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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. Android now has something like 2/3 of the smartphone market.

    I am using the Panasonic CM1 (not available in Thailand wacko.png ) because it has a camera with a 1" sensor. That's the same 20MP sensor as in the Panasonic FZ1000 and Sony RX100 series of cameras. Excellent image quality.

  2. Crazy shit, like everyone knows what is going on,and is, in like, denial.

    Exactly, everyone knows about the dubious activities of Thailand's Hi-Sos. But not just the hi-sos, also a lot of Thai men out in the villages. Point is, that none of this is a secret, it is widely known AND accepted by Thai society. Just rarely talked about.

    So where is the Thai Minister of Culture when you need her?

  3. . Publicly flog them then give them 20 years minimum in jail not separated from the rest of the inmates but with them. Let's see how many actually leave the jail walking.

    Here we go --- the predictable trash posts. Very high class -- how about some constructive suggestions.

    How about you come into the real world. You think it is ok? what a sick person you are. You need treatment or incarcerated probably both.

    Flogging is constructive or maybe you would just enjoy it. I assume you are one of those idiots that belief these people have human rights

    Strange as it may seem, YES they do. Or do you believe everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.

  4. Lets hope for the best here folks. At least its exposed and no mincing of the perpetrators, high class government workers. The Governor has taken a brave step in the right direction. Don't see that very much here. Give him credit where credits due.

    Not to worry, someone will have a quiet word with him, then all will be forgotten. Perhaps a few sacrificial lambs for the media.

  5. One can see without even turning on the light that Thailand is controlled by a totalitarian Junta, where is the fairness in a one sided PR campaign , all along the Junta has tried its best to stifle public comment giving to the world wide opinion that it has something to hide, lets have a more even playing field with both a fore and against campaign , have a serious balanced debate, not as it stands now , with the Junta pulling out all stops not to have any descent voiced against it and the Charter Thai people will vote no because they know what a Junta is really like, not many Expats do.....................................................coffee1.gif .

    Very well said.

  6. Why is the high ranking policeman not named? Or even questioned yet?

    The BP states that they are now investigating lese majeste charges against 'Lady Kai'. So this whole thing could start unraveling very quickly. This articel states that in addition to politicians, "big police" and military men are also involved. What are the odds that this will go beyond 'Lady Kai' and snare any of these people?

    Just can't see the junta going after their own, or 'big' police. Politicians, yes.

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