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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. So he overvalues his assets so he can leverage loans, then he under-values so he'll pay less in taxes. Now when his wealth is being assessed they appear to be looking at the larger numbers, determining the cost of the penalty in relation to his net worth. He (and his clan) are the victims of their own lies.
  2. This crisis at the border trope was amped up back when Rove and DIck Cheney were running things, to create a state of fear. There have been people seeping across the border for a very long time and suddenly the GOP was screaming about it. Fox couldn't get enough of it. On the other hand all the attention sent a message out to the world that yes, the US has a porous southern border, it was not a myth, and the numbers increase. And as Fox broadcasts the same abroad as it does in the US the world gets to see the ugliness of the US political system.
  3. Thoughts and prayers etc, aka the usual. What time does the basketball game start?
  4. This thing about M Obama running is Fox nonsense. She hates life in the fishbowl and is happy to be out of it. If she was even merely curious about it her name would be coming up in the news pretty often. The only way I could see her showing consideration is if the DNC puts her on the rack.
  5. DT is not going to prison. By the time all this is over he'll be well over 80 (if he's still alive at all) and it will be considered too cruel to lock him up etc. Georgia ain't going to happen, because it is Georgia. Unless they do something about Cannon when she retires in 20 years the documents case will still be open. Too bad Garland was out to lunch the first year and a half of his AG stint, talk about an over-rated bureaucrat! Now wouldn't it be something if DT picks Scott (which he won't, this is just more headline fodder) and his MAGA crowd turns on him because they can't bring themselves to vote for a you-know-what.
  6. They didn't complain while they were stuffing their faces, did they? In a way it is somewhat comforting to see they do not only do stuff like this to foreigners.
  7. Could you provide the episode number? The Klingon officer looks familiar.
  8. In this dark and cold N American winter Beethoven's 3rd seems to be hitting the spot.
  9. Gravity. That thing about nipple height is probably the most pervy thing I've ever seen on this site.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if Smiling Mr Hur receives some reprimand for putting his political slant in the report. I could see where any DOJ would want keep the political sniping out of their text.
  11. I'm anticipating some real nasty confrontations at the GOP convention in July. Think back to the 2016 convention, the two moments usually recalled are when T Cruz failed to endorse the orange face, and Flynn introducing the "lock her up" chant. I am anticipating violence of the 1/6 type, at least, but possibly larger turnout (I'm referring to those who put their physical presence at The Capitol, not the numbers at the preceding rally) and possible use of firearms. It'll be all in the family, probably every liberal household in Milwaukee will be spending that week at a peaceful Wisconsin lake of their choosing. Will be wild. For the past 2 years Flynn has been touring the US with a "God and country" road show featuring Christian preachers and neo-fascist orators. He has been saying things like "I know how to take down governments, I've done it before" plus he's been trademarking terms like "digital warrior" and something with Q (as in Q Anon). MSM seems to be ignoring him (even Fox), probably to not promote his bile. If DT gets back into the WH I think it possible there will be something of a palace coup, with him living on his golf course and others actually running the country: not far-fetched at all, like W cutting brushwood on his ranch while Dick Cheney and Rove ran the show. Or like Reagan's 2nd term. And GW, who once said of his administrations trade issues "computer chips or potato chips, who cares?" Read my hips.
  12. As a former US president is quoted saying, "you'd have to be crazy to want this job!"
  13. Well, when all is said and done, this whole media event means nothing. Consider this Tucker's Al Capone's Vault event. Media made a big whoop-dee-doo about it back then.
  14. Is this a setup for a Polish joke? Hey, did you hear about the Polish guy who robbed a supermarket? Instead of robbing the money he took groceries.
  15. Or as Hannity said of himself "I never said I was a journalist." It looks like that would be true of the whole Fox prime time lineup.
  16. State Department should give him a few hours on the hot seat when he returns to the country (private jet? if so who foots the bill?). When he goes on the media to denounce them the response is "just keeping our border safe, sir. An important issue with you, is it not?" Remember James O'Keefe? He went down to the RIo Grande to make a mockery of the border patrol and he got busted. wah-wah
  17. Just what, personally and specifically, does this guy hope to accomplish?
  18. He kept out of politics for a long time, I recall Warren Beatty saying he wanted to get Bruce involved back in the '00 decade. He gave a free concert the day before the 2016 election in Philly (well, that's almost New Jersey) to support Hillary. Can't say he didn't try. John Voight is the one that surprises me, he had some quite sympathetic roles back when (Midnight Cowboy, Conrack, a crippled Viet veteran in Coming Home (contains a rug-munching scene with Jane Fonda)). Maybe he's doing it to spite his daughter.
  19. Since 2015 DT has been looking for big star endorsement. Probably the best he got was John Voigt (who? He's Angelina Jolie's father, and he won an Oscar in the 1970s). A slap in the face for him, even GHW Bush got the 1980s action-movie stars (Bruce Willis, Arnoldt, and others) to do campaign appearances, and he was just an office boy. Fret not Donnie, you'll always have Kid Rock. I wouldn't say Taylor is woke, but she is big on women's causes and seems sympathetic to the idea of treating people decently, which is very un-MAGA. I like the way she handled this: https://www.koimoi.com/hollywood-news/when-taylor-swift-took-a-jibe-at-tina-fey-amy-poehler-for-mocking-her-love-life-theres-a-special-place-in-hell-for/
  20. Yeah, just like he's doddering, near death and can't leave his basement, while at the same time he's a conspiracy mastermind concocting elaborate scenarios against the other party. Hypocrisy or schizophrenia? You decide! To paraphrase that obscure 17th century poet "The fault is not in our adversary, but in ourselves." The U.S. attacked with methods the guys with the gun-carrying pickup trucks couldn't do much about. No doubt the chatter in the halls of gov't in Tehran right now is if they are going to use their fighter jets against US air power. If the answer is yes it is to their own detriment. Personally I prefer small sabotages that make a lot of impact, like sugar in the gas tank or sand in the gearbox of a tank, less chance of civilian or friendly fire casualties . Or things like stuxnet . . .
  21. I gave up on this documents case. This case will be open until Cannon retires 20 years from now, even if DT dies in that time. Same with the Georgia case, them good ol' boys will get rid of Willis and put their own in there, and give the orange a win. With the sedition case in the hands of SCOTUS the outcome is obvious. So much for hope. But I hope I'm wrong.
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