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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Perhaps this will be his retribution for Melania, something to with how she made her way to the US and those who, umm, handled her situation. The guy has been married three times, two of those were to immigrants. Why so much time around immigrants, Mr USA Flag Kisser?
  2. Does the shuttling of immigrant workers across state lines by deceptive means qualify as human trafficking? Is DeSantis or Abbott to be locked up?
  3. It was a murder caught on video, all details plain as day, down to the cop checking his watch while strangling him. In 2020. Why does it have to take this long to get this resolved?
  4. I saw this a few nights ago. It wouldn't be too off to think Stephen King wrote this; I don't go in for this type of stuff, but found this entertaining. For us 70-ish fossils a lot of nostalgia for mid-1960s Brit-pop, like Petulia and Dusty, but of the dozen or so songs in the movie at least half of them are by performers who didn't make the Atlantic crossing back then, like Cilla Black (the title is from a song I never heard). Can't recall last time I heard the name Rita Tushingham. I believe it was Diana Rigg's last role before she died.
  5. DT jumps in front of these things for the purpose of raising money. Expect reports of tons of MAGA donations with each announcement Smith makes. Jimmy J has only one move: when questioning someone he goes into a mile-a-minute babble screed that is impossible to follow and then ends with "so what's your answer, yes or no?" Strangely he never gets anywhere with that. But our Jimmy here is a true bully, which means he is also a coward. If the Dems were really half as weaponized as he claims, they would have gotten rid of this fake tough guy with the student sex scandal from before he entered politics. And he knows it.
  6. Mine was a Catholic nun, I seduced her out of the convent. I turned her into a whore, she works Beach Road. Let me know if you're interested, but it will have to wait till we see how this week's test for syphilis turns out. [NOTE: this is a joke]
  7. Do you know if this will be a multi-candidate party, like they will run both, let's say, Manchin and RFK? So what would be the attraction for Dems to vote for him "hey! with us you can be antisemitic-racist-antivax and NOT be Republican!" ?
  8. So much for that 20% among the Democrats. I suspect he'll go 3rd party.
  9. Everyone is saying Ingraham is a hack television personality, probably would have preferred being a soap opera actress. Olbermann used to date her. jeez!
  10. DT has a sense of awe regarding Woodward, it came out back when he was interviewed by him. He seems to have a fetish for influential men. How come all these anti-LGBT people don't go after T____ for exchanging "love letters" (his own words) with the guy who runs North Korea? Did the White House doctor do a rape kit on the then-president when he returned from his Helsinki meeting with Putin? He also has this deference to Turkey's Erdogan, what's up with that?
  11. These right wingers go on about law&order, love of country, a strong defense force (FORCE!), the noble Founding Fathers etc. And without a second thought they pull stunts like this that undermine US military operations and security. If a Dem were to do stuff like this, taking sides with a foreign adversary over US defense issues, you can be damned sure guys like himself will be grandstanding and calling for inquests and shouting "Bengazi!" Special shout-out to Tucker, who supports Russia and it's allies because he is anti-Biden, and the GOP PACs holding their meetings in Hungary; what happened to "love it or leave it?"
  12. They used to be called The Sedition Caucus, I find that more fitting. Check today's news sites for pro-Russia comments about them NOT wanting to invade Europe, from a prominent hairball.
  13. Leaving out aspects you prefer not to convey can scream "bias" loud and clear, IMO.
  14. Maybe this can help you start. https://www.allsides.com/media-bias/media-bias-chart I'm not recommending it, as I disagree with some of the assignations. E.g. I see CNN as centrist.
  15. " . . . and then I'm not going to like her so much." (based on his 1/6/2021 comment on Mike Pence)
  16. Steve Bannon has been saying for years that elections no longer matter. Consider who he is in the MAGA world, and consider what exactly he means. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/07/the-strange-origins-of-steve-bannons-nationalist-fantasia
  17. As Groucho Marx used to say on his TV quiz show "you said the magic word!" Donald Trump Is Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven't The Media Covered It?
  18. Whenever friends would tell me about plans for gambling holidays I used to say there is only one way to be sure to make money from gambling: own the casino. Then this guy came along and lost his shirt, among other things, so that can't be said any more. You cannot be in the gambling business in New Jersey (where gambling was legalized in the late 1970s) without the mob. You cannot construct a building in New York City without them -- hell, you can't even hire a commercial trash remover without them. I have been waiting for his (and Kushner's) links to them to come to light, I guess the reporters are too smart to take it there. I would guess these tough guys like Christie know better than to take it too far. We'll have to wait for Giuliani to die to learn about how he handled them while mayor of NYC. I hate when people can't own up to their own mistakes, weak little wimps.
  19. There is the possibility DT may scratch, for whatever reason, before the GOP convention, and they have an open convention, meaning they go into it with no idea of what will come out. And this is why all these hopefuls are coming up. Just my idea. Another heinous something to consider is Mike Flynn, he's been traveling the country with this (ahem) grass-roots guns, god & gov't campaign, with "digital warriors" (he trademarked the term), The person in Congress who speaks loudest on this initiative is Boebert. I think Flynn will turn up his monkey business when it's time for the general election.
  20. Maybe this will help: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37221494/how-to-change-the-locale-in-chrome-browser via duckduckgo
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