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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. I thought this was supposed to be a showpiece to attract the international yacht crowd.  But, as always, someone was dreaming and someone was also siphoning off the budget to line their own pockets.   Hence crap work that is now falling apart in record time.


    I have come to the conclusion that there is no hope for Thailand. 

  2. Peace brought about by the barrel of a gun, is NOT peace.  It is, in fact, FEAR.  So total failure on their one achievement.


    As for airport seizures and whistle blowers in Bangkok, all of that occurred due to a total and complete failure of the police to enforce the law.

  3. If I was in charge of FB, I would immediately close down all FB offices in Thailand and assist any employees who wished to leave.  Then I would tell the junta to go <deleted> themselves.


    That would put the whole thing in the junta's court.  So whatever were to happen next, the junta would have to take full responsibility.


    They could try pulling the plug on FB, but that would likely result in a backlash they couldn't deal with.  It could be enough to topple them, which is why they wouldn't dare.  So it would really just show them to be a toothless tiger.



  4. On 5/9/2017 at 11:45 PM, sanukjim said:

    Ah Yes Dunkirk,Not one of The Uks finest hours. Retreating from the Germans in France and the  evacuation of 330,000 Allied troupes with the UK having 68,000 killed wounded or captured.The UK leaving behind 63,000 vehicles and 2,500 field.


    Actually, I think the civilian response WAS one of Britain's finest hours.

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