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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Perhaps they were looking for the Ivor Dewdney shop in Plymouth and got the wrong bus!

    You are wrong about Ginsters, they are very popular in Iran, some people there are enriching them, Alahh or Mohhamid knows how.

    Dewdneys pasties didn't used to be too bad, but still not as good as Philps IMO. offtopic2.gif

    Should we have a poll on the best pasties?

    It's Warrens in Cornwall that used to be the best,and you can't expect the best Pasties in Devonwhistling.gif

    I alternate between Warrens and Philps these day's when I get back. But I will go for Philps. dam_n I'm feeling hungry.

    Try making your own at home (homemade is always the best).it's not that difficult,if you can get hold of imported frozen Pastry. Iceland maybe? or somewhere in Pattaya or Bangkok,will maybe have a source .I'm not much good at making pastry.

  2. Perhaps they were looking for the Ivor Dewdney shop in Plymouth and got the wrong bus!

    You are wrong about Ginsters, they are very popular in Iran, some people there are enriching them, Alahh or Mohhamid knows how.

    Dewdneys pasties didn't used to be too bad, but still not as good as Philps IMO. offtopic2.gif

    Should we have a poll on the best pasties?

    It's Warrens in Cornwall that used to be the best,and you can't expect the best Pasties in Devonwhistling.gif

  3. No doubt one day the World Language will change to something else,Chinese seems favourite to replace English at the moment,I wouldn't think any of us will be around to see it happen though.

    English is easy to learn,for any other Nations,it's very flexible,and non tonal,but constant improvement and understanding is necessary if one is to achieve a high level, of communication, but people can also stop learning when they think their communication skill is good enough for their own use.

    There will always be something even indigenous speakers didn't know,and new words (some years in 3 figures) are added to Dictionaries Annually.

  4. I was taught at School (true) that Cornwall was the only part of of Britain that was not (truly) Colonised by the Romans in their 400 year rule of Britain,and that we (the Cornish people are the only true English people) and that the Wales and it's people have a similar claim.

    Personally I have always felt I am a proper Englishman,who speaks proper English. smile.png


    Apparently their wasn't much the Romans wanted in Cornwall,so there was only cursury pillaging and plundering,and slaughters ,on a minor scale.compared with the rest of the British isles.angry.png

    I thought the Romans came to take over the ice cream industry and by pure chance found Ginsters Pasty Works.

    I could understand them taking over the Ice cream Industry,but Gingsters are for the Tourists, who wouldn't know a good Pasty from a Doner Kebab.

  5. I was taught at School (true) that Cornwall was the only part of of Britain that was not (truly) Colonised by the Romans in their 400 year rule of Britain,and that we (the Cornish people are the only true English people) and that the Wales and it's people have a similar claim.

    Personally I have always felt I am a proper Englishman,who speaks proper English. smile.png


    Apparently their wasn't much the Romans wanted in Cornwall,so there was only cursury pillaging and plundering,and slaughters ,on a minor scale.compared with the rest of the British isles.angry.png

    Do you feel as though you missed out?

    Not at all, we left that to the Barbarians!

  6. I turn my back for a minute and all those Old English coffin dodgers start moaning.

    And that's what we expect of you,and don't forget,your coffin will also await you,oh wise one! jap.gif

    I'll be a gentleman and let you go first thumbsup.gif

    Aaaaaw! that's why I like your posts so much your all heart really wai.gif

  7. I was taught at School (true) that Cornwall was the only part of of Britain that was not (truly) Colonised by the Romans in their 400 year rule of Britain,and that we (the Cornish people are the only true English people) and that the Wales and it's people have a similar claim.

    Personally I have always felt I am a proper Englishman,who speaks proper English. smile.png


    Apparently their wasn't much the Romans wanted in Cornwall,so there was only cursury pillaging and plundering,and slaughters ,on a minor scale.compared with the rest of the British isles.angry.png

  8. ...


    Actually French was compulsory at schools ,more to do with our entry into the Common Market,which had at the time only two members:France and Germany.many years later the Con became clear,we were joining a Federation of Europe,not the Common Market of Trading Nations,as sold to the British people!

