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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. half of Russians now favor negotiations with Ukraine, while only a quarter want to continue the invasion And the the remaining quarter has left the country.
  2. What about that bearing false witness business? Makes things pretty inconvenient for the politicians, no? Forbidding adultery and coveting? Who wants to be hearing about that all the time? Definitely not the senators! IMO the people who make big fuss about this stuff, and express their piousness with bravado, are the ones to be suspicious of.
  3. In the movie Bombshell there is a brief scene where one of the news writers at Fox explains to a new hire who their target audience is.
  4. But if they did that would make them "woke." ARGHHHHHHH!!!! A few days ago DeSantis gave a campaign speech where he used that word so many times that news anchors in the US are laughing, I think the best score so far is 12 times within 20 seconds. Ron DeSantis Mocked After ‘Buzzword Diarrhea Of The Mouth’ Rant Against ‘Woke’ As for the Ten Commandments I would expect Texas to be more inclined toward The Golden Calf. Barbecued, of course.
  5. Thanks to 21st century movies I am learning that there were a lot more Black folks in 19th century Britain than I would have guessed, and a lot more upper-class intermarrying with them too. According to the latest dramatization of Dicken's "Great Expectations" the main character's puppy-love girlfriend is Black -- who'da thunk? Waiting for a show with a Black Winston Churchill. I would think a very scandalous move would be a depiction of Prince Harry where the actor actually bore a resemblance to King Charles. DISCLAIMER: all the above is intended as sarcasm.
  6. Here's an interview with the guy who sussed it out. I get the impression the evidence was put together haphazardly, to put it gently.
  7. Best thing that he can hope for at this point is they put him in the immigration jail. If they put him in with Thais they'll kill him.
  8. Guys from East African countries have told me Cleopatra was black, and is a historical and romantic woman. One fellow told me he thinks she would have looked like the model Iman. Not much chance of multi-ethnic mixing when her family only married their siblings.
  9. There are documentaries, articles etc about the way poor people are sold work permits for other countries, only to find they have become chattel. Taking away the passport is the real kybosh.
  10. This thing started after Obama got elected, "he's coming for your guns!" So they spent upwards of a week's pay for each gun in their personal arsenal and the only thing they do with them is shoot targets. I think gun owners are getting antsy to put them to some kind of use.
  11. My 300 lb stepfather used to tell me stuff like that when he was beating me up when I was 7. He would say things about my natural father also while he was doing so, does it mean he loved him too?
  12. Yes. We all do. I asked myself the question "where do I see myself 20 years from now?" and I figured I would need a new bong by then.
  13. It’s a Nightmare for Him He doesn't sleep. He stays up to monitor what the media says about him. Narcissism is a full-time job.
  14. Arrogant would be an understatement! Congrats on today's success, buddy! Glad to hear it went well.
  15. I would prefer if this incident and its likes are not reported on, as it might give ideas to the US's new Nazis to go over there and do similar things. On the other hand those shmucks will probably get arrested en route for being armed, and they'll be locked up for at least a little while.
  16. A few days a US wing-nut politician warned of marijuana zombies in New York City. I had a comment to make on this but I forgot what it was.
  17. The FBI has previously backed down from him and his father. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy_standoff But there is more to this. The Koch brothers are their sponsors. All this claptrap about God and the US Constitution is their own, the goading from the Kochs is only about corporate greed.
  18. Bear in mind he is THIS guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_the_Malheur_National_Wildlife_Refuge
  19. So all is well then. And the GOP likes to say the Dems are soft on crime.
  20. When the three SCOTUS justices assigned by DT were in their appointment hearings it became clear they were lying when asked about certain issues, and they all had the same response "I won't respond to hypotheticals." What we saw is what we got. I put the onus on the Democrat senators who let them slide in, three of which tried to run for president in 2020 but didn't get past the primaries (praise Allah for protecting us!), and I think those same three jokers will attempt to run again. The Dems don't have the guts to fight as dirty as the GOP, which The Lincoln Project keeps telling them, and they are correct. Meanwhile vile creatures are crawling out the sewers and swamps and getting elected by the GOP, celebrating the impunity of being in that party.
  21. The smarts and imagination that it takes to create new technologies is a long walk from running a profitable company, particularly one that intends to sell the world new concepts. This guy is out of his league and has had great luck so far, same with Zuckerberg. The guys who started google figured this out and brought somebody in: they did ok while they were getting big, but they knew huge (like being on the stock exchange) was beyond them, and fortunately for them they chose the right guy. Everyone likes to point to Apple, but it was Woz who was the tech genius while Jobs handled the business at the beginning; when they got to huge Jobs did not choose the right guy and it got him fired from his own company (for a few years). Or is he hoping AI will help him to run all those companies? Don't know how many in here recall, or paid attention to the "dot-com bubble." Part of the folly was astronomical evaluations for companies that didn't have a product, and for the products they were expected to create the technology did not yet exist. It looks like that cockamamie mindset is coming back in.
  22. I guess you can say his intelligence regarding this subject is artificial. But fret not, his arrogance will pull him through. Or not. To boil it down, AI is really just a long, complicated if-then-else statement.
  23. Miss Nubile 19 is someone who might be paid to take her blouse off, and for granny it's more likely guys would pay her to keep her clothes on. But don't lose hope, granny might consent to a private show -- "you pay now!"
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