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Everything posted by h90

  1. Absolutely it should be checked. Seems the guy got Thai citizenship. But if his business was illegal and that broke the election laws the party should be dissolved. That might be the reason why these 2 similar parties were at the election...already a backup plan. Yes every wrongdoing should be checked and parties dissolved. The Thai political landscape should be cleaned up. A party donation can be easily a bribe so it should be checked very carefully and for a ruling party even more so.
  2. Yes but careful that they don't vaccinate somewhere, like at school without your consent....
  3. a) if he broke the law he should be banned no matter who voted for him. There are clear election laws. Similar things are in almost every country. If it did not brake the law than he should not be banned. That is pretty straight forward. Where is the flaw? b) if you find something where Prayuth broke the election laws, having some shares or did vote buying, report it and he should be banned. c) in every country there are delays of weeks to month till new governments are formed.....or see USA from presidential elections till he sit in the office. Doing every step as per the law and transparent. Should be easy to understand.
  4. It is not idiots, it is pressure groups of some hyper religious hypocrites....elderly housewifes, retired bored men, etc. who search for something to improve the world. And weak government who follow these who shout loudest....if it is alcohol, soon to be banned ganja or ridiculous covid regulations. While the important things kept untouched.
  5. What you mean by not allowed....they have 60 days to confirm the election results. So first the election results than the new parliament and than vote for a government. Till now noone did anything but talking and writing things on twitter. There was not even a begin yet. The Election commission is still looking at the complains and kicked out most of them already as they were not relevant (like vote buying of a candidate who didn't won anyway).
  6. MF going down...so must find a solution somewhere else. BJ and Democrats aren't that bad.
  7. Yes it should get rid of, but Making the Monarchists upset Making the Military upset Going aggressive with China and make all the large exporter to China upset Speaking about taking the money from the rich Restrict Marijuana and make the freedom people upset Making the religious upset You can't upset everyone at the same time.
  8. He had the shares and he knew he had them, but did not care...clearly broke the law. Ban him. Massive reports from vote buying. I don't know if it was MF, PT or BJ. Investigate and ban the people who did it. If the banning is so massive that it damage democracy and quickly redo the election. In Austria we had to redo the presidential election for minor problems and the result of the second time was exactly the same as the first. The only purpose was to get rid of all doubts.
  9. He does not claim that electric cars are nonsense or fake news. And there are indeed reports from dramas on service and repair...Good luck if there is a single cell or the battery broken, worth some single digit $ amount...but can't replace it.
  10. not easy to kill that fire...Better if near Chao Phraya River.....
  11. Of course I am a freedom of speech absolutist.....Every opinion should be allowed, even if it is hurtful, racist, misogynist, etc...as long as it is not a direct call for violence. Unfortunately we don't have that neither in Thailand nor in the west....not even on trivial topics, vaccines, history, etc....
  12. no it was never correct....a virus that is in the respiratory tract. The vaccine only builds antibody in the body. So even a perfect vaccine does not prevent you from getting it. Just when it enters and tries to make you really sick you have a defense and have it only very mild. And than in the next infection you have antibodies in the mucus and can't get it again till the next major mutation. That is the reason why many companies try to develop a vaccine that you spray into your nose. So that theater with 90% efficient than Russia told theirs is better and than Pfizer added a few points to be just better than the Russian were just marketing lies.
  13. What you want to do with the elephants....they can live as much in the forest as a poodle. You can't put them into the forest....and entertaining tourists in some good camp is a good job....and the elephants like it. I would put it on the same level as horses in the west or dogs. They should half or quarter the amount of elephants so there is enough profit to have a good care for them. If you look at milk production or pigs (Thailand or west....similar bad) than the entertainment animals are already a lesser problem. I have seen milk cows with all 4 legs tied so it can not even do 1 step. When bring to the slaughterhouse they drag them or load them with the forklift as it never learned to walk. Compare that to an elephant that get much older than in nature by begging tourists for bananas...
  14. How could people exist without facebook and camera on the mobile phone? I guess they didn't had a meaningful life.
  15. No they would not life in the forest as they are mostly elephants that are work animals since centuries or millennia. An elephant camp if done nicely can be human...still not necessary but very different than dolphins, animals in small cages. And of course there are really bad elephant camps...but from all the problems these are the least troublesome, specially as elephants like to play.
  16. Look at the 10 commandments in Christian religion...and how well Christian follow it...
  17. Market was closed, park was closed, restaurants were closed, alcohol sales was prohibited that is pretty close to locked up. In Europe you were not allowed to leave home unless absolute necessary and than can't leave your area.
  18. Specially pure show animals...there can be sense in having work animals or snakes for the poison and also make some shows. But I guess that is the minority of cases. 95% can be closed
  19. no problem for short term...the bodybuilder and runner eat them like candies and they mostly get 50.
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