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Everything posted by sharksy

  1. Took my university educated GF on a trip round Vietnam, Cambodia. I was astonished that she had never heard of the Khymer Rouge, or anything about what happened in Cambodia. Similar in Vietnam. Never heard of the Vietnam war. Not really interested either, just so long as the photos come out OK. Is this normal?
  2. Aren't the coconut base curries Keto? Thai Green Curry, Thai Red Curry etc
  3. I think its a mix of the above. My Thai (Isann) GF dislikes, all equally, Chinese, Indian and black people. Don't think she expressed a reason why she disliked black people, but Chinese for spitting and poor matters, rude etc, Indian for being cheapskates and always trying to barter - and dirty! I did take her to her first Indian restaurant, she did quite like the food, but claimed she had an upset tummy next day, so will never eat that food again. Oh - and she was previous a tour guide for chinese people, so she has her reasons for disliking them are from experience.
  4. Koh Rong in Cambodia. Beautiful, just paradise. Or if you like something more "Themed", look up Phu Quoc in Vietnam (Also by Cambodia)
  5. This was the case years ago, the upper age limit has steadily been increasing (probably as pension age rises). I've seen 85 at the upper limit with some lenders. So long as the pension covers the payments, they're happy.
  6. Can't really help much technically, but recently had a holiday in the island of Grenada as a guest in a villa with a couple of old friends from years back. They had about 48 solar panels on the roof plus a swimming pool and were completely self sufficient in terms of water and electric. It was explained to me, but a bit over my head I'm afraid. I'm sure each inverter had a raspberry pi attached to monitor / control things. The electric also ran their Gen1 Nissan Leaf which was perfect for this island which was generally low speed everywhere and lots of steep roads. I was very impressed, especially with the old, high mileage war-horse of a car which had a gruelling life over there - sometimes carrying 8 people(yes, 2 in the boot - it's not illegal there, but just because you can, doesn't mean you should!) I hope OP gets where he wants to be.
  7. Otteri is great if you have a big load to wash, drying can be hit + miss. But no ironing. I use the Suk5 lady for washing/ironing. Love it when they put it together nice and tight in a plastic bag
  8. Quite like Khon Kaen, one of my favourite cities in Thailand. If you want cheaper, go to Loei City.
  9. Just ask anyone who is 79
  10. I thought much of their legal system was written in English because of a lack of Italian words? Someone tell me if there is any truth to this?
  11. Either you had a proper camera or I was just hideous looking, but the beauties turned away from me and pretty much posed for the "professional" cameras there. Maybe I went the wrong day.
  12. Not moved to Thailand yet, but for the first time in my life, I think I could live in Pattaya. Its changed a lot in the last 15 years, more upmarket places to go, nightlife quality has improved. Always a festival of some sort on at the beach, and Bangkok is not too far away either. Lots of fairly cheap thai food and fancy places too.
  13. Recently got this Norovirus at a ski resort. Half the (huge) hotel guests went down with it, nothing to do with the food. 36 hours having to be near a toilet was not a pleasant experience, puking at the same time of course.
  14. A Thai lady told me dogs are not pets, but are just for guarding the property from people, snakes etc. Cats are useful for keeping rats + mice at bay. In the Philippines, dogs don't even have a "pet" name. Just called dog.
  15. My reason for posting was twofold :- Firstly, to raise awareness of this new account. I suspect other banks other than HSBC have similar now. Secondly, I wanted feedback (good & bad) from anyone who is actually using it. My best card is currently Halifax Clarity, but still easy to clock up charges. This Global card appears to offer rate of the day and money is taken from the account in the same way as a debit card.
  16. My bad - Popped into UK branch. I haven't got any Thai bank accounts, so tend to bring cash over as its got expensive taking out from the ATM machines in Thailand. This Global card looks to address some of these issues - and more.
  17. Popped in branch yesterday, ended up chatting with a staff member who told me about the above account offered by HSBC (free). I applied there and then on my phone HSBC app, very easy it. Should get card through the post tomorrow. It offers payment to several (all?) currencies without cost. No bank charges at ATM machines (except 200Baht fee or whatever the local Thail banks are charging). Anyone using this account who can give a first-hand experience of pros / cons? Thanks
  18. Quick final comment. You've all got me all wrong. Seem to be more interested in 'boxing' or 'labeling' me, than the actual content written, and I'm wasting no more time on you
  19. I believe Bakhmut was 80% Russian speakers, so no doubt there will be 100s fighting for Ukraine. But that leaves the majority who are not. The gist of my post was that Ukrainians weren't met as heros when they initially liberated the area, in the same way they were in the southern Kherson. It seems that a couple of posters would rather call me a Russian sympathiser than recognise the actual point I am making. This will be my last post about this on this thread
  20. Skepticism is fine, but at try and back it up with some facts. Remember, the first victim of war - is the truth.
  21. Here is a map for you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russians_in_Ukraine It is from 2001, which I guess was the last time a census was done, maybe there is more "blue" areas since then.
  22. Good article, I've read similar to this recently too. There was a Guardian article(can't find it) I read that residents in Bakhmut did not welcome Ukrainian troops, unlike, for example Kherson. This is not general knowledge, maybe the article was later pulled as it was not what people want to read?
  23. Absolutely! - In an ideal world. Unfortunately, we don't live in that.
  24. I usually enjoy reading your posts, but you are labelling me wrongly. I'm actually surprised you are quoting Aljazeera who are slightly pro-russian. Regarding the shelling: "On Friday, 11 July, two days before the shelling, 36–37 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in a Grad rocket bombardment.[5][6] In response, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced that for "every soldier's life, the militants will pay with dozens and hundreds of their own."[1]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelling_of_Donetsk,_Russia You do realise that there were 2 Minsk agreements (different dates). Minsk1 was about peace between the Ukraine Government and the 2 separitist groups - but much wasn't implimented, hence a Minsk2 was necessary. Minsk2 was about withdrawing any heavy weapons, Russia claimed it didn't have any, so the agreement didn't apply to them.
  25. Not an RT watcher here. Don't shoot the messenger, I'm simply flagging up that it's never really 100% one sides fault, 0% the other. The Minsk agreement failed because of the separatists:- "In late October, DPR prime minister and Minsk Protocol signatory Alexander Zakharchenko said that his forces would retake the territory they had lost to Ukrainian forces during a July 2014 offensive, and that DPR forces would be willing to wage "heavy battles" to do so" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minsk_agreements#:~:text=The Minsk agreements were a,forces playing a central part. https://historica.fandom.com/wiki/Donbas_War
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