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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. Is anyone really surprised? We all knew all the recent hot air out of Prayut et al was just to appease the media and give lip service. There was never any intention to actually do anything substantial, such as arresting and prosecuting officials who are neck deep in this.

    The USA should be ashamed of themselves. These 'ratings' reports they do are nothing more than political tools.

    Now it will be back to business as usual.

  2. Thanks for the comment above but I would appreciated if you were a bit more specific about the specs.

    Well, I would start by reading those 2 links JohnnyJazz provided above.

    Since you specifically mentioned you want it for gaming, I would go for the best (Intel) CPU you can afford and a mid to high end motherboard. Go with as good a graphics card as you can afford, preferably nVidia, and load up on system RAM. Definately get an SSD for the OS and programs, but add a hard disk for your games. Most high end games today are big and will eat up a lot of HD space.

    I would also spend a lot of time browsing InvadeIT.co.th. They have all the components you need, plus provide links to the manufacturer so you can read the full specs on each item. I spent the better part of 6 months reading and researching before clicking the order button. My research paid off as I am very happy with my new computer.

    Monitors: I went with a 4K monitor, you may not want or need that. I would however suggest at least full HD (1920x1080), and for gaming, as large as you can afford.

    That was over a year ago now, many of the components I bought have been superceeded with newer items.

    I hope that helps.

  3. I built my own. Bought everything from Invadeit.co.th. Final cost for mine was close to 150K baht. Without the game chair and wheel about 100K baht. Didn't get the game chair at invadeit.

    What did you get for that price ? When I check specialized website, it seems we can get powerful config (i7, GTX 980, 16GB, ... ) for much cheaper than that.



    For the price he certainly got much more than the "powerful" but still very common configuration you imagined.

    I guess his rig has at least dual GPU and is possibly watercooled, allowing for aggressive overclocking of both CPU and GPUs.

    Maybe 4k display @ 100 FPS.

    and this starts to really be expensive - a 3k display capable of 75 Hz already costs 50.000 baht.

    Bingo on all counts, but 4K only at 60fps. Plus 32GB RAM and a 1500W power supply.

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