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Everything posted by h90

  1. only if they are over 50%. Else the consensus between all coalition partner will decide....as the majority in parliament does the voting.
  2. I have the road bikes, one was about 50.000 Baht, bought new, and I have a better one I assembled myself. But I never heard of a green book or documents.... The new one I bought came with something...I guess warranty card or so...went a few years later in the trash bin. Are there any official documents with a bicycle?
  3. I doubt that price they could be even cheaper, I would guess placing the sticker on it costs more than the sticker
  4. May I have 10kg from them for 22.5 Baht....You need only one more customer like me and you are in the profit zone
  5. Before wife bought the Aircons at local HomePro or similar....They always came and installed it without any questions. But from time to time an installation was leaking...so not too perfect I thought I could save some money and with only 5 star reviews I can't be wrong. obviously not as simple as I thought. Maybe I should follow your idea and go back to visit a shop....
  6. To add: mold can be everywhere in Thailand if the house and furniture is older...recently I pulled on a gap of some old furniture...it broke apart...the complete particleboard was blueish-greenish-partially black mold and I was standing in a cloud of it. (My body doesn't care, but my wife get some reaction allergic maybe). What I want to tell is: Someone could have a mold problem without knowing/seeing the mold.
  7. OK, I ordered at a shop that is on the platform Shopee an AC+Installation. I thought that is clear even with my sloppy form of explaining...
  8. I ordered an AC with installation at Shopee. They came, saw and told we should cancel, too difficult. There was an AC before which we removed. Need thru 2 thin walls but the holes are already made. The electric is already there. Easily within the 4 meter they offer to have the tube, and I wouldn't have much of a problem if they would need some extra money for some troubles I don't recognize. Maybe slightly more difficult than direct on the wall, but with the holes already made it might be just the same..... Is this normal?? Or bad luck? Normally shopee is good on refunds so no problem beside the wasted time. But if it is normal I might not need another company on shopee??
  9. couple of hours every week at high school and 1-2 easy camps for 2-3 days is an exemption with some cosmetic so they can call it different....
  10. I was in the ministry of defense where all the army looked like christmas trees. 3 large beer and 3 Schnaps (served in wine glasses, they were large) per person at lunch brake was normal for one table. Another group went with some small vehicle buying bottles of wine for an office every day. Some guy of the secret service complete drunk at the security guards monologing how top secret he is and having a different passport every 2 weeks.....Where we began the commander was a Lieutenant for lifetime because they found Nazi things in his workplace...but still commanding officer in this place....The officer who took care of the weapons...he sat all the day alone in his room, as there was nothing to do and drinking.... Not the British Army....the professionals of Austria.....Most of it you could direct sell as Monty Python script. I was drafted but used in the Ministery of Defense...environmental department in the office as I was one of the rare one who did the military after university. I can easily believe that the lower ranks outside do a professional job but the top brass there is nothing....and you see it....red faces, big bellies.....
  11. Monopolies yes sure all his business wasn't clean..... Zelensky: what courage? wearing a green TShirt? He as much as Putin are in no danger. To let other people die does not need any courage and if the country is lost he has several properties in other countries.....The Ukrainian General (forgot his name) and the Wagner guy are on the front themself and risk their lifes. All the others have their courage in a nice cozy office....while meanwhile hundreds of thousands die. I have zero admiration for any warmonger no matter which side. I never claimed that Thaksin is brave....we agree that he is coward....and thanks for the reminder about the speech....now I recall it. I had forgotten it already. But my point is that he is smart....
  12. There was this discussion with Abhisit, that he did not have to do the regular military as he studied......Your son has to do the normal military in the dirt or some better thing?
  13. He got rich on his own...he was prime minister pretty long, that is not nothing.... Zelensky: How would you call someone who shows playing piano with his pe*is in his shows?
  14. I have seen western military leadership.....it all looks professional.....but it is not....just the alcohol problem is a story on itself....
  15. A referendum with the promise that if it get rejected that they fall back to the previous constitution...I heard Prayuth promise that on TV. Some claim he said in fact fall back to one of the many previous constitutions, not necessarily the last one. But even that all was doggy...I admit that. Still it was voted for so any new one need a referendum as well. If you replace a constitution that was voted for with a constitution without vote that suits the new government, than the new government is worse than Prayuth. And a new constitution will immediately get the royalists on the street. But I do agree that the current constitution is bad. To replace it should be a slow process with a lot discussion with as little involvement of the government as possible
  16. You can eat 1kg of it than sure something will give up....you can overdose everything....Vitamin C, Water.....Orange Juice
  17. Thaksin lying? No that can not be But different than MF, I respect Thaksin for being intelligent.
  18. One of our staff told, when he was in the army he could go out whenever he wanted. Just than his boss pockets his salary.
  19. Thaksin is smart and has a lot experience...he'll do what he can do.
  20. Of course you can die from an overdose....you can die from drinking too much water. Only it is extreme unlikely....
  21. If I understand right, these who study at university don't get conscripted the normal way. Might be a good idea but that is pretty much the definition of inequality as only people who are well off go to universities
  22. No it has not...it was very bad before and it is very bad now....So no increase in inequality....Same as 2003
  23. Not in Austria, Germany, Italy etc.....the strongest can try first if they fail the second tries and that is not law....For example in Austria the president said if the ultra right get the most votes he'll ask the second strongest party to form a government (without them). Not nice but normal. I recall some years back the third party had the Prime Minister. Other countries also took complete outsider. The majority in parliament decide normally (without appointed Senators)
  24. The overwhelming majority did not vote for MFP....so there are easily coalitions without them possible. Neofascist? It was Pita who met with the WEF on Saturday (The Nation reported). It happens from time to time that the majority party does not make the government. What do do you expect: antiroyal with changing the 112. anti Military, anti the biggest alcohol companies in Thailand, anti the biggest trading partner (China) (where the biggest Thai company has the investments), anti personal freedom with narcotics, an economic program that will destroy either the industry are make Thailand bankrupt (or lie to their voters) in the long run. No wonder that other parties think maybe we can do without them....doing nothing like the decades before and be peaceful corrupt instead of big troubles. You can't start so many things at the same time..no matter if they are a good idea or a bad.
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