the media mantra of her supporters......... Most of you know this history.....But I understand there is one additional 'peel to this onion' not disclosed in the above article. That being Cambodia refused her and her team. Apparently reporters go as an advance team, and the quota was filled previously....But never mind. Considering the history noted above, one could expect 'tough sledding' for this little lady in covering Ms. Y. Best to re-assign her to cover Bangkok sewer development issues.

    Do you know you've used the word 'mantra' 13 times in your last 5 posts? Seems like you're the one repeating a mantra (not the opposition).

    That's the new word,to replace Coupist .

  5. Why Farangs suicide in Los?

    There is no definitive answer.

    Some have run out of money,or been cheated out of it.

    some can't see any purpose or point with their lives anymore.

    Depression,left untreated,and the sense of hopelessness,that goes with it.

    A terminal illness,or drastic failing health.

    Lack of good friends,and being alone too much.

    Just had enough of life,and suffering.

    There are many reasons,and before somebody says it, No they are not all cowards,it actually takes a lot of courage,to take your own life.

    • Like 2
  6. Bring it on.....got the pickup primed....big buckets cleaned n ready....greased n oiled the pump action terminator.....ice store sorted and waiting.......tis a hoot.....thank god the grumpy old bastards will be locked away peeking behind the curtains....or left town.

    Diddums...if you get a bit wet.....I can understand the poms not liking it.

    What was your major at university? Thuggish behaviour? What ever makes you think that you have the right to soak passers by with dirty water containing, at times, lumps of ice? In a civilised country you you render yourself open to a charge of breaching the peace or common assault, but then you are not from a fully civilised country are you?

    If the moronic element would limit their activities to the area between Beach and Second Roads I wouldn't care but nowhere is safe. Do give some consideration to what your attitude will be when you are further down life's road. You can do that can't you?

    At his age now, I doubt a change will come in later years,if someone has no thought for others Privacy,or their right to be left alone,and not assaulted as you rightly said.

    These are Egotistical people,lacking in empathy for their fellow man,and will only get worse in later years,rather than better.

  7. Bring it on.....got the pickup primed....big buckets cleaned n ready....greased n oiled the pump action terminator.....ice store sorted and waiting.......tis a hoot.....thank god the grumpy old bastards will be locked away peeking behind the curtains....or left town.

    Diddums...if you get a bit wet.....I can understand the poms not liking it.

    It rains nearly everyday in England so just be like back home for us English boys


  8. I don't know where your girlfriend lives but Visa Plus and Thai Visa Express, are based in Pattaya and sponsors of this site, will both give your girlfriend an indication on how realistic her chances are.

    The guy at Visa Plus is a retired Immigration Officer and has worked in a visa processing environment throughout the world, is very professional and his a good knowledge of the workings of the UKBA here in Bangkok, the guy at TVE also has a good track record. I don't know who boomer recommended but I personally wouldn't recommend any other agents.

    I know you did say please don't please don't say do it yourself, and have since apologised to Thongkorn, but his advice was spot on, and reputable agent would tell you the same.

    Whatever your girlfriend and you decide, good luck to you both.

    I have stopped encouraging people to do it themselves also. Seems they either have too much money,or don't understand :that when you walk into a Agents office,they know nothing about you or your situation,they have to ask you, your name and address,before the can even begin,you also provide the documentation.

    Its not cheap. be confident,I did my wifes settlement Visa,and two years later ILR, next year I shall apply for her UK Citizenship.If I can do it so can you.

  9. Ya right Thailand is going to send there army in to Burma to stop the growing of poppies and Burma is going to send there army into Thailand to stop the distribution of drugs.

    In other words there 80% reduction on drug abuse has failed.

    Some of the biggest suppliers of the ingredients here in Thailand claim to have lost the pills.

    If they really wanted to cut back on drug abuse they will have to set up many treatment center where people can be treated for the disease of addiction rather than like no body's. They will not only have to be treated for addiction but learn to respect them selves and others.

    As long as there is a buyer there will be some one to sell them the drugs. As long as there is untouchable drug barons there will be some one to sell the drugs.

    Thailand could make a start on cleaning up Thailand by looking at Portugal. They have had some success in working to a solution to the problem. Instead they look to the states and there war on drugs. A war that they are continually loosing. They did better in Viet Nam and we all know how that worked out for them.

    LOL Portugal, is a country teetering on financial collapse and dependent upon EU handouts with a very gloomy future.

    Vietnam is a country developing quickly with a relatively stable economy and a bright future.

    I'd rather be in a country where there is hope and prosperity then one with a large group of junkies sucking the lifeblood out of society.

    So why are you in Thailand?

    As long as weed remains legal everything will be alright.

    Including the side effects?

  10. Have you been to London lately.?

    The difference is that it's not raining in CM compared to London, which should clear the 'smog' a bit.

    Sure the weather counts for Tourism,but that doesn't stop 30 Million Tourists coming to the UK,not to mention £115 billion in revenue. Which compared to Thailands 14 Million visitors,is not too bad seeing Tourists don't expect good weather all year round,like those that come to Thailand.

  11. The first goal, the premier stated, is that Thailand has benefited in the sharing and the exchange of knowledge on nuclear related issues, as well as learning international standards on nuclear issues to ensure safety and earn confidence from foreign investors.

