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Everything posted by h90

  1. You see it wrong....it goes on top of the costs inflicted by previous governments (and don't forget the Yingluck rice scam was very costly as well). Thailand should not hand out more money and increase taxes for everyone.....It need a hard cost cutting politics and lowering taxes. Specially taxes that target poor people.
  2. Would have beem nice if the "Thai Newsroom" give us the mathematics, how many MPs different coalitions could get. To see if it is a possible solution or not.
  3. We tried to find a cleaning woman....no way to find someone who really works (and not only talks with other staff). Ended up with telling the normal staff to clean office once a week in exchange for a 500 Baht salary rise....
  4. If nothing changed: he can exit Thailand....turn around and enter Thailand with the Thai passport. There is no need to walk over to Cambodia and announce yourself. You can keep in the no mans land. As it was before...years ago, you could have gone to the place, stamp out of Thailand, go back to the car and drive home. There was no obvious control. Maybe someone in the back had an eye on it. But even than what they can blame him for? He is a Thai with a Thai passport in Thailand. Add: that is no advise and I don't know how legal it is....that is just how no one care at the border at that time I was there.
  5. I don't know how will be the next group selected? Would be interesting if the new government will select the new senators?
  6. Normal people care about their living, if they earn good money, have a new car and be confident that their children will have it even better. If it is safe. A very small amount of well fed people worry about political systems.....They get angry if they have no future, not when their leader makes brilliant decisions in an undemocratic way. I have a lot contacts to China....As long as the money is good and there are no lockdowns they are happy with their government. No one care about the system. (Which than complete turned when they had the hard Covid restrictions).
  7. Thailand has too high taxes already. Every increase would be bad. The government should instead save money. Thailand is way too bureaucratic, too many provinces with the full pyramid of bureaucracy. Reducing bureaucracy and taxes and lowering electric costs would cause an economic boom, even if the government makes everything else wrong. But who want to invest in Thailand if they get a better deal in Vietnam?
  8. Yes Abhisit was technically correct PM. But not in the real sense and the theater with the MPs locked into the hotel room......He should have made new elections by himself...might have won it. I am not sure if I remember right it was not only army chief it was also some big budget. caretaker government has a time limit. Yes it was Sutheps network. They had the idea if there are no elections the government must tell that they can't govern. Than a government will be appointed and fix things for a while......A few years ago in Austria was such an appointed government, it is not something too crazy. But they didn't do it, and their term was expired so they were technically not government anymore. Same case as Abhisit, they should have left when it was time.
  9. yes than basically we agree on everything here.... Hard to tell if Abhisit did what he got told or if it was natural incompetence....Don't forget friend of Boris Johnson and young leader of World Economic forum. Red Shirts would have been the opportunity to shake up the police force. If ugly he could have made a small coup himself of it. So many people had hopes in him...young modern etc....
  10. I think they did not expect to win.....You can promise everything if you don't get the power. The win was a surprise and now they slowly wake up.
  11. yes but they can't elect one who has no majority in the parliament. (as the parliament can bring a government without majority to fall immediately). So it is a check of balance. Both can't without the other. Just appointed Senators that way is a bad solution.....If only other countries would have had constitutions we could have copied
  12. I don't know the numbers....but how did 6 if that is true (and how many wounded) died from peaceful protesters? 2006 coup was bloodless 2014 was bloodless. I missed the 2008 coup there was none. Abhisits incompetence caused the bloodshed....There have been so many ways to avoid it. Easiest early elections, as he wasn't very clean elected anyway.
  13. The red shirts wanted earlier elections....not the normal scheduled one. So it was not about democracy. The army fights them and get killed first...so they were armed protesters. Abhisit did regular elections and Yingluck won. So the red shirt violence was for nothing. We recall at the end of the yellow shirts the army coup an illegal government away. It was a caretaker government that had expired. Both should not happen. The red shirts promised to dissolve on themself if Abhisit makes earlier elections...he refused that. Earlier elections would have avoided all violence and would have made look reasonable.... So he is just another failure....
  14. I don't know if that is a good example....Thailand has no race divide, only a political but everyone look the same. South Africa has now regular power outage and regularly there are terrible crimes against white farmer. As great it was in the short term in the long term it worked only half. Thailand did a lot better the last 20 years.
  15. how can less taxes help? Best tax system is no taxes....At least taxes on food should be zero. That helps the poor the most.
  16. mismanagement the last 4 years makes the need for a good budget more important, not less
  17. As you may heard many of the coalition partner do not want to have the 112 changes in their MOA. They will have to compromise with the senators. The senators can not vote against the majority of the house. If they fail to gain a majority of both houses the second strongest party will try. PTP said already they don't want to change the 112. Prayuth is out, he lost..... that has nothing to do with Prayuth anymore.
  18. Something is always around......Don't eat Aspirin against the headache...Paracetamol is OK. Just in case it is Dengue Fever which not mix well with Aspirin. I always get headache when I have fever so maybe check for fever
  19. how is economic grow and inflation at the moment in UK? Must be fantastic thanks to no coups and a 1000 year old constitution.
  20. They did not win enough to rule alone so they must compromise with others. They got like 36% (don't have the number) at a 75% turnout. So 73% did not vote for them. Means they must compromise and try to unite people.
  21. 2010: Was that the red shirt protests.... Where the military lost several people due to gunfire from your civilians...had to fall back and get weapons. The last 2 coups were without blood....but yes 30 or 50 years earlier it was a different world......But 1976 even Prayuth was young boy
  22. I think there is already something brewing....With making 112 so big, MF will get some resistance and various fractions will try different things to block them. If it works is a other question, but I am sure Army, Yellows, Monarchists, Conservatives will try
  23. a) There is no "my side" b) how does the private sector want higher minimum salary and left leaning politics?
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