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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. 16 hours ago, BudRight said:

    At a minimum, the equipment vendor is supposed to provide maintenance and calibration of the machine.



    Incorrect.  The purchaser BUYS a maintainence contract, which would provide reoutine maintainence and calibration on a regular basis.


    The key point is that the dentist must PAY for said maintainence.  It is NOT provided for free by the vendor, at least outside of whatever the warrantee specifies.


  2. 15 hours ago, Winniedapu said:


    I think you're probably right, even though I think the servers are in Canada and not subject to Thai law, pressure will continue to be put on advertising revenue, which is already dropping like a stone.


    It's only a personal opinion and I haven't see the due diligence if there was any, but I strongly suspect, knowing the previous owner, that the new team have bought a pig in a poke; I do know the page views, email addresses and other selling points were massively exaggerated. I didn't think they would be accepted but it seems they were.


    I think you're right. TV will have its toenails cut by year end and it will close it's doors before the end of July next year. I already told the new owners this but I'm pretty sure they didn't give it any credence so I guess I'll just watch it happen from afar.


    I hope I'm wrong, I really do, because foreigners need a place to talk and gossip, and there's bugger all else worthwhile, even with some of the disastrous unpaid staff. I don't think I am wrong though, Thailand is changing quite quickly and it's turning into something I don't think very many of us will like.



    Unfortunately, I think you might be right.  But that also begs the question, how long before thay start to target us individually?


    Worrying times, indeed.  Hope everyone has an exit plan.  I do.

  3. 16 hours ago, moving to thailand said:

    Jack, thanks so much for the informative response. Cambodia is actually something I have considered a bit here and there, its even cheaper but I read an article about how health care there is absolutely atrocious and people die there very young. The life expectancy is apparently so much lower because the hospitals are unsanitary, there are diseases prevalent etc. However I have not been there so I have no idea how exaggerated that is, perhaps if you have some experience living there you could shed some light on this. And yes the easily obtainable long term visas make it seem like a much more enticing option in this current time.


    Thai hospitals range from very cheap (and not very good) to very good (and equally expensive).  Basically, you get what you pay for.  If you get really sick, be prepared to pay top dollar for good to decent health care.  Pay less and you take your life in your hands.


    The easiest long term visa to get is the 5 year Thai Elite visa.  But that requires 500000 baht up front.

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  4. On Monday, August 15, 2016 at 5:57 AM, Brer Fox said:

    Over to you Prime Minister Prayut. Show the people of Thailand what you are made of. This is a test case.


    Is the family of the deceased going to receive  justice or not?


    You need to prove yourself to your fellow citizens on Thailand's law and order and civil rights.


    The world is watching.


    Too late.  The 'Test Case' was Koh Tao, and in that disgusting episode not only did Prayut fail miserably, but showed his true colors by praising and rewarding the police for their 'good work'.



    PS:  The 'World' really doesn't care.  The world has it's own problems, Thaiand pales in comparrison.


  5. As usual Prayut does know hiss a$$ from  a hole in the ground.  Yes the people voted for the draft because they want change.  The problem is that the change they really want is to see the end of the military running this country.  Unfortunately, what they did not realize is that by endorsing the draft they gave the military carte blanche to run this country for the forseeable future.


    Woe is Thailand.

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