    What knowledge?Thailand has no nuclear power,and is not expected to have any until 2026. Pure waffle! give it a year,and Thailand will be the HUB of Nuclear Power for SEA.

    • Like 1
  12. I am sorry but a few of you people are idiots in many cases the only option poor people have is a loan shark. Why because they have no collateral and need money to pay the hospital are for medicine. I realize a few are trying to be cute but unless you go where these people go you donot have a clue.

    Perhaps Mr. Abhisit can ask his friends in the oligarchy to spare some coins for the poor?

    What about your hero in Dubai?

    Thaksin can't give anymore,he still hasn't made all Thais Rich in 6 months yet,give the bloke a break.

  13. Sometimes I despair,it's only people like us,with good memories which is stopping the Redshirt Whitewash of 3 months of Arson,Violence,Anarchy,and holding the Country to Ransom, until they got their way.some would call it by it's correct name:... Terrorism.

    I will never forget that when they got their way during the riot and the government agreed to hold elections within 6 months the red shirts immediately changed their demands so they could continue the rampage and provoke a violent clampdown.

    Also, I never ever hear any of the red shirts mention Seh Daeng after he was assasinated within the red shirts safe zone area after an argument with the red shirt leaders. How strange...

    Good point there,and there dosn't seem much interest by this Government to apprehend the sniper either.

    • Like 1
  14. Isn't this kind of hypocracy.what the Red shirts are all about,Burn Bangkok,create Mayhem on the streets,and hold the Country and Government to ransom,in the false name of Democracy,and freedom of speech.

    Now that they are in power the rules have changed,any dissent or opposition,must be crushed at source,the same that will happen in the Red Shirt Villages. No Democracy and No Freedom of speach = Villager Slaves to the Party.........like it or lump it,the only choice you have,is what we tell you, (sigh)....haven't we seen this many times before in other Countries?

    Yes, yes, yes, we are all doomed.

    Won't be long before marauding bands of red shirts will hoeing down people at random on Silom and ripping geriatric farangs from their taxis because their wives / consorts are the wrong age, gender, ethnicity, skin colour......

    Now then philw it wasn't that long ago they were doing exactly that is it? Agreed it wasn't geriatric farangs being pulled from their taxis, but it was geriatric Thais been removed from their hospital beds, but the marauding bands of reds hoeing down people at random on Silom is a pretty accurate assessment. Spot on, go to the top of the class. So you don't envisage much new happening, just a repeat of what they did last time.

    I am unsure how any educated westerner used to expecting any assemblance of law and justice can fight the Thaksin corner, normally that is a role specifically kept for elitist power crazy wanabee's who are on his payroll, or educationally bereft peasants who believe whatever BS is fed to them (and the odd bereft farang that takes to the red stage seeking their 5 mins of fame). Still it takes all sorts eh!

    Sometimes I despair,it's only people like us,with good memories which is stopping the Redshirt Whitewash of 3 months of Arson,Violence,Anarchy,and holding the Country to Ransom, until they got their way.some would call it by it's correct name:... Terrorism.

  15. The loan shark system is a disgrace to any country wanting to call itself civilized. It's an absolutely watertight way of keeping the poor population poor. I just had one of the victims on the phone. She's bought a 7,000 baht fridge for 19,000 baht from one of them. Down payment rates are far beyond what any low income girl with a baby can hope to manage. It's illegal of course, but for those who run these businesses, nothing is illegal, and that includes rape, murder and other ways of getting their money back. Thailand 2012.

    I assume your contempt of these outfits also includes those in other uncivilised countries such as the UK and America, where pay day loan companies charging APRs of several thousand per cent interest operate very openly, advertise on TV and in the mainstream media and - in some cases - even sponsor Premier League football clubs, with their company names proudly on the players' shirts.

    Do enlighten us..........which Companies in the UK & USA,charge "APRs of several thousand percent interest"

    A quote in the UK Guardian was "1700% or more"


    Shocking how these murky companies,can keep out of the spotlight for so long.

  16. "I have no personal grudges but I want to set an example that a wrogdoer should be punished and not rewarded,............."

    But the prosecutor said there was no wrongdoing...... I understand this is the reporter who wrote a book, idolizing Mr. Abhisit. Although she protests that she has loftier goals than 'personal grudges', this background should certainly contextualize her actions. If I recall, the story goes that she was not questioning Ms. Y, but rather attacking her in a derogatory manner. Considering that the UDD/Red Shirts have a clear and publicly acknowledged personal mandate to protect this Govt. to prevent it being stolen again, it is perhaps understandable as to their reactions, whether justified or not. These protective actions will be a fixture for the immediate future. Expect them. The UDD/RS are determined not be caught napping again, like they were in 2006.

    For the umptyzillionth and one time, the Government was not stolen from the red shirts.

    Now CalgaryII I assume that as you are saying a prosecutor found there was no wrongdoing and that is the end of the matter, the fact that a prosecutor said Thaksin was guilty of a wrongdoing then you will apply the same precedent and we will no longer have to listen to your protestations that Thaksin is innocent of any wrongdoing. Or are you trying to have your cake and eat it?

    Is that a fruit cake or a doughnut ?

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