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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Talk about stupid! Prepare for what the guy who organized the Charlottesville tiki-torch rally said when they caught up with him: hey, i didn't mean any of that!
  2. Yeah, same thing they gave Manafort. He spent most of his days on the phone, but it was the usual "ooo, he's not supposed to do that!" and didn't get much further. Maybe now that there is an adult on the case it will make a difference. Anything regarding "honor system," respect for law, decency etc has been flushed down the golden toilet, how can you not see that? But you bring up a question I've been asking for years now: will his security detail become his captors?
  3. My over-30 self went back to university to study engineering in the 1980s. The school I went to is known for its social conscience. Over the six years I went there (some semesters were only part-time as I had to support myself) I had to sit through this three times (would have been 4 but I ducked one) The Day After Trinity I dubbed it The Passion of JRO. Message received. I have no intention of seeing this new movie. Don't care for the lead actor either.
  4. Will there be a doggie rehab unit for when they sniff so much drugs they become addicted?
  5. And if he dies before the trial that means he goes down as a winner. The man has a very good mind, as he'd tell you himself.
  6. Hey, not so fast! I'm waiting for her to be taken to task for this one https://www.businessinsider.com/sidney-powell-tried-getting-dod-rescue-mission-qanon-conspiracy-theory-2021-11?op=1 Surely their must be some US law covering making crank calls to The Pentagon. Going into the ninth year of the MAGA 24/7 reality show I doubt many of the stalwarts have what it takes to admit that they have let themselves be fooled by this charlatan for so long. But on the other hand I think a whole lot of them don't really see much difference between supporting DT and voting for their fave contestant on American Idol. Forget about him drawing in new voters, his only issue is stolen 2020 election. As for GOP politicians I think Comer is near the end of his wits defending the nonsense and is close to cracking; keep an eye out for anti-orange contagion in Congress.
  7. The pundits on US TV are theorizing he's finally got the message: SHUDDUP!! I say not so fast. It's like when somebody is trying to quit drinking, and saying "hey, he's doing great! It's been 3 hours so far." If there was anything real to that document they would have put it out, not play this sleazy "but wait there's more!" salesman bs. He'll reveal it at a rally or something, maybe run it at the same time as the debate. Be a shame to waste a perfectly good pile of fertilizer.
  8. After hearing that find me votes telephone call it is ludicrous that anyone would could think otherwise. I suspect we may get reports of similar entreaties from the other six 'battleground' states.
  9. Hey farang, you sound like a haole apologist. But you're at least a notch up from pale-skinned blonde people explaining to me that themselves are not haoles because, well, I don't recall what they said because they weren't making sense. Whatever gets you through life. My response was to acknowledge that I understand where the quote in the OP is coming from.
  10. They are going to appeal anyway. If the bail is revoked and they keep him in the cage until the verdict is in he will be in a right hurry to move it along. House arrest means access to comms, so he'd be able to keep intimidating, like they caught Manafort doing. They should take away his Secret Service detail, let his patriot army take care of him: https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-news-2663598788/ Do the crime, do the time.
  11. I guess it's all a matter of perspective: the man sees himself as a hero and liberator, she sees a fool and his money.
  12. 'You're kind of raised to hate tourists' I checked out Hawaii decades ago. I wasn't there to be a conqueror, buy real estate, ravish their women etc. I was a backpack traveler on an airline stopover. People called me the Hawaiian word for outsiders that is as respectful as that word for dark people that begins with N. Yeah, nice folks.
  13. But on the other hand, can you really trust a guy with a handlebar moostache?
  14. I don't know if she's a witch, but she is one smokin' Gunn. Anna Gunn from Breaking Bad. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...................................... And next week will be infrastructure week. This guy is so bold he would hold up a blank sheet of paper and say "it's all here" and when you tell him it's blank he'll tell you to get your glasses checked. Pillow Guy was doing this every few weeks for a while, e.g. "Tuesday at noon all will be revealed and DT will be immediately restored as president blah blah . . ."
  15. When they are handing out cash it affects reasoning, especially for people who don't have much.
  16. Here ya go https://www.iwacu-burundi.org/englishnews/donald-trump-burundi-savior/
  17. Should have tossed the refrigerator off the balcony and left it at that.
  18. I suspect money laundering was involved. I think that the former president with myriad indictments did a lot of that before he officially entered politics in June 2015. That never-finished high-rise building in Baku that looks like lady parts is believed to be part of the enterprise. There are Russians in the mix there as well. But as for Comer, IMO his real motivation for this statement is he doesn't want the MAGA frothing-at-the-mouth crowd coming after him and his.
  19. Recall back in 2021 when the DT cabal was assessing how they would handle legal charges, it was leaked (by Don Jr, I think) that Meadows was being set up as the fall guy. (Ironically, on the fictional series Succession, at that time, the same problem was being dealt with.) Let's see if he returns the favor. Miz Willis announced at the press conference that all those named have until Friday the 25th to turn themselves in, after that the warrants go out.
  20. Two women known to be feminist stalwarts having a laugh, probably sharing a "how many men does it take to screw in a light bulb?" joke. I watched that while it was broadcast live. No, they did not laugh at the mention that DT got indicted again. Hillary was scheduled to be on before news of the Atlanta grand jury came out -- they were promoting the interview over the previous weekend, Clinton's first interview since the initial indictments came in. It was a 20 minute interview and you can tell the two were purposefully trying to look grave about the breaking news, Hillary saying how it is a sad day for the country, etc. It usually works out that the MSNBC reporters/pundits keep a poker face while the F-channel is full of smirks and creepy clown smiles: who can forget Tucker's phony laugh? Oh Hillary, if only you had followed up on that "Putin's puppet" remark at the debate back in 2016!
  21. Sure Donnie, tell us about how generous and gracious you were to Puerto Rico after their hurricane disaster.
  22. I got a laugh out of this: One letter off from the word he desperately wants to use
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