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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Just wait until he arrives in court and pleads he's skint. The judge will ask how he got to court that day, and Rudy will say 'by limo,' and judge will ask him where he got the $$$ for a limo? No more cigar clubs, big guy! What I'm waiting to be revealed is just what was it that caused all these charlatans to suddenly appear at the WH right about this time in 2020: Sidney Powell, Pillow guy, Overstock guy, and more. How the hell did someone like Pillow guy get to be an advisor to POTUS on electoral matters? He's another getting his pants sued off, he's literally begging people to buy his junk. (pssst, you can buy the same pillow in a US Walmart for about 75% less.) Rudy was an early adopter, he started kissing that a__ when 2016 election was called. Rudy said to Sidney Powell that she is the worst lawyer he has ever seen (she says), which makes me wonder about the Rudy vampire jokes: maybe he really can't see himself in the mirror?
  2. Anything regarding positive news coming from the US has to be turned into something to defame the president. Let's see . . . Hey, I got it! He was eating an ice cream cone while it happened, that's enough for another impeachment inquiry.
  3. Last time saw a bunch of BiB standing around laughing at a raving drunk farang the one with the most decorations on his shirt eventually drifted over to the nutter, keeping the joviality going, then suddenly did one of those spin kicks, giving farang a face full of foot. Brother Marty here got off easy.
  4. There is only one xmas song worth posting. I'm sure some of our Pattaya residents will appreciate it.
  5. But consider what this means to the GOP hopefuls, removing DT from the ballot will throw the GOP primaries into turmoil, and their convention is going to be a cross between a biker bash and visiting day at the mental hospital. For the non-MAGA GOP this is a godsend. Maybe if SCOTUS upholds this he'll go into exile before the ink dries. I've been saying for a while it will be an open convention and it now looks more inevitable. If other states give him the boot he's done. Expect prospective candidates to emerge from the deepest cesspits of the GOP, like Mike Flynn, pushing his God and country claptrap. My guess is when it's over the GOP candidate will be none of the current contenders. If the Smith case in DC convicts that's the end of the Orange Monster show. The Florida case: if Cannon lives long enough to retire and DT is still alive that case will still be open when she does. The Georgia case has the GOP in that state hard at work creating a killswitch. And has anyone inspected his foreign properties yet for things that shouldn't be there, like classified documents? Looking forward to this post getting "haha" emojis, the GOP laughing like heifers to the slaughter.
  6. Well, this pistol-packin' mama proudly proclaimed she was becoming a granny at age 36. In the event you don't follow US politics, search on Lauren Boebert Beetlejuice for guaranteed amusement. Personally, I'm impressed by such displays of enthusiasm like the one she expressed in that theatre. I think she should leave politics and go into porn. I think there are a lot of guys out there who fantasize about keeping her mouth too occupied for her to say the stupid stuff that she does. She'll bring in her first million bucks within a few months.
  7. He said that a day or two after he announced in 2015. Repeating it now is a sign he's running out of new material to babble on about. Waiting for him to start yacking about mentally defective rednecks, let's see how the base responds to that.
  8. I just don't get this backtracking and ducking business. He makes hateful statements and then when the press picks it up he claims he was misunderstood. Pretty cowardly. And then he whines away, poor me always the persecuted one. "I whine until I win" he said in the 2016 campaign. I still can't figure why the grass-roots folks don't back away from him when he shows his yellow belly in this way. And the media abets him: he says straight out he favors strong man gov't leaders, touting fascist slime like Orban and Kim, promising to be a fascist on day one, and then comes headlines "Does T____ Favor fascism?" This is as dumb as when the weather report says it will rain asking the question "will water fall from the sky?" In comparison to his aspirational role models, neither Hitler nor Mussolini were known for weasel-ly taking-back statements. He's weak and he's a coward, and he's afraid the world is going to realize it (actually I think many world leaders already know). And no number of his superhero NFTs is going to fix that.
