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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. If he was only working for bar fines would he still need a work permit?
  2. He was such a gracious gentleman at his first trial what reason could they have for not giving him another? It's not just a matter of stalling on the payout, but would also give him more opportunity to flap his hands and whinge about political persecution and, of course, beg for $$$. He's tapping his fans dry, I'm waiting for him to say stuff like "sell some of your guns and send me the money." And those poor, poor kids. Ivanka has hubby to make with the $$$, but the two eldest sons must be distraught at watching the fortune they have been waiting all their lives to inherit frittered away on lawyer fees and settlements that Pop needlessly multiplied by acting like the spoiled 10 year old he seems to be mentally stunted at. When Lara says she's out to get "every penny" she's talking about her own future. I've always been suspicious of the circumstances regarding Don Jr and his divorce -- could there be some sort of ploy involved to preserve part of the fortune in the event of something like these settlements coming to pass? He's been engaged to Guilfoyle for 4 years, maybe that is part of display.
  3. Took them from Singapore to Darwin some years back, they were at least 50% less than any other airline. However, and maybe this has changed, there was a steep overweight charge for the luggage, and they didn't allot you much to begin with. While waiting on line to check in I noticed everyone was getting hit with it. I had already been stuck in a similar way on a different SEA airline, so I learned my lesson and read the fine print and bought the extra weight in advance for much less. You've been warned.
  4. Maybe Team Orange will arrange for the sedition case to be transferred to a more DT friendly place, like Moscow or Budapest. If he fails to attain the WH yet again this time around the appeals will still be in play in 2027 when he's running for 2028. I'm expecting a load of chaos at the GOP convention this year, including audible death threats and possibly actual gun violence; not like Chicago '68 where the action was in the streets, but inside the convention hall itself. My guess is attendees will be allowed to bring in guns because all MAGA people are Constitutional scholars conversant in 2nd Amendment rights. Will be wild. "Eric, keep the jet prepped and ready!"
  5. Perhaps the boost is from the travel sites putting together air-hotel-etc packages and are price-competitive with each other.
  6. Actually what you saw was a condom, and it was not on his foot.
  7. A reporter researched his properties and found there is one NYC building that he owns that's value is close to the size of the judgement. He only lost because he was so exhausted from all that winning.
  8. Nothing like a brief stay in, say, Bangladesh, to improve the appreciation.
  9. If it were your daughter or mother that was the victim you would care little for the nuance between rape and sexual assault.
  10. Back when he was in the WH they caught him with a tactic right out of John LeCarre (with the aid of Israel). The word was passed to DT and was later caught by counter-intelligence monitoring Russia. It was reported but no one seemed to care.
  11. I found a bird cafe in Hong Kong, not that I was looking for one.
  12. At first look I thought "dog cafe" was a wiseacre critique of the selection of, err, serving ladies at a certain beverage-serving establishment.
  13. Aspirin or acetaminophen? All these stupid anti-social incidents and the jive excuses of things being out of their control, was the feast of Saint Bullpile this weekend?
  14. I would think the average noodle stall would just let the thief run, calling the BiB will just involve losing more money. In Brazil, politicians and their like do not pay their restaurant tabs, a torrent of pompous outrage would ensue if the bill was presented to them, and the place will probably go out of business soon after.
  15. More likely he forgot to do his usual "do you know who I am?" bully tactic when the bill came. If not for the press coverage and the place being a landmark he would be laughing in everyone's face. Or did he simply forget that he had a memory disorder?
  16. I can see the possibility of DT shooting himself in the foot on this internet deal: using the history of the site formerly known as Twitter being bought for over $44 billion he may insist on something closer to that than the paltry $3.9 billion we've been hearing about. The wrong words at the wrong time (he's good at that!) could turn the proposal into a pig's breakfast. There are other investors that would be getting pieces of the payout, and no doubt he'll try some fancy footwork to bilk them (he's good at that too, just ask his niece). And then there is tax of the profits. Also it looks like any payout coming his way might be intercepted by the forces of justice "hey, we'll take that . . . "
  17. Motion detection cameras can be considered AI. Same for word completion when you're typing. Maybe not all that intelligent, but definitely artificial. It's all a matter of perspective.
  18. That stuff is terrible, bad vibes! Get rid of it before you get arrested. Here, give it to me, I'll flush for you.
  19. Read something recently about online scamming. Chinese gangsters in LOS and Myanmar came up, some kind link to human trafficking and forced labor. Do these count as data centers?
  20. The stupid part is thinking that people are just going to say "oh, ok, we'll be Muslims now" and live by a whole new (well, old actually) set of rules, and so on. Don't you think there would be a fight, resistance, etc? Just try going to the US and saying "no more bacon." But get burial insurance first.
  21. Word going around that the small donor $$$ has eased up considerably as of late, sounds like he tapped the poor fools dry. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/26/trump-lags-in-small-dollar-donations-as-gop-fundraising-company-hits-snags.html
  22. What a disgusting image: all that orange tanning glop and hair spray smeared all over the floor, and a safety hazard too! If nothing else Nikki is clever. There are a lot of people in politics and the media that covers it anticipating what some are calling The Rapture. No, not the religious thing. With so many felony counts and civil cases, living on junk food*, poor health, raving temper tantrums, etc (as my ex-mother-in-law used to say "he's going to have a brain attack") DT may be out of the race one way or another. Then what will the GOP do? They will say "okay, so who came in second?" and she will live happily ever after... NOT! Then will ensue the equiv a of a gladiator free-for-all and the last one standing wins. There is no predicting what the GOP will have on their hands after the July convention. * I never bought into the McDonald's thing with DT. I think he may eat it sometimes, but I see it as a ploy to make his people think he's "just folks" -- "yeah, I have a private airliner and golden toilets, but I eat at McD's." What's not to believe?
  23. Please tell what Buckley means here. I hope you are not informing us William F. Buckley has come back from the grave!
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