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Everything posted by h90

  1. yes and there will be a government built by some coalition...yesterday was just the first day.....There are many variants possible and equally democratic
  2. and more people did not want to vote for any party.... so it is not the overwhelming majority of Thai people....it is not even a majority of Thai people. The won the election and are the strongest party. That is a lot but by itself entitles them to nothing. Last time Prayut got the most votes did you argue in his favor than? Or only when it is in favor of your team? I am sure at the end the parliament will produce a premier that has a solid majority of the MPs (without senators) behind him so it will be democratic. (and I'll apologize if that doesn't happen....I can't imagine that they'll let Prayut to continue)
  3. Blame? 72% did not vote for MFP so these 72% won't be sad.....
  4. don't know why the outcome should be different....there are so many votes missing
  5. less than a year...thanks
  6. no government vote was yesterday....the government is voted by the parliament not the people. People vote parties
  7. read some random newspapers ....can you go thru Paris/Berlin/San Francisco in the bad areas at 3AM? in Bangkok you can.....No one is even reporting stolen goods anymore to police in the big cities....here in Bangkok absolute nothing was stolen from me or my wife or someone else I know. Thailand is fantastic save....if there is a murder case in some tourist areas it is huge news.....because it is so rare.....how many school shootings did Thailand have last month or year?
  8. In Bangkok and in the South are a lot of higher paying jobs if you want to work....we couldn't find any cleaning woman for office...one that does cleaning not only chating and playing on the mobile phone. I know for dive shops that they searched for female diver, would pay the complete courses to get the skills. I know from a German restaurant which offered a high salary if some service girl is willing to learn basic German. In the south they pay the good labor from Myanmar 450-550 Baht + hire their wifes as well as they can't find any Thai people who work for that money (and come ever day sober).
  9. another oligarch will try to seize power.....Shin family against Thai Summit, against Military and CP and Alcohol pays everyone..... no well meaning leader....it is oligarch clans that fight for dominance....and good that they do it with elections and not guns
  10. MFP: 14,438,851 votes Registered voter: 52,238,594 no vote and invalid votes: 2 Millions Not voted at all 13 millions
  11. That were the red shirt protests near Siam Paragon? I was there 2 weeks afterwards and there was still a strong smell from the burns that made it hard to breath....
  12. they all expire soon, but can't remember when...1 or 2 years
  13. Anti fungal? For me it looks pretty much like a normal bacterial infection. Usually just 1 pimple, that is hard inside.....in a few cases 2 close to each other. And when it is gone...there is usually between 2 weeks and 2 month all OK. Fungal would be rather a bigger area and constant problem, or? My current working theory is that I rub some bacteria into the skin or into the opening for a hair (I am pretty hairy there, don't know if everyone is hairy there or not)
  14. 13 Senators voted for Pita
  15. that is more than PT, but almost the same in MPs. And only 27% of the possible voters. The real winner of the election is people who were fed up with politics, voted invalid, voted no or didn't vote at all, because they are tired of the silly fighting of the corrupt oligarchs.
  16. Which Shinawatras were bureaucrats? Which laws did the EC commissioner brake? The only dubious thing is that they confirmed MPs without detailed checks even as they still had more time to do so. But no one complains about that.
  17. Would be enough if the government would do a lot less against ex-pats. The Visa could be made a lot better in a 1 hour brainstorming meeting....there is so many obvious things.
  18. I sit on a kind of bicycle at home something at least 10 hours per week, maybe 15. From time to time I get some acne like infection, mostly where the leg is connected with the rest of the body. It seems to be not direct on the surface, but "inside" the skin/below the skin and therefor it does not react very good to cream. And than sitting on it 2 hours every day is not helpful as well. Additional if there is one, it sometimes spread. Of course I try to keep the area clean, take always fresh shorts etc. But it is a damp area. When I get it I try to fight it with Garamycin cream and it does work but it does not work too fast. And I don't like the idea of using it all the time. Any idea on how to treat it more efficient? (Years ago I tried tiger balm.....that can not be used in this area....)
  19. If I get stopped can I claim that I just did the same as a senator?
  20. yes I complete agree...the problem is the selection and the amount of people also seems high. A selection could be former constitutional court judges, former but retired PMs, labor union leaders, one from the universities and maybe ONE from the military. And even that is dubious because every party will try to put their people in. Per constitution in Thailand actually everyone must be in favor of the monarchy
  21. Have you seen that speech....was shown everywhere worldwide...one MP and 2 others sitting rest of the room empty....in UK....don't know who was speaking but sure not something people older than 5 should do......
  22. I bet on PTP....but people speaking about Anutin...which sounds very absurd to me....
  23. Prayuth talks non offensive nonsense.....if it goes against royals and there was more talks about their function in society than 112 than many Thais get some allergic reactions.... That talk was not necessary....it won't help the farmers in debt....you can start such discussions after 2 years in office if there is no bigger problem
  24. Since days there were rumors about PTP planning this all. Let the young run against a wall and come than as safer. It could be already seen at the speaker discussion that MFP has no clue what they do.....they could have taken the speaker and give the PM to PTP.....but no they wanted both and now they get neither.....Well played Mr. T
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