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Everything posted by h90

  1. Like 20-30 years ago there bus tours from Austria or Germany to Italy....it is as bad with steeling sausage in the pockets, etc.. It need time...one more generation that is grown up without fear for food.
  2. In 15 years they'll own the world, in 30+ years they'll have the same problems the west has now. In 50 years they are whining about some other country is copy all their products and produce so cheap...
  3. Correct me if I am wrong.....no experience only what I got told, I got told when eating it works much slower so if the dose is wrong you recognize it too late (ate too much/too little of it). Different than smoking where you can adjust fast.
  4. Similar to me....I remember driving in Germany.....leaving at 6 PM so I can go full speed (full speed at my old diesel was 160) all the night without brakes so I am in the morning there.......Would not do that anymore......
  5. I am not against EVs but stopping all 260km.....There are a lot people who drive Phuket Bangkok only with a short pee brake. 260km is really not enough for long distance. But most people would use it anyway just inside city and fly longer distances...for that it is more than enough. Driving 10+ hours is extreme boring if you could sit in the airplane 1 hour instead.
  6. Modern ICE that are not manipulated (which happens sometimes...removing the catalytic converter) are very clean.
  7. The Netherlands is a huge food exporter....sorry to hear that The Netherlands is so backward. I always thought that they are civilized
  8. he did donate a lot last time why you think this time it was different? PTP always pays out a fortune and never got caught. Voter turnout during elections is not much of a problem in Thailand as voting is compulsory and is one of the responsibilities described in the Constitution a citizen must exercise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Thailand And as stated there: 2019: 75% 2011: 75% 2007: 85% So it is not very high it is just normal as always....
  9. Yes you must vote and 25% are so uninterested that they even brake the law. That is not a high voter turnout..... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanathorn_Juangroongruangkit one of the richest families he is the owner of the party...
  10. I don't know which parties die vote buying but MF is one of the best funded, so I would not exclude them. PTP always pays. Democrats also did. And there was a 75% voter turnout even per law you must vote so I think that is pretty low.
  11. It was a Russian airplane so maybe he got a bucket full of vodka?
  12. That is extreme authoritarian...but if you see it that way you are correct.....I thought we are over that as society.
  13. "make a quick buck out of selling it illegally that cause the problems." which problem do they cause? I am not aware of the deads from the cannabis overdose.....
  14. Why? If you don't like it, don't use it, but let other people do what they want.
  15. regulate cannabis to the death....yes some doctor can prescribe it, but that is not what the people want. They want freedom
  16. You wrote about the narcotics not me.....I didn't even know that it is a border issue
  17. I don't want to excuse the vote buying, but the same happens with every election ????
  18. If they mess in Thai politics than yes....but can't remember that they ever did.
  19. Where did I say something about support? I speak about being neutral and don't being aggressive. Neither supporting them, nor being aggressive. Just trade to mutual benefits. Or do you want to punish the Thai traders?
  20. Narcotic politics is a constant failure....I agree on that.
  21. I speak about Thailands politics against Myanmar....Myanmars dictatorship does not treat Thailand so there is no appeasement. Thais voted, but foreign politics was not a topic in the election.
  22. Where did you find an electrician at 1 AM and why? I would have wait till the morning.
  23. Thailand has a lot border trade with people on the other side...and these aren't the richest of the society. The job of the government is to come along with the neighbors....not warmongering and being terrorists. No matter if the neighbor has a government they don't like. Lao is communist dictatorship, Cambodia is not really democratic in Malaysia is the Sharia. Biggest trading partner is China a communist dictatorship, another big partner is USA, the worst warmonger and state terrorist on the planet. Should Thailand be hostile to all of them? Or rather be neutral and do business?
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