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Everything posted by h90

  1. You get what you vote for.....Some people start to notice that they voted for radicals.
  2. Just that weed is not highly addictive....one of the least addictive narcotics, behind nicotine and alcohol...which than is a perfect reason to either go Saudi Arabia and ban Alcohol or keep Marijuana legal.
  3. That is the drug politic.....it is total crazy but people think it is normal.
  4. Cheap and good beer....cheap weed and cheap prostitutes and the quality tourists will come (Quality is metered by Thai government in Baht spent per day).
  5. high price is not only the brewers fault....Taxes are crazy high...I got told 50% of the beer price is tax. I can't tell if it is true or not but I believe it is. For half the price the Heineken (in Thailand brewed) and Singha would be OK
  6. Problem is here the high tax...the beer is not that expensive if there wouldn't be crazy tax on it. Big supermarkets have a wide varity of import beers but not cheap and sometimes old or not stored well.....If a good brand German beer taste worse than Chang something must have happened
  7. OK for now on you must be carnivore, not allowed to eat plants. We search you on the street (don't shoot you) and put you in jail if we find a tomato on you.
  8. I seriously doubt the serious side effects...being old but still remembering my university days....it is almost impossible to get side effects that need hospital from weed. When it causes less troubles than beer and beer is not illegal than weed can't be illegal as we should use the same objective measures.
  9. You would be also aggressive if someone bans something you like....you aren't allowed to have a beer anymore, or no more pork chops for you...they are illegal. That is more than understandable...What I don't get is why some people think they are entitled to regulate someone else life.
  10. and now without control do you see the dead people from a cannabis overdose on the sidewalk? No....It was a hype on the beginning now it is kind of boring and no major problems. Sure less problems than beer causes.
  11. That would be great...not a fan of MF but that is something I can support
  12. yes actually people start with Alcohol....On Alcohol is the death penalty in Saudi Arabia. And also other crimes are punished hard. When I read some comments here, I wonder why these people stay in Thailand while Saudi Arabia must be much better.
  13. We had that idea with the "war on drugs" already....with the side effect that half the killed were collateral damage. I rather like too little enforcement than the Saudi Arabia style....
  14. yes here in my surrounding half the people aren't vaccinated and in my non statistical significant sample the vaccinated had it easier, but the non vaccinated didn't had much of a problem. Note: the Omicron edition...not the earlier one that could have been different.
  15. impossible idea....it would cause a revolution.....And you would need 3 soldiers to pry away one fatty from his video game.
  16. And why? Because you don't like the way other people live? Hey my neighbor smokes pot...shoot him and I take his stuff....
  17. Best example is prostitution and abortion in Thailand. Not allowed but available and no one check or punish. Keeps the hypocrites happy and let the normal people do what the want.
  18. CIA torture center somewhen in the time frame of 2002-2004 is that recent enough? Thailand was also in the war against Vietnam....there is zero reason to trust Thailand as a neighbor.
  19. Well the alcohol selling times and restrictions make zero sense as well. But OK you could ban any advertisement and ban it from public eyes so no one attracted by it.
  20. being criminal, driving with narcotics etc is already illegal with or without narcotics. And if you allow narcotics there won't be any drug mafia or crime to get money for the next shot. So there will be less crime.....Of course cocaine and amphetamins make people crazy...you are right on that. Heroin/Morphium etc makes them only passive.
  21. To prevent heart disease you would need to force the population to eat healthy and exercise--->impossible In the west people should be healthy till 65 and than they are just a cost factor with their retirement payments. If they all get 90 we are bankrupt.
  22. What is racist? Dog eating exists in Thailand...It is rare now but it exists....and more in other Asien countries. In my country we eat rabbits and horses. In France the eat frogs....nothing racist on that, just plain stupid gossip. And eating dogs is nothing worse than eating pigs...both are lovely intelligent animals.
  23. Don't forgot Thailand and USA supported Pol Pot.....
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