  9. Meanwhile, in Wisconsin In a recent interview with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), the lawmaker claimed the group of Wisconsin fake electors did not do anything different than what Democrats have done in many states in past elections. CNN's Kaitlan Collins fact-checks his claim. https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/15/ron-johnson-fake-electors-claim-fact-check-collins-vpx.cnn
  10. If it wasn't framed he would have rolled up his Van Gogh and stashed it under the seat too.
  11. Recall DT's recurring claim that on 9/11 there were people of a certain religion having tailgate parties across the river in New Jersey celebrating the attack. This was one of those orange porkies with NOTHING to back it up. Then Rudy pipes up with something about an incident at a candy store in one of the boroughs that morphed a little bit more every time it was told and eventually was made to fit the lie. So you see it was Rudy who made the overtures for a role in the orange regime. Neighborhood boys in the NYC area are protective of their "turf" and to suggest that this happened without somebody doing something about it, the Jersey boys would take it as an insult. If true, the way things would have played out would have us referring to "the night of the Louisville Slugger." No firearms necessary.
  12. They should make a "Dumb and Dumber" sequel starring Don Jr and Hunter. Consider the possibilities. I think they are making fools of themselves, the only way they succeed is via the excrement machinery of right-wing media. "Yes! They indicted him to protect him! Classic rubric!" https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/08/james-comer-hunter-biden-indictment-reaction-sot-lead-vpx.cnn
  13. Two days later, it is now 800 to 1 US$ Before this collapse trend started in late 2001 the dollar to the peso was app. 1:1
  14. Article I, Section 3, Paragraph 7: Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law. And now our brilliant AN Constitutional scholars can explain why this doesn't apply to the orange guy. Let me try one: "disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor " After January 6th 2021 the US Presidency is no longer an office of honor. DT, Putin and the GOP win on this one. "“Well done, Republicans! They’re standing firm! That’s good for us,” said propagandist Olga Skabeeva on Russian state TV, grinning." https://newrepublic.com/post/177432/russia-celebrates-republicans-blocking-aid-ukraine-missile-barrage Oh, and Hail Mary moves? That would be any legal move the DT cabal tried after 1/6.
  15. Supposedly it was started by the Puritans, make what you will of that. No need to listen to what she's saying, but watch the guy behind if you want to know about the turkey.
  16. Which brings to mind yet another aspect of the seditionist presidency: he has properties in Scotland. I have been waiting for someone in the press or US gov't to suggest it might be worth a look see in search of other classified US documents that may be there. Getting a lot of Russian tourists at his places?
  17. New president means a new hog at the trough, a national tradition. Was last there in 2010, exchange rate was slightly less than 4 pesos to 1 USD. Today it is 366 pesos. Kleptocracy rules!
  18. In US cities three days when it's best to stay at home, IMO: NYE, St Patty's Day, Halloween. OP: there are 2 Koh Changs (maybe others as well), one is near the Cambo border, the other in the Andaman (boat from Ranong). I quite liked the Andaman one, quiet and rustic. The 2004 tsunami gave the place a lot of publicity in Europe, and within a year or so there were loads of all-night reggae bars. If you want to sleep, too bad. Haven't been there since 2006 or so.
  19. How often have any of us witnessed a person declare they are not drunk, and when no one heeds them they go into a drunken tantrum demanding that no one see them as drunk? Or do only farang do that?
  20. You might want to check out trans-polar routes. I did it once on Eva (I think) more than 15 years back. Bkk-Taipei-Anchorage, I was heading for NYC. Can't recall flight times. Did Detroit-Tokyo via the pole also, that was in the United family.
  21. And the rest of the week? If you're serious about this try turning that list into your daily breakfast. Some days swap out the yoghurt for something with fiber, like oat bran. And a lot of water to send the bran on its way. Swap out one banana for a different fresh fruit. Myself, I take turmeric every day, in capsules. Almonds too.
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