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Everything posted by h90

  1. I am against every violence and advocating for it, no matter what side....Even if it is the side I prefer.
  2. Threaten judges and other officials AND their children with violence is something that only the worst regimes do....That is the thing communists and fascists do.
  3. I prefer the old dinosaurs over people who advocate for violence.
  4. I think it is just a symbolic photo from some journalist who doesn't know anything technical....
  5. Why? It is already now a big success sending fresh products from the existing part in Laos to China.
  6. rice production does not make air pollution....burning the left over doesn't need to be done. It can be made clean. The rice farmer enjoy the spills also...they get money for the rice.....And what do you think what happens when one of the biggest producer of food stops exporting....Somewhere people will die...most probably in Africa, as the richer countries can buy somewhere else.
  7. Who controls iTV? Still Thaksin? Could have PTP lay this egg for him?
  8. I went a technical school we didn't have any biological education.....and everyone figured out how this sex thing works on themself....and that was before internet. It would be good to teach the details how you get pregnant, how not, how to prevent STDs. Where the babies come from. But in what way people play around in the bed can't be the business of the school.
  9. I think if you are a restaurant owner you can buy outside the time...so the girl is waiting for that 1 per week restaurant owner.
  10. Yes, my ultra low cost...the cheapest is good enough setup had on the beginning problems with burned out MosFets, but after replacing them it all works with almost no service (cleaning, and one connector) for years now. And Thailand there is no winter with month of darkness and snow on the panels...it is just perfect....It may not replace the PEA in the night, and might be more difficult for industry, but there are so many roofs and so many parking places where you can add some cheap roof that much more could be done without using any land. I guess now the panels are expensive again because of Europe but in 1-3 years the prices will drop so much that it will be just cheaper than buying electric.
  11. Treated the children of officials and just throw them into jail because you don't like their decision is the opposite of justice that is fascism
  12. Well at first we can save the sunglasses for the gf . Yes I agree with everything.....specially in Thailand....when it gets hot and all the airconditions run the solar panels produce (different than in Europe in winter). And cheap if you do it yourself. That is a low hanging fruit....My smallish do it yourself solar system brings most of the day 3000-4000 Watt...would be easily 2-3 AC (just I have a company which uses way more...but I'll also add more panels). But the big issue in Thailand is burning the fields.....
  13. burning the fields is the problem....beside that it gets cleaner. Burning the field would have been easy to stop if we would have some powerful government....I don't know something like a military dictator.... It is a wonderful crop to grow...problem is lack of diversity and that the mills and the trading is like a mafia...the farmer the get the least of the profit. Since decades are programs to have ducks and fishes with the rice, to have organic rice, to have small scale cleaning equipment in the village and let the farmer sell direct, bypass the middle man. Mixed results at best. Another issue is that the farms are too small with too much work as small farms can't have the modern equipment.
  14. I think it is not a Military or Thaksin (or civilian) question....they are all very similar. The only good thing is that they are inefficient....If they would be efficient like Germans following every detail of the law the country would stand still. But we have the same tendencies in Europe. When I grew up the post things were secret, bank accounts were secret, you could have anonymous saving accounts where you not even needed to tell your name. That was your right for privacy. It was normal to send the the 7-8 year old to buy cigarettes and beer for the father. No one checked the age and there was no problem with kids drinking or smoking and there was less crime so all the laws didn't help.
  15. Rice does not make sense? Yes...because Thailand and the rest of Asia doesn't eat rice, right? Recently was in an US report about their airpolution a list of the 30 most polluted (air) cities. It was full with China, Pakistan, India, maybe a few others, not a single Thai city.
  16. The problem in Thailand is not from the cars or industry...yes that is also a problem but comparable small. The problem is burning the rice fields and trash. They could all day long ridding a 2 stroke motorbike and have coal fired electric plant and you would hardly smell it..... I have also solar panels....But don't believe in no pollution at all...your solar panels and the solar cables had to be produced and made a lot of pollution when doing so. So on electric from solar panels is polution just it is somewhere else (and not that much)
  17. Yes they let MF discredit themself more, till everyone see what a bunch of incompetence they are and than PTP present themself as the less radical party of reason. The others will support them and it is a good democratic solution.
  18. And not only Thaksin...Prayut also increased the same nonsense tax...also massive increasing smuggling
  19. yes sure you are right on that Myanmar and Cambodia sure want to know what problems are ahead....
  20. The problem is that there are tens of thousands other nonsense laws that are just ignored, but can be pulled out of the hat if wanted. There should be a reform commission that goes thru all the old laws.... Or just cancel every law that is older than 20 years, if it is not reconfirmed.
  21. The law should not be amendment it should be complete canceled, together with 3/4 of all other laws.
  22. The alcohol sales law might be 50 years old, but it was dead law till Thaksin reactivated it....
  23. communist and fascist methods to treat judges and bureaucrats
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