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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. I am sure the UN, and other foreign bodies, fully understand the clarifications and explanations the junta spews forth on an almost daily basis. Most likely far better than the junta does.

    I see that Suthep, who supports the charter, and who continues to air his daily facebook broadcasts to urge people to vote yes, has not been told to stop, nor has he been arrested.

    Would Abhisit be allowed to also air daily facebook broadcasts if he was urging people to vote no? Highly unlikely, me thinks.

    Thailand, Hub of double standards.

  2. It's high time to clean out that stinking and filthy pigsty Thai Buddhism has become. But who has the will and courage to do it?

    No one will do it as they dont want anyone looking into their own affairs. That is why they tip around issues on egg shells and never do anything concrete, just pass the buck.

    Exactly. Too many skeletons in too many closets. No one can move on anything for fear of having their own dirty laundry aired.

  3. Just some questions to all of you that complain about Thais and their Buddhist amulets...

    If you are Christian:

    Protestant: Do you wear or own a cross?

    Catholic: Do you wear or own a cross? Do you have a saints medallion? Do you have a rosary?

    If you are Jewish: Do you have a Davids star or a menorah?

    and the list goes on and on and on...

    Well, I am catholic (although non practicing) and do not own any of the above. I see no problem in owning such things if they give you some sort of comfort, so long as you DO NOT think they bestow some sort of magical powers or protection on you.

    Thais DO think that those amulets bestow them with special powers or protection.

    Anyone who thinks so is short a few cards of a full deck. I think it is horrific that the leader of a country should think so and/or call on fortune tellers when making decisions of national importance. That speaks volumns about the (lack of) mental capacity of the so called 'leader', not to mention the population in general.

  4. Well it does raise the question as to why is the number not standardized worldwide. However threatening people with a long jail term for just discussing it is way over the top draconian suppression and intimidation. Long past due for the Thai people to rise up against this sort of stupidity. Otherwise Thailand must be prepared to enter the new dark ages under a never ending military rule.

    Getting real close to exit time, me thinks.

  5. I have ordered from InvadeIT without issues. Very good service and very professional. You can email them with questions and get a prompt reply. The easiest (best) way to pay is via money transfer, either ATM or online banking.

    About 18 months ago I built a new high end desktop computer for gaming and bought everything through InvadeIT without issues. Total order was over 100,000 baht.

  6. I had the X5-H Plus and it worked very well, no real complaints. I now use the U1 which I also like, but I only watch movies and other video from attached external drives. I upgraded from the X8-H Plus becuse the U1 has better 4K capabilities. I own about 5 4K capable cameras and need to be able to play back to a 4K SUHD TV. The U1 also supports 4K60p, which the X8-H Plus did not.

    I use a Toslink (optical) cable to do passthrough audio to my surround system. Pretty straight forward once you get all the settings right in the Minix menus.

    So far no complaints, but there are some issues with the hardware acceleration. I find it is necessary to select only one (not all 3) to get smooth playback. Selecting all 3 seems to confuse it. Other than that rather minor issue, no problems.

    Oh, I bought my Minix boxes in Fortune (2nd floor), in case you are interested.

  7. ".....the nation will not move toward stability, prosperity and sustainability without reformation".

    Well, we all know the real problems here. Simply put, Thailand has no real leaders, and especially no one with vision. The best that Thailand seems to be able to come up with are corrupt politicians, who are in it only to line their own pockets, and corrupt strongmen, who seize power at the barrel of a gun, who also seem intent on lining their own pockets.

    Reforms? Unlikely as it would upset too many apple carts. The only reforms we have seen so far would seem to be the lottery. Oh yes, and a purge against their opponents.

    The military are in just as much a need for reform as are the police. But after 2 years, what have we seen? Zilch.

    This country is going backwards and I just do not see any hope of forward motion in the forseeable future.

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