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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. Solution : The attraction should be stopped with immediate effect. The safety or lack of it should be assessed by an independent and qualified body. The Anujak Chang should be referred to the relevant body for breach of Health and Safety Law in endangering the lives of its guests and employees.

    I see the flaw in your solution. Finding a truely independent body is hard enough in Thailand, but also QUALIFIED? Now THAT is almost impossible.

  2. The minister has no idea. Get rid of the seedy side of Thailand and people will go elsewhere. People on holiday are looking for a contrast from the daily normality of life.

    And there is nothing normal about Thailand!

    Ain't that the truth. There is absolutely NOTHING normal about Thailand. Shutting down the sex industry would send Thailand into a serious financial black hole. No more money to Issan, not to mention all the Hi-Sos who make their money off the Issan girls working on their backs.

    One thing is for sure, if this country goes all nanny state, especially with regards to sex, I am outa here. I can get the puritanical BS back in North America, and with far better living and social conditions.

  3. I mean " happy ending " gosh, who doesn't like a bit of a happy ending in this, hard at times and unbearable life?

    where is the harm here? it's a win, win and more win all around, and the pious and righties, prudish moral

    guardians of this country stands on the hind legs, and they expect us to believe that those so moral defenders

    don't have a mia noi or gik on the side?,,,,,

    When will any of you get it into your thick heads that it's those of us who don't use prostitution have very in the way of recreational outlets here for the simple fact that laying on one's back for 5 minutes for all and sundry is a gift to the inherently lazy bloody Thai. Nothing to do with piety and 'rightyness', whatever the hell that is.

    You might want to get off your high horse, before you fall off.

  4. What is so disgusting is she will most likely get a walk on this all and going doing all she has been doing in the past. After all she was only doing her Thainess right? Or I feel a trip to becoming a Monk in the works.

    Nope, no walk. They are stitching her up on a lese majeste charge. All else will be ignored/forgotten, including any investigations into her contacts among politicians, high ranking military and police. Too many skeletons to go there.

  5. They seemed to be trying to charge her over something she had not said, rather than what she did. What next thought crime?

    Maybe precrime. They will arrest you, on the basis of what some soothsayer says, before you even know you are going to commit the crime. Maybe they could use those GT200 bomb detectors to point out precrime suspects.

  6. bad idea. One large Bus with around 50 or more passenger need how many minibusses? The traffic and the parking problem will grow. facepalm.gif

    I would think they could cram everybody into 2 songtaus. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Plus it would be good for all those empty songtaus that just sit around doing nothing, or curb crawling and messing up traffic.

  7. Bullhockey headline about "new lover". There's nothing in the original story to indicate they were anything more than acquaintances having a drink together.

    In Thailand, there's only one reason for a woman to enter a man's room, just the two of you.

    My Thai neighbors warned me of that, just after I arrived here.

    They actually went into more detail ............. translated from polite Thai,

    "Can we go somewhere more private" = I'm married so we'll have to use a short-time hotel.

    "I can give you a lift home on my m/c" = I'm broke and married, so it's up against a tree in the jungle.

    "Would you like to have a drink at my place" = I'm single so we can use my bed, I'll pay for the booze.

    You are pretty good at making things up, but fail miserably on credibility.

  8. Yes, check to be sure the fan(s) on the graphics card are working properly.

    Those new games, especially the 3D ones can really push the limits of your graphics card, doubly so if you are using an older card. I had a similar experience some years ago with the system crashing more or less randomly. Except then the crashes became more frequent. Once I replaced the graphics card, all was well, no more crashes.

  9. The real problem here, even if the police were real and 'just doing their job', is that the police have a crap reputation for abuse, intimidation and extortion. It is a reputation that they have richly earned over the years and as a result, no one trusts them one little bit.

    If they want to reverse that impression, then they need to go overboard and be ultra professional at all times when dealing with the public AND start rooting out all the bad cops and actually arresting and prosecuting them.

    I won't be holding my breath.

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