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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. Takorn Tantasith, secretary general of the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission said the plan approved Tuesday requiring foreigners use SIM cards which report their locations would not move forward without input from the public – including foreign residents.


    IF that is true, then might as well bin the idea now, as I think the expat community is overwhelmingly AGAINST it.

  2. 4 hours ago, Crossy said:

    You get a pop-up when someone posts in a thread you've posted in or when someone likes one of your posts (plus a bunch of other options).

    You can configure what happens by clicking on the bell symbol top right of the page and choosing "Notification settings"


    What bell symbol?   I see no bell symbol ANYWHERE.

  3. Does anyone do the Elite if over 50 and can instead go for the retirement visa?

    Yes, quite a lot of us. We like the convenience and hassle free way of life. Permit free travel, the cars to and from the airport, expedidated immigration services and knowing we have 5 years or whatever package you choose of not needing ever to deal with immigration. If you live in Bangkok, Pattaya, Chang Mai or Phuket, even your 90 day reports are taken care of for you should you wish them to be.

    Are you sure they will take care of 90 day reports outside of bangkok? Last I heard it was only for people living in Bangkok.

    Since they don't come and pick up your passport, you have to take it into their office personally (or have someone drop it off for you), it pretty much means you must be close enough to those offices to do it.

  4. What a joke. They just make it up as they go along.

    Last night I asked the GF if she was going to head home for the Aug 7 referendum. What referendum, she asks. You know, the one about the new charter. What charter?

    Well there you have it, a fully informed Thai populace. No doubt the ignorance is due, in large part, to the suppression of public opinion by the junta. So one has to wonder, who, out in the provinces, know anything about what is supposed to happen on August 7, why, and what the implications will be for the future of Thailand?

  5. The control of the Army is lead by a faction, wrestling for control with other factions. When a new army commander takes over then he will insert "his" people in strategic positions. Professional competence seems rarely if ever to be a factor.

    And the junta supporters think these guys will "save" Thailand??


    I think the concept of these guys 'saving' Thailand, went out the window a long time ago.

  6. 8:30 at night?

    62-year old man?

    Group of motorbike taxi drivers particpate in a "beat down" that leaves farang with serious head injuries.

    This is why I tell everyone I know in the US to never visit Thailand.

    Even if the damage to the motorbike is true, and there are many instances of this type of scam, the resulting actions are criminal.

    Lesson to all farang: Smile. Be apolite. Get the police involved.

    Getting the police involved will NOT solve the problem, and may inn fact, make things worse, as the police are often working WITH the scammers.

  7. Tried 10, didn't like it. Too many changes, just for the sake of change AND all the builtin privacy/telemetry issues that you cannot turn off.

    Now happily back on 7, where I intend to stay.

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