    Sorry but that is just not true; French and German were taught as a significant part of the currculum long before the EC was even a dream. I knew people who were fluent in French and German since before WW2; they also were familiar with classical Greek and Latin

    Was that a National Curriculum ? or Universities and Grammar Schools? obviously of a higher Class than my peers,it would seem,most of who never met a french or German person,as for holidays abroad to France or Germany,in that era 1950s onwards,it was never given a thought,excepting Teachers,mainly because it was financially impossible,so forgive me for seeing a use for being taught the two languages,after WW11,prior to which a practical use was difficult to see.

    Incidently The Common market was established officially in 1958,although operating in a smaller form years before.

    Though as I recall it was Edward Heath that finally managed to get us in, in the early 70s.

    My memory of those times is a little hazy, but Wikipedia backs me up, despite his youth.

    If I'm not wrong, people were not quite as parochial, even in those days, as some of our fellow posters might like to claim, and foreign travel was by no means unknown, though I doubt many of our parents' contemporaries would have had much cause to use Latin or Ancient Greek on their travels.


    I was referring to the 50s and not the 70s

    Yes it was Edward Heath who took us into "The Common Market" in the early seventies.and Degaulle said "Non" and kept England out of the common market for more than 20 years,prior to joining,so much for learning French at that particular time.

  9. Yeh, l was forced to learn French, l wonder why. Did they think at the time that the frogs were to become dominant. Perhaps they will but l will be under ground by then.

    This was in preparation for when England invaded france again and installed the British monarch as the head of the country again....you need to be able to speak to the natives old chap...even if they do smell of garlic, wear onions around their necks and have funny little hats on..

    Actually French was compulsory at schools ,more to do with our entry into the Common Market,which had at the time only two members:France and Germany.many years later the Con became clear,we were joining a Federation of Europe,not the Common Market of Trading Nations,as sold to the British people!

    Sorry but that is just not true; French and German were taught as a significant part of the currculum long before the EC was even a dream. I knew people who were fluent in French and German since before WW2; they also were familiar with classical Greek and Latin

    Was that a National Curriculum ? or Universities and Grammar Schools? obviously of a higher Class than my peers,it would seem,most of who never met a french or German person,as for holidays abroad to France or Germany,in that era 1950s onwards,it was never given a thought,excepting Teachers,mainly because it was financially impossible,so forgive me for seeing a use for being taught the two languages,after WW11,prior to which a practical use was difficult to see.

    Incidently The Common market was established officially in 1958,although operating in a smaller form years before.

  10. ...I



    Independance is Unlikely to happen,the Scottish people know which side their bread is buttered.

    Happily, whatever the decision, you will have no say in it whatsoever.

    Unless he's a registered voter in Scotland.

    I think when one registers for an overseas vote, one is counted within the consituency in which you were last registered, but I am not sure of that. It might make more sense to have a single overseas constituency...


    No i'm not a Registered Voter in Scotland as far as i'm aware of,but if I was eligable to vote,I would be more than happy, along with the majority of English People to vote for Scottish Independence.

    But lets face it, it's really all about one mans Ego,and wheeling and dealing,with a weakened Westminster Government,than what's right for the Scottish People.

    And in my view a Referendum is unlikely to be in favour of Independence,as previously stated."the Scottish People know what side their bread is buttered"

  11. Where is the option for Scottish?

    I agree that roughing someone up for their lack of Engiish is wrong, however! Very often as we know, it's not 'what is said, but the manner in which it is said, is wrong'.

    It's the nature of the beast on internet forums that the language is truncuated as 60% of communication is body language. The emoticons help but they can't replace body language.

    Also the time taken to communicate is so much longer, hence leading to sometimes unintentionaly brutal exchanges as we don't take the time to frame our responses as we would during conversations.

    Some of the topics do turn brutal though, I am as guilty as anyone of rising to the bait, especially when the Wingeing Brit Pensioner Brigade kick in ( did you know they do my head in? ), but we should all refrain from taking things personaly, as we are only getting input through the prism and filter of the internet.

    If you get your Independance in 2014,you will be lucky to get a Pension from Scotland,let alone a National Health Service,can't see you voting for that mate, (that will do your head in)

    If it means I don't have to admit being a countryman of yours it will be worth it.

