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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Desperate. But not cool desperado desperate, this is heavy perspiration desperation. This also giving the judge a full view of just what kind of lawyers these are. It's their boss that tells them to do these requests. She should make the orange guy appear before her in court, the lawyers are just messengers.
  2. And that is just for failing to comply. The things he was subpoenaed for not inclusive. Same thing with Bannon. Looks like fairy godmother is coming through for them, this stuff won't be sorted until the next decade, if it's not all dismissed due to GOP immunity.
  3. I prefer to use my grandfather's all-inclusive term: sc_mbags. This Elon, every few weeks he does yet another thing to make himself look like a James Bond villain. There is at least one movie where the bad guy does something along the lines of this Ukraine incident. Maybe like orange guy, he's turned his own life into reality TV, and gets his name in the news every day. We can look forward to the various series finales.
  4. Hey, I'm an old man and need to be clued in: so a HATER is someone who disagrees with you, right?
  5. Well, they sent military transports full of bottled water to LOS in tsunami relief. And you should have seen the mark-up the middlemen made on it! For more info on this sort of thing lookup "Brown & Root" (they night now be called KBR). BTW, W's VP ran the company for a while, so you know where on the political spectrum this is.
  6. This Navarro guy is trying to "karen" his way out of this, demanding to speak to yet another manager. All on the principle of the thing, of course. What these dummies lose track of is that asking for a pardon is an admission of guilt: if you didn't do anything wrong there would be nothing to pardon, right?
  7. Had a gf in the US who's favorite insult for men was "pindick."
  8. The most delicious Indian curry style dish I've experienced (and I lived in India for a few years) was a butter chicken served at a food court in Capetown, South Africa. It is (was?) a bunch cafeteria-style counters, each with a different international style of cuisine and a pain in the neck prepaid voucher system. I ate there whenever I could. Also had some very nice social interactions with people I met there. About ten years ago I was watching a spy movie filmed in S. Africa which was supposed to be Pakistan. Much to my surprise the place was shown for a moment, people chasing each other through it. It is in the central area near the railroad terminal.
  9. I've been trying to figure what is motivating him. He is worth around US$2 billion (per Forbes), but ya never can get enough, eh? The only other particular goal that he couldn't otherwise achieve on his own would be what is quoted. Vanity.
  10. I recall arriving in New Delhi in the middle of the night, the airport more or less shut down because the the flight was delayed so long they forgot about it. One fortunate tuktuk wallah showed up and he got the fare for at least eight of us, plus our bags. I recall standing outside on the running board while speeding through empty pre-dawn streets. Now THAT is traveling! My point is the ability to pack people into tuktuks over there is a magical thing, like the rope trick or snake charming.
  11. Oops! I meant to include the original version with the one I posted.
  12. Well looky here! The GOP making a big case of locking someone up for owning a gun. Meanwhile whackdoodles in Congress maintain private arsenals. Also, this is a real witch hunt, one of DT's favorite terms. (and no, I'm not referring to the person in the pic)
  13. India has no shortage of Muslims and Sikhs who have no issues with beef and other red meats. Pakistan too, but not many Sikhs there.
  14. I'm waiting for her to be taken to task for that phone call telling the Pentagon they need to invade Germany, or whatever that was.
  15. The GOP has been pushing this "what good is an education?" stance for a while now, Santorum (remember him?) used it as a stick to beat Obama with in 2014. I think this was their goal: keep people stupid. My guess is Rove or Gingrich came up with this. The mental health of the cult leader is certainly in question. The mental health of the followers needs to be considered apart from any concern for the leader.
  16. Christie is another one, I could be coming home drenched and if he said that it was raining I wouldn't believe him. I don't see how people in places like Texas or the Dakotas would choose him for president. But he could easily take Ohio and Nevada
  17. And the Chinese will enjoy being able to study/disassemble-reassemble the engine. LOS should get them to pay for it.
  18. What madness you talkin' 'bout, boss? You ain't makin' stoopid stuff up agin, are ya?
  19. That fake crying he did on the stand was overly obvious, my nephew was better at that when he was 8. That the judge didn't call him on that, well . . . Crossing state lines with an automatic weapon and inserting himself into a conflict, ended up killing three people. By the judge letting the little sheet slide on this is openly saying that self-appointed militias are ok. The precedence is set. And then there is the parent who bought the kid an assault weapon. This isn't over, it's going to follow him through his life; unless he does another shooting. He's been to MAL a few times, hanging with the great orange one himself. Also, notice that the subject of school shootings/mass shootings in general does not come up in the MAGA diatribes.
  20. I'd like to see the gun. When I was a kid the juvenile delinquents made their own guns.
  21. Just heard this for the first time on US college radio station. So goofy it's irresistible, at least for this old fossil who recalls when The Who's album was current.
  22. No, I haven't bought one. In the US a cheap no-name blade grinder starts at around US$18. This $4 one must be a doozy. Better quality blade grinders (like Krups) cost around $30+. I don't think I ever burned one out, the problems are usually the plastic cracks, a switch goes sideways, etc and becomes inoperable. For 120b it's an experiment. Yep, app. $18.
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