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Everything posted by h90

  1. Many people started with beer and move to harder drugs later. Many people start with cigarettes and move to harder drugs later. Many people start with coffee and move to harder drugs later. And it is not your business if someone use hard drugs. If it is your children do good parenting. If it is not your children it is not your business
  2. What is wrong with people who want nothing more than telling other people what they must do or must not due. I don't use any narcotics, but it is not Chuwits business if I smoke at home or not. Sale for children is already banned. If he doesn't like it, don't use it but leave other people alone.
  3. Yes people die all the time from various diseases, specially when we get old....That is life. If you are 90 you may die now from Covid or you die 1 year later from the flu.
  4. Most people can't change their opinion because they can't admit that they were wrong. So they continue the wrong way. That you complete drop 10 years of testing not only on a new vaccine but on a complete new technology was obviously wrong from the beginning. But they presented it in a way that hide the fact.
  5. Thank you....interesting construction reminds me on some ideas from between the wars.....Every part of society elects their representant. Means on the other side if someone ever takes the system over that group can not get rid of the same. Interesting times ahead....full fridge and some gold in case the THB is falling might be a good idea
  6. yes the list of countries that have been bombed by China in the last 20 years is rather short. But they do evil things like building trains to get an edge on imports and exports....(Thailand export a lot of fruits over the high speed train in Laos)....
  7. ups yes read that...but forgot about it. But if next year, if you draft a new constitution, discuss it, have a referendum about it and than a vote in parliament and let the king sign it. I doubt there is enough time and I doubt these senators will sign it so you would select new one to get the new constitution signed
  8. If they all vacate their seat who select the next one? The next government? Would mean that instead of all selected by the military we have all selected by MF and PTP? Who than try to block every next government that is not them? Or are they somehow different selected?
  9. I mean they fire up their supporters with it. If someone says that maybe we should talk about some issues with 112 means for them the world is going under and here we have the enemy...Top News, Sondhi, etc
  10. I have no romantic feelings for any party....there is no one I love. They are all different shades of grey. As less the mess with my life as less I hate them. I am libertarian, if there is a party who would want to abolish the government I may love it.....else there is no love.
  11. Not even half decent for many reasons......many different reasons.
  12. My father was sick...did not need the doc, but it needed a few weeks till he was 100% the same and not tired all the time. He wasn't sick with anything else the last 30 years....so it had more power than every other thing the last 30 years.
  13. been here while he was PM.....And don't know what your problem is with the Junta....everyone that has doubts at MF is not a Junta lover...I would guess there are close to non who love the junta
  14. That is really rich...to propaganda works in one sentence.....look look the virus, don't look at the government.... We may disagree on on other topics but here I agree 100%
  15. All philanthropists.....not a second they think about the money
  16. The latest edition of the virus is also without vaccine no problem at all if you are healthy....maybe more than with vaccine but still just minor.
  17. Old yellow are already starting up because the fear monarchy is in danger....Would have been wiser to not touch 112 as the first point and change the military as second....
  18. montages were officials say that it prevent infection is not medical science it is a collection of officials saying something. And that politicians lie is not complete unheard of
  19. no the beginning they said 90% this, 92% that 94%.....and gave limits that it must have so herd immunity can be achieved....that was the spin in Europe and USA
  20. 1% of GDP and many dead farmer...many companies left Thailand. Japan officially complained. And how can your source know what damage was from the demonstrations (blocking airport, scaring tourists) and what from the coup? And correct me if I am wrong, I can't remember a 2008 coup.......2006 and 2014
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