    Independance is Unlikely to happen,the Scottish people know which side their bread is buttered.

  12. Where is the option for Scottish?

    I agree that roughing someone up for their lack of Engiish is wrong, however! Very often as we know, it's not 'what is said, but the manner in which it is said, is wrong'.

    It's the nature of the beast on internet forums that the language is truncuated as 60% of communication is body language. The emoticons help but they can't replace body language.

    Also the time taken to communicate is so much longer, hence leading to sometimes unintentionaly brutal exchanges as we don't take the time to frame our responses as we would during conversations.

    Some of the topics do turn brutal though, I am as guilty as anyone of rising to the bait, especially when the Wingeing Brit Pensioner Brigade kick in ( did you know they do my head in? ), but we should all refrain from taking things personaly, as we are only getting input through the prism and filter of the internet.

    If you get your Independance in 2014,you will be lucky to get a Pension from Scotland,let alone a National Health Service,can't see you voting for that mate, (that will do your head in)

  13. I hope that once I'm dead people will be able to sleep easily in their beds.

    Let's face it - its pretty selfish to expect such cacophanous noise when you'll be the only one able to sleep through it


    Guess it bring a new meaning to the term....the noise was loud enought to wake the dead.......guess we can send this to mythbusters and prove conclusively that no level of noise can wake the dead..

    No! noise can't wake the dead,but it can send the living in the same direction a bit sooner.

  14. What does the international press say about this absurd new fashion trend in Bangkok? There does not seem to be much on the Internet but I found this:

    Hitler T-shirts are a Nazi trend for Thai youth

    VILE T-shirts featuring cartoons of Nazi monster Adolf Hitler have become the latest fashion must-have in Thailand.

    Boutiques in the capital Bangkok have begun selling the garments showing the dictator as a Teletubby, panda or Ronald McDonald.

    The tops, costing between £4 and £7.50, have sparked outrage with visitors.

    Read more: http://www.thesun.co...Thai-youth.html

    The Sun is a scumbag UK tabloid, same as The Daily Mail; they like to print and sensationalise stories like this as they appeal to the dumbarses who read their newspapers. It is pointless using this scab-sheet as representative of the international press.

    The Sun is a scumbag UK tabloid?


    Don't you miss page 3?

    Why would you miss a rag, that tells the world you have a IQ of below 50 ?

  15. Yeh, l was forced to learn French, l wonder why. Did they think at the time that the frogs were to become dominant. Perhaps they will but l will be under ground by then.

    This was in preparation for when England invaded france again and installed the British monarch as the head of the country again....you need to be able to speak to the natives old chap...even if they do smell of garlic, wear onions around their necks and have funny little hats on..

    Actually French was compulsory at schools ,more to do with our entry into the Common Market,which had at the time only two members:France and Germany.many years later the Con became clear,we were joining a Federation of Europe,not the Common Market of Trading Nations,as sold to the British people!

  16. 'It seems to me that what ever has happened historically outside of Thailand is of no consequence to Thais,it didn't happen in Thailand,so what's the fuss about? it's not important,from their narrow vision and viewpoint.

    It's a very insular,egocentric, country,how else could Bin Laden T-Shirts be shamefully on sale,shortly after 9/11,and worse being worn, but fail to agree,or show disrespect,to one of their sensitive/taboo subjects,and you had better start running.

  17. by the way, whats the average dowry and what is considered reasonable as support?

    You didn't state your age and her age which is relevant to the asking price.

    50kbht for sinsot (dowry is what is paid when womans parent pay man)

    4kbht a month for the parents

    That is what you pay for an uneducated farm girls, unless you are completely daft.

    Better to make higher monthly payments and lower lump sums, as they don't give refunds if it doesn't work out.

    last wedding I went to in Isaan was Thai,and the girl was eighteen marrying a Thai rice farmer of about 22-24,the dowry was 20,000 baht,mind you..... she wasn't exactly an oil painting,to put it mildly.

  18. Elevated wealth status seems to make you want even more, and that increased want leads you to bend the rules or break the rules to serve your self-interest," says Paul Piff, the lead author of the study and a doctoral candidate in psychology at the university.]

    The Dubai Fugitive is a prime example of the study findings.

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