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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. Anyone out there actually read the draft charter? I am about one third the way through it and what I see is all sorts of lofty statements, but almost all have a proviso that goes along these lines...

    "except by virtue of the provisions of the law specifically enacted for the purpose of maintaining the security of the State, protecting the rights or liberties of other persons, maintaining public order or good morals of people, or safeguarding the health of the people"

    I read that as a sort of we can do what we want regardless of what the charter may say. Not what I would call a good sign at all.

  2. Looks like maybe the tide is starting to change. Let's hope it turns into a tsunami on August 7 and sends a VERY STRONG AND CLEAR message to the junta.

    I have said all along that this referendum is illegitimate due to the one sided way the junta has forced onto the Thai people.

    The junta will NOT be happy with this development. I'll bet someone is throwing a major temper tantrum as I write. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  3. Plug an Ethernet cable between laptop and router then enter that IP address ( into the address bar, then login to your router with admin/admin and carry on setting it up. They would have given you a sheet of paper with your user name details.

    Yes, you usually need to connect to the router via an ethernet cable to access the router settings. Wi-Fi is usually not on by default anyway and you will need to turn it on and set it up. Once set up, wifi should work as you expect.

  4. any measure to track the tourists is commendable

    not only to prevent over staying illegally but also for

    the safety and security of the visitors.

    the forms for visa extension should be standardised at all extension offices to

    minimise confusion and expeditious processing.

    Such bull sh!t forms are NOT needed to track overstayers, just a little leg work from immigration, and it has NOTHING to do with safety. That form is an invasion of privacy, nothing else. I say just fill it in with bogus information.

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  5. Is that the same hospitality, affordable fees and word standard medical service that left the British women to die in a Bangkok hospital, because of an incredibly high bill that the family couldn't foot?

    that isn't the fault of the hospital. It's the fault of the woman and her family for being poor.

    Ah, so poor elderly do not count. Only the rich elderly need apply